HealthQuit Smoking

What does a person feel when they quit smoking? What happens to the body?

Everyone knows about cigarettes today, and although their harm is scientifically proven, many people suffering from this dependence still can not get rid of it. It is clear that this harmful habit destroys health, and you can correct the problems that appear only after quitting. What happens to the body, when a person ceases to be friends with cigarettes, you can find out by reading this article.

What is smoking?

In general, the purpose of this process is to saturate the body with active substances that make up cigarettes, followed by absorption into the lungs and the respiratory tract. They also have an adverse effect on the brain. Those who have this dependence, as well as people who quit smoking, have a lot of health problems, getting rid of which can be difficult.

Harm of cigarettes

A person with this bad habit is prone to many diseases, and the most common are lung cancer, bronchitis and cough. Also, smokers deteriorate memory and cardiovascular system work, fatigue increases and there are problems with the thyroid gland. If this dependence appeared in a person for a long time, then he still has problems with the nervous system and his eyesight starts to deteriorate. But do not think that you can immediately get rid of all health problems by quitting smoking. What happens to the body when you quickly and completely give up cigarettes? Of course, a person's condition improves, but still the trace remains, especially if the experience is quite large.

What happens if you quit smoking?

Of course, getting rid of absolutely any habit is not even easy, but it is worthwhile to understand that after 20 minutes after the last cigarette, the organism of quit smoking will begin to experience positive changes. Over time, he will be able to recover and return to the state in which he was before the beginning of addiction. Of course, the rate of regeneration largely depends on the experience of the smoker.

  1. After 20 minutes, the heart rate and blood pressure begin to drop.
  2. After 8 hours in the blood, the level of nicotine will be halved. The pressure will completely return to normal, and it will be easier to carry physical loads.
  3. After 24 hours, the body begins to cleanse of nicotine. Taste and olfactory sensations will improve, but there will be headaches and irritability.
  4. After 14 days, the blood will circulate normally. Significant improvement in health can be achieved by quitting smoking. What happens to the body after this? He's recovering.
  5. In a month the skin condition and its appearance will improve.
  6. In six months, the immunity will become stronger.
  7. In a year, the risk of cardiovascular disease will be halved.

What will you gain by quitting smoking

What happens to the body, we figured out, but it is worth noting that the changes will also affect the psychological side of the individual. Not only will a person become more healthy, so even after getting rid of nicotine addiction, he will cease to be a slave to a cigarette. In addition, money is saved. If a single pack left a day, then for a year in the pocket there will be about 15 thousand rubles for more pleasant and useful expenses.

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