HealthQuit Smoking

A few tips on how to properly hook a hookah and have fun

Those who visited the Middle East, will confirm that smoking hookah there is accepted everywhere and is part of the culture of the countries of this region. The question of how to properly hammer a hookah, or, as it is called in the East, a narghile, and what to do next, the locals do not arise. Our fans of fragrant smoke do not always cope with such a task. Let's take a closer look at what a hookah is, where it came from and how to properly fill it.

Where and when did the hookah appear?

More than a thousand years ago, on the border with Pakistan, in the north-western province of India, began to use a special smoking device - a hookah. It was not much like modern sophisticated devices, and the base, tube and head for it were made from coconut shell.

Initially, hookahs were used for the use of hashish and opium. But as the culture of smoking nargile spread to the territory of Persia, dark varieties of tobacco began to be used more and more.

From Persia, the hookah spread quite rapidly over the countries of Eastern and Northern Africa, East Asia, the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula.

In the Ottoman Empire, this name was worn by Turkey, hookah came in the 17th century.

It was from Turkey that the smoking device began to spread around the world, subduing the countries of the Old World, and then the American continent.

How long have been smoking hookah in Russia?

For the first time in Russia hookah was most likely found during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 as an outlandish souvenir and trophies. At that time his smoking was not widely spread.

The time of triumphant return of the hookah to the territory of Russia can be considered the last decades, when this exotic smoking device was brought by tourists returning from holidays in Egypt and Turkey, as a souvenir for smoking friends and relatives. Over the past decade, the culture of using hookah has spread quite widely and has gained popularity among youth circles.

Various entertainment establishments, clubs, bars, cafes and restaurants have equipped special rooms for smoking - hookah halls. Where trained to how to hammer tobacco into a hookah, experts prepare this smoking device for all comers.

Many of those who tried the hookah, buy it for their own use. However, in most cases, instead of the expected pleasure, lovers of fragrant smoke face a number of problems. First of all, with how to properly hammer a hookah, so you can enjoy smoking.

Before proceeding with the description of the process of its filling, let us briefly consider the device of this device for smoking.

Hookah device

It consists of four main parts:

1. A flask, or, as it is also called, a base chamber partially filled with water.

2. Bowls for tobacco, on top of which the heating element is placed.

3. Shahtyah hookah, made of metal hollow tube, the size of which can vary from 20 to 100 cm.

4. Hookah hose, which connects to the hole at the top of the bulb or to a metal shaft. The part consists of a branch pipe, the hose and the mouthpiece.

Having learned about what this oriental smoking device consists of, let's find out how to collect and how to properly hammer a hookah.

Operation of hookah. We collect the device

First of all, a liquid flask is poured into the flask of the hookah: water, wine, milk, juice, etc. An iron element is inserted into the flask. The tube, which is inside the base chamber and comes out from the top, must be immersed in water, to a depth of five to seven centimeters. To ensure that the parts are joined together tightly, a seal is necessary. To the outlet, located in the upper part, connect the hose. If there are no seals, they can be replaced with moist thin paper or foil. After installing the hose, it is important to check the tightness of the hookah. For this purpose, the finger of the hand is closed by the inlet opening, and through the mouthpiece on the hose they try to draw in air. If everything is assembled correctly, the air will be drawn in with difficulty.

At the very least, a cup for tobacco is installed, which must be hermetically connected to the hookah.

How correctly to hammer a hookah?

Hookah can be filled with a variety of varieties of tobacco: both simple and flavored. But whichever tobacco was, take it a little, about a pinch, since it's not necessary to stuff a hookah cup correctly, but at the same time the tobacco mixture should be enough for smoking.

A bowl with tobacco wrapped in it is tightly covered with foil or a grate. In the opinion of hookah lovers, it is preferable to use foil, since the grate does not fit very tightly, and it heats much slower than the foil. In a foil with any sharp object, for example, a toothpick or the tip of a pencil, several holes must be made through which hot air from the coal would get on the tobacco.

The next step will be the burning of coal. If you have ordinary coal, then it can be heated on the included plate and put it on the foil on top. Then immediately smoke a hookah.

If you have a so-called self-igniting, salt-impregnated charcoal, then, turning a sheet of paper or newspaper into a tube, we set it on fire and hold the coal over the flame with forceps. It is important to wait for the coal to burn completely. If you do not, when you smoke, you will feel an extremely unpleasant taste in your mouth.

On the question of how to score a small hookah, the answer is quite simple: if you do not have a souvenir version with a sealed tube, then just like any conventional device of standard or large size.

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