Spiritual developmentMystic

What is corruption? How to recognize and remove

What is corruption? This superstition, based on the belief of certain people in the harmful (death, illness, ugliness, mental disorder, the dissolution of contracts, the discord of good relations and affairs), the Vedic influence of sworn enemies with the help of an evil eye (evil eye) or through a magical ritual (hex, rite) through Things, food, wind, water, wood. Myths and superstitions about the existence of spoilage, as well as the probability of its destruction are known to many peoples.


Phenomena attributable to corruption can be explained by the natural course of events and are not considered questionable. Very often, damage is explained by incidents that seem to have no reasonable explanation and apparent causes.

Creation of spoilage

In modern society, the most common are:

  • The myth of corruption, performed with the help of nauza (poklada) - deliberately produced to create the curse of a magic thing (many say that nauz is a bundle of hair twisted with a thread and connected to the bones of birds or animals, or a ring made of bird feathers and sewn into a feather bed Or pillow);
  • Myth about the possibility of using to create spoilage of blood, nails, hair, personal things (clothes and other), images, traces of a target person;
  • Fiction about the spoil caused by water used to wash the deceased;
  • Spoiling with the help of a doll (religion voodoo), depicting a target.

Elimination of spoilage

They say that corruption will disappear if a person unravels the mystery of the ritual, believes in God, reads prayers, turns to the priest. Those who believe in curses often ask for help from healers, psychics. They argue that sorcerers and witches can also help get rid of magical influence.

To protect the cows from spoilage on the night of Ivan Kupala, a quarton candle (burning on Passion) was placed in a barn or put a braid. There were many other amulets. So, some people screwed the rim nest to the cow horns.

Christianity and Corruption

In Orthodoxy, the belief in corruption and the evil eye is considered a sin of superstition, and the appeal to magicians, psychics and grandmothers is a sin of turning to the devil, witchcraft.

Even the famous Russian theologian AI Osipov said that the penitent in his violations, sincerely believing and willing to live according to God's commandments, a Christian can not believe in the existence of spoiling. He argued that the magical power overtook only one who is superstitious, a pagan.

The Protodeacon, the Orthodox theologian A. V. Kuraev, says that the warlord is useless godlessness, and the notions of "corruption", "evil eye", "privoroty", "conspiracies" are harmful prejudices.


And yet, what is corruption? Consider this phenomenon from the point of view of higher forces. Damage is called a negative targeted impact, aimed at damaging business, personal life, health. This is a disastrous energy program that "sticks" to the energy-informational field of a person. It functions as a drone, blocking the possibility of energy recovery and replacing light energy with its negative.

Types of spoilage and signs

There are many types of damage, which are designed only to destroy. But we list the main:

  • Damage to health;
  • On business;
  • On the relationship;
  • On alcoholism;
  • To loneliness;
  • To fear;
  • On the house (home mortgage);
  • Infertility;
  • On money (for poverty);
  • For fornication (created at the wedding, so that young people change each other).

In the world there is a huge number of ways to form curses. Of course, you can hurt anyone and everything. In the long run, it is much more difficult to create than to destroy.

Try to evaluate your life. If it contains a lot of fear, irritation, despair, anger, fatigue, if you are constantly oppressed by anguish, everything falls from your hands, the desire to live disappears, then a moment of reflection has come. It is known that spoilage is both congenital and acquired. That's why you need to get rid of it so that it will not be passed on to others. Independently this problem is very difficult to solve, therefore it is better to seek help from professionals.

Effect of spoilage

So, we found out what corruption is. Now consider its action. Corruption, imposed on a person, has an effect gradually. First a clot of negative foreign energy, releasing roots in the energy-information field of the individual, blocks the supply of vital forces. Subtle structures are gradually being eliminated (long-term depression, frequent illnesses occur, a person loses the ability to make quick decisions, can not concentrate, and so on). As a result, the victim's life is filled with negative events, money flows are blocked.

Answering the question "What is corruption?", As a rule, they speak about the conscious expression of evil desire. Once in our lives this negative program appears, the collapse of a harmonious energy exchange occurs . It attracts into itself a negative energy like itself, and the person starts to give to the external world only the negative. That is why its living space is destroyed.

The biggest danger is that such an "incubation" period can last for months and even years.

Egg and magic

The egg is a symbol of the cycle of life, its origin, infinity, and therefore sorcerers and witches often use it to create curses for the death of a person, for a strong ailment. Such destructive actions are postponed in time. In the process of guiding the damage of this species to the egg with the help of magic, the physical body of the object is attached: as an enchanted product will deteriorate, so man will rot, get sick, gradually dying painfully.

Spoilage on the egg

Corruption on the egg is attached to the target through her hair. They are both a storage medium and a personal energy conductor. The program is written on them ...

How to spoil the egg? First you need to get a few hairs of your enemy. It is necessary to make sure that they belong to him, otherwise witchcraft will strike the wrong person. Next, take a white egg and pierce its shell. Twist the hair of the enemy, place it inside the egg and seal it with sulfur.

Then you need to grind forty rye grains. Melite them against the solar path, on the dark side. Dilute the ground grains with plain flour and holy water, knead the dough and sift forty small koloboks.

Next, it is necessary to chop the chips with a single blow from the ax from the aspen deck. On it you need to string all the baked koloboks. After that, at sunset, go to the forest anthill and bury the egg in it. Skewers of aspen chips are placed on the branches of a tree, which stands side by side: the koloboks should be located above the anthill. Now I need to say forty times: "I call upon you, O spirit (the name of the one who did not die by his death), by the power of the Lord Almighty, and I command you by the names of Pavmakhia, Baldahisensis, Baralamensis, Apolarodesses and the mightiest princes of Leahid and Genio, ministers of the Thrart Tartar and the Supreme The princes of the Throne of the Apology of the ninth sphere! ".

Getting Rid of Egg Damage

Practical magic suggests the following method of getting rid of egg damage. When the moon goes on the wane, in the morning you need to buy a brown fresh egg. On the same day, it must be hidden in a brown bag and tied with a black tape. Get the ligature under that part of your bed on which you sleep.

Next, you need nine days in a row in the evening to unscrew the bag. You have to get an egg out of it and roll it all over your body. After each session, it is necessary to blow three times into the bag, blowing out your diseases and sorrows from it, putting the egg back, tie it and return it under the bed. On the tenth day, the knotted knot should be thrown out somewhere away from home.


Many people ask: "What is black corruption?". This kind of curse is possible to create any person, throwing or sticking a pin into any thing in the house. From such damage it is very simple to get rid of: the hairpin should only be broken and thrown into the fire.

But the thing is that it's hard to find such a thing. It can be found only by the mistress, who has an ideal order in the house, and each item lies in its place. It is then that the pin located on the floor can attract attention.

The Gypsy Jinx

The evil eye, corruption, witchcraft - evil occurs on the earth with the help of different methods. For example, a curse can appear as a result of a gypsy evil eye. Generally, gypsies often harm people, especially those who treat them badly, and treat those whom they consider honest, kind and fair. This is a witching people whose ability to charm is in the blood. It is known that even a young gypsy girl is capable of inflicting a deadly spoilage.

People who had a business with Roma say that they are dangerous and cowardly, as they are being driven from everywhere. Many argue that the adherent gypsy in the bazaar or on the street need to give ten rubles, and it is better not to pay attention to it at all. If she still lured all your money or a watch, a ring, you can not damn her, otherwise it will be worse.

As a rule, the gypsy evil eye is inherited. Especially it is dangerous for kids: it's not in vain because children frighten gypsies. What should I do if you are maligned by a representative of Roma nationality? You can pay off in this case. Give any mendicant gipsy the amount of money for which she will thank you from the heart (gypsies are equally generous with gratitude, as well as curses). After a while, the evil eye will disappear.

Corruption in the photo

Strong damage can be induced in different ways, but the curse in the photo is one of the most serious types of witchcraft. Many consider spoilage a form of a negative, which can appear spontaneously in a place where a person died a violent death. In reality, this is not entirely true. After all, death without human intervention can not turn into a source of negative energy. It's another matter, if a dying person, making a last sigh, curses an object. Then corruption, no doubt, will appear, and will own a colossal destructive force. Very often a negative for a person is induced intentionally in connection with the emergence of bad feelings, for example, because of envy or revenge.

Corruption in the photo in the people is considered very strong magic, which is difficult to get rid of. Witchcraft, guided through the image of the image, plunges into the body and the energy plan of a person, so for complete purification people have to visit a professional sorcerer several times.

The effect of spoilage on the intermediary

And now consider the consequences of spoilage, from which the magician is defended. Every sorcerer knows that by creating a curse, he can receive a counter strike, the strength of which depends on the technique. If the magician uses his own power to guide spoiling, he will inevitably encounter a reaction and can not be saved. After all, after a magical rite on a subtle plane between the sorcerer and his negative clot of energy penetrating the victim's body, a stable energy bond is created.

When the object dies, then the damage also perishes, moving the energy of the magician into the afterlife. If the sorcerer uses the energy of the customer or takes it from other sources (plants, animals), he is practically not responsible. In essence, in this case he plays the role of an intermediary (mediator). By creating spoilage with the help of the customer's energy, the sorcerer focuses and relocates his negative to the unprotected places of the victim.

Consequences of spoilage for the customer

Practical magic is a very interesting activity, is not it? Now find out how the consequences of spoilage can affect the customer. If, while creating a curse, the magician uses the negative energy of the client, then the latter will inevitably encounter a reaction. The energy of the rebound can be much more powerful than the "spilled" energy of anger. Between the customer and the victim, the same relationship is formed as between the victim and the sorcerer in the event that the magician uses his personal power to create spoiling.

If the magician uses extraneous sources of energy, then in the process of the ritual, the customer must forgive his victim. Then he will not get any negative consequences. For the target, the curse will look like a heavenly punishment.

If the victim does not realize that the cause of her problems is damage, and does not seek help from a specialist, in this case, the energy of the rebound that the customer can receive will be much weaker than the energy of the curse itself. Therefore, if the target gives God a soul, the client will have time to seek help from a professional. The clever man will clean and increase his energy, and the kickback will not be noticeable. The customer will simply repulse it.


And now we will find out how it is possible to remove the spoilage of prayer. Very often the curse is eliminated by reading conspiracies, but the universal method that influences the black magic is the prayer of the martyr Cyprian. It is recommended to read it every day if suspicion of parasitizing substance is suspected. An adult can read it independently, and a person close to him reads a prayer for his child over his head. You can also read over water, and then give it to the spoiled. Such a session can be held at any time of the day. It is important to adhere to a certain rite: the prayer is read three times, and after each recitation it is necessary to bow to the floor.

Eliminate the negative impact can also be through the prayer "Our Father", which is required to read in the church only on Sundays. In the process of performing the ritual, you need to keep a lighted wax candle in your right hand. After each prayer it is necessary to be baptized three times with your left hand. Prayer is read nine times. At the end of the ritual you need to say the phrase "Happiness, health, well-being, purity, luck, love." Amen!". Of course, one reading of the prayers is not enough, it is important to believe in their power and in their strength. Only then the angels will respond and hurry to the rescue.

Determination of the presence of damage

In order to find out if you have spoilage, you need to light a new church candle and at a distance of 3-5 cm from the body slowly lead it from the bottom up. If the candle burns gently, then there is no negative. If it crackles and smokes, splashes the wax, then it's spoiling you.

We hope that after reading our article, you got a full picture of the negative energy.

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