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What is alchemy - science or magic? Famous Alchemists

Mankind has always been interested in something mystical, mysterious, unexplored. Such a science as alchemy arose a long time ago, but interest to it has not disappeared to this day. And at the present time, many people are wondering what alchemy is. Let's figure it out.

The concept and essence of alchemy

The first association that comes to the mind of an ordinary person when he hears the word "alchemy" is magic. But in fact it is an occult science that shows how to achieve the essence of all existing things. Many consider it a pseudoscience, which is focused on getting from the usual metals so-called alchemical gold and in this way enriched. Many practicing alchemists and the truth set a goal of enrichment, but the original meaning of alchemy was to understand the essence of man and the world. Real alchemists, thanks to philosophical reflections, praise the unity of the world, claim that they participate in the cosmic process of creation.

Another association of people with the word "alchemy" is a potion. And there is some sense in this indeed. In alchemy, mixing of various ingredients is practiced. The most important essence of this science is that everything that exists is moving and striving for development.

The history of the word "alchemy"

Answering the question, what is alchemy, it is necessary to know the history of the origin of this science. It is believed that for the first time this science arose in the Ancient World: in Greece, Egypt and Rome, and then it spread to the East. It is impossible to say exactly what this word means, because it has many roots. The first version suggests that alchemy comes from the word Chymeia, which means "to insist", "to pour". This word indicates the medical practice of many ancient doctors. According to another version, the name came from the word Khem, which symbolizes the black land, the country (Egypt). Ancient Greek origins indicate the origin of the words "hyma" and "hemevsis" - casting, mixing, flow.

The basis and objectives of alchemy

Alchemy performs three main functions:

  1. Find a way to get gold from simple metals to enrich and gain power.
  2. To achieve immortality.
  3. To find happiness.

The basis of alchemy is the use of four basic elements. According to this theory, developed by Plato and Aristotle, the universe was created by the Demiurge, who from the initial matter created 4 elements of the elements: water, earth, fire, air. Alchemists added to these elements three more: mercury, sulfur, salt. Mercury is feminine, sulfur is male, salt is movement. By mixing all these elements in a different order, transmutation is achieved. As a result of transmutation, a philosophical stone must be obtained, which is also called the elixir of immortality. Most often, the reception of this elixir is the main goal of many alchemists. But before you get the coveted elixir, the real alchemist must understand his true spiritual nature. Otherwise, it will not be possible to get the cherished philosophical stone.

Alchemical evolution and stages of transformation of metals into gold

The famous alchemists, on the basis of their many years of reasoning and study, came to the conclusion that from the very beginning all metals were noble, but over time, some of them blackened, become dirty, which led to their ignobility.

There are several basic stages in the transformation of simple metals into noble metals:

  1. Calcinatio - this stage involves the rejection of everything worldly, from all personal interests;
  2. Putrefactio - this stage involves the detachment of decaying ashes;
  3. Solutio - symbolizes the purification of matter;
  4. Distillatio - consideration of all elements of the purification of matter;
  5. Coincidentia oppositorum - a combination of opposing phenomena;
  6. Sublimation - means torture after giving up the worldly for the sake of spiritual striving;
  7. Philosophical solidification is a combination of principles of airiness and concentration.

The evolution of alchemy is to pass everything through yourself, even if it causes great harm, and then it is necessary to recover with the energy that was obtained in the previous stage.

Great alchemists

All the alchemists tried to answer the question, what is alchemy. This science has played a significant role in the history of mankind. Many philosophers assumed that alchemy has much in common with psychology. This science helps a person to reveal themselves as individuals and achieve their individual spiritual goals. Many people have been involved in alchemy since the very beginning of its birth. But the key role in this played the alchemists of the Middle Ages.

One of the most famous alchemists is rightly considered Nicola Flamel (years of life 1330-1418). Nikola was born into a very poor family, when he was young he moved to Paris to become a clerk. He married a middle-aged lady, received a small amount of capital and opened several workshops. Flamel decided to start selling books. His alchemical career began with a dream, in which the angel showed Flamel a book containing all the secrets. He found this book and began to study it diligently. It is not known how he could comprehend all the truths, but in just three years the alchemist succeeded in obtaining a philosopher's stone and converting the usual mercury into silver, and after a while gold. Since 1382, Nikola Flamel began to grow rich, he bought land, houses. He was engaged in charity and just gave money. Rumors of his fabulous wealth reached the king, but with the help of bribes Flamel was able to hide his wealth from the king. In 1418 the alchemist died. But they say that, in addition to gold and silver, Nicolas understood the mysteries of immortal life. He staged his death, and he and his wife went on a trip.

Alchemist Paracelsus: brief information

Another no less famous alchemist was Paracelsus (years of life 1493-1541). This man was a famous physician, and many deny his role in alchemy. Pratsels tried to find a philosopher's stone, but did not believe that he could turn metal into gold. The Alchemist needed him to understand the mystery of immortality and create medicines. Pratsels believed that any person can do what nature can not do, only time and effort is needed. Medicine owes much to Pratstsels. It was this doctor who rejected the theory that epileptics are obsessed with evil spirits. The scientist said that he managed to create a philosopher's stone, and he is immortal, but died, falling from a height when he was 48 years old.

Denis Zasher: brief information

Denis Zasher (years of life 1510-1556). He was born in a well-to-do family. In his youth he went to the University of Bordeaux to study philosophy. His mentor was an alchemist, who introduced the young guy to this science. Together with the mentor, they studied and tested all new and new recipes for alchemy. But time after time they failed. Zasher's money quickly ran out, so he went home and laid his property. But the experiments did not bring results, and the money just flowed through your fingers. Denis decided to go to Paris, where he spent several years alone, studying the philosophy and recipes of alchemy. In 1550 he still managed to make from mercury a precious metal - gold. Denis distributed all the debts and went to Germany, where he wanted to live a long and carefree life. But the relative killed him while he slept, and left with his wife.

Seefeld: brief information

For a very long time, little information was known about this alchemist. From childhood Zefeld was fond of alchemy and experimented. Of course, he did not get much, and on all sides he was mocked. Then he left Austria and returned only after ten years, and settled in a small town with a family who accepted him. As a token of gratitude, he showed the master how he learned to extract gold from ordinary metals. Soon the whole city knew that Zephild was a real alchemist. His emperor learned about his experiences and sentenced him to life imprisonment for fraud. But soon Zephild was pardoned, but on the condition that he would continue his experiments for the emperor. But after a while Zefeld fled the country, and no one knows anything more about his fate. He literally disappeared into the air.

Thanks to the above information, it becomes much clearer what alchemy is, what its essence is and why it is needed.

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