
What is a thread lock?

Threaded joints when performing various repair or construction work come across very often. And in most cases, you can not do without them. To improve the performance of these joints, you can use a special glue - the thread retainer. It allows to significantly improve the performance characteristics of such compounds.

Principle of operation

The thread clamp is very easy to use. It should simply be applied to the bolt. After drying, this liquid binds metal surfaces, which provides a reliable and strong connection.


- Fixed thread retainer. It is also called red, since it is usually denoted by this color. This adhesive is able to withstand high temperatures. It is usually used on high-temperature and swirling knots.

- Removable thread retainer. It is usually blue, less often green. It is used at low-temperature sites, where the probability of spontaneous unscrewing is small. With its help protect the threaded connections from unwinding under vibration.


Before applying the thread retainer to the bolt, make sure that this measure is necessary. To do this, read the manual of the site being repaired or try to independently assess the relevance of this operation. If there is absolute confidence in the need to use this special liquid, then you can start working. Glue from the tube should be applied to the thread of the bolt in the place where the nut will subsequently be located, i.e. Do not lubricate all fasteners. It will be an irrational use of a fairly expensive material. During the tightening of the nut, the retainer is distributed over the contacting surfaces itself, thus ensuring a uniform distribution.

Unscrewing the bolts

The thread lock is used to make the bolts loosened, and in some cases even impossible. But it happens that the fastener for some reason needs to be dismantled. It is good if a blue latch was used when tightening. In this case, for the dismantling, you will have to apply a little more effort than with the usual unscrewing of the bolt. If it does not give way, then it can be slightly heated. This will make it easy to extract.

In the case of unscrewing the bolts, set on the red lock, without a burner can not do. Fasteners should be thoroughly heated, and then immediately turn out. Otherwise, after cooling down, the red lock can re-seize. If there are plastic elements next to the screwdriver, then a screen must be made for their safety. For these purposes, a piece of asbestos cardboard is suitable. If it is not available, then the tin can do the job.

What do consumers think about thread clamp

Feedback - this is one of the effective ways to get the most accurate and critical information about the product you are interested in, its real indicators in the process of operation. The opinions about this glue are unanimous in that it is easy to use and also reliable. And this already says a lot about its weighty merits.

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