HomelinessPest Control

What does a flea look like? Types of fleas: description, photo

In most cases, how the flea looks like, many begin to think only when there is a feeling of discomfort caused to these insects by domestic pets or to the person himself. But it is better to know in advance the face of your enemy and, even more so, the measures to combat it.

Description of fleas

Fleas are insect pests. They lead a parasitic lifestyle, necessarily associated with a particular host. Of course, the way the flea looks will depend on the mode of existence. But, as a rule, these are small, wingless, flattened in the sides of parasites, having a size of only 1 to 5 mm. These insects are covered with numerous bristles and thorns, by means of which they move and rest on the host's body. The flea's mouth is arranged in a convenient way for bloodsucking and puncturing the skin, the eyes are most often absent. The color of the insect ranges from yellow to brown. Jumping fleas are carried out over long distances, which can be two hundred times the length of their body.

From eggs to larvae

During the entire period of its existence the flea passes several stages of development: from the egg to the larva, from the larva to the pupa, from the pupa to the adult insect. Eggs are laid by the female on the animal's fur or in its habitats. One flea can postpone them to twenty-five pieces a day, and throughout life - up to six hundred. Sometimes eggs, like grains of salt, cover the animal's body, which contributes to their spreading everywhere.

After a while, larvae appear in the light. At this stage, they look quite different and different from what the flea looks like in the adult period of life. Food of larvae consists of any organic matter, including feces of adult individuals. And in the absence of such food, they can eat each other. Larvae live together with the host, so they are most often found on the animal's rug, in the sex slots, in the cellars, etc.

Pupa and adult

The further stage of development of a flea is a transformation from a larva into a pupa. In this form they can be stored throughout the year, rather well enduring cold weather. After a certain period, due to warm weather or the presence of a warm-blooded animal, adult individuals of fleas appear from the pupae. Under normal conditions, their full development cycle takes place in three to four weeks.

How much fleas live depend on the conditions of their life and the confluence of various circumstances. In general, the duration of flea existence can be not only months, but also years. These insects attack animals, and in the case of their absence - on humans. If in the external environment fleas can survive a large amount of time, their nutrition and reproduction is impossible without cats and dogs. And the food of adults is only blood, which they consume in huge quantities.

Symptoms of fleas in animals

There are such types of fleas as human, feline, canine, rabbit and rat. Already by their name it is possible to determine with the help of which owner they conduct their way of life.

Most often we meet with feline and canine fleas, which parasitize on cats and dogs. To detect these insects on the body of the animal, you need to first thoroughly examine it. More often fleas are noticeable in the abdomen, around the ears, and also on the thigh from the inside. During swimming, the animal needs to pay attention to the skin of the eyes. After all, if there are parasites on the body, they will accumulate in dry places. And even if you can not see an adult flea, then you can easily see the waste-like waste of life.

Identification of canine fleas

Periodically, you need to check your pet for parasites. And, of course, canine fleas will immediately manifest themselves. To do this, the dog needs to be placed on a white cloth or paper and scratched it, after which the bleeding remains and excrement will be visible. If you water them with water and thus there are brown spots, then you can be sure of the presence of fleas in the animal.

In addition, the dog will remain in an excited state due to painful flea bites. Also, he can become rather inattentive, all the while scratching himself. In the wound, formed at the site of bites, can get various infections. Therefore, if the dog has signs of itching, lack of appetite, weight loss, nervous condition, poor concentration of attention, then it is urgent to save the animal.

How to get rid of dog fleas

Today, thanks to the large selection of anti-parasitic drugs, both feline and canine fleas do not look so frightening anymore. Some funds are designed to eliminate adult individuals of these insects, others - to get rid of the larvae, and still others are used for preventive purposes. Before choosing the most suitable preparation for your pet, you need to carefully study the instructions for its use. The marks on the body of the dog, which appeared from bites, must be treated with greenery. But if we understand with what the flea looks like, there were difficulties, or the animal shows an allergic reaction, you should immediately contact a specialist.

From fleas in dogs, the most common are funds in the form of oil drops, aerosols and sprays, dusts and solutions, injections and tablets, shampoos, and collars. When choosing any of these drugs, you must first take into account its duration and toxicity level.

In addition, for success in fighting fleas, one must adhere to conditions that will adversely affect the development of parasites. For this, it is necessary to regularly clean the rooms, bedding, booths and other places where they can live.

Prophylaxis of the appearance of fleas in animals

No less important than treatment from parasites, is their prevention. Knowing where fleas are coming from, how they multiply and which lead a way of life, you can try to protect your animal from such "neighbors".

And there are many options to pick up these insects: from contacts with other infected animals and ending with walks in the park and trips outside the city. After all, canine fleas live on trees, on grass, and just on the ground. Even a person can bring them home on their own. And small puppies can get infected from their own mother who has these parasites.

Therefore, with particular importance it is necessary to treat all the habitats of your pet as clean: remove all surfaces with a vacuum cleaner, apply aerosol to kill fleas, bathe your pet with a special shampoo against fleas, and comb the hair with a comb. And if care is taken against such preventive measures, diseases caused by fleas can lead to a fatal outcome for the animal.

Earth fleas

But if the canine and feline fleas are not so annoying to the person, the basement or earthy their relatives turn into a real disaster. Such parasites live in cellars of apartment houses, and in the future they can occupy apartments, especially those located on the lower floors. You can get rid of this neighborhood in simple ways. It is better to begin without waiting until the fleas in the basement finally settle. For this use wormwood, tansy, turpentine, dichlorvos, kerosene. Also, you need to get rid of basements from rats on time, do not allow accumulation of debris and accumulation of moisture.

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