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What can I give a child in 6 months? Child's menu in 6 months

At 6 months the horizon, attention, needs of the child become wider. The same happens with the diet. It becomes more diverse. Previously, doctors advised to start feeding almost from a month old. Today, their opinion has changed, they recommend changing the baby's menu in 6 months. As a rule, the baby's nutrition during this period becomes more diverse. Until this moment, he only drank breast milk or milk formula.

If the child is sick or has recently been vaccinated, then the lure is better to postpone. Otherwise, parents will not know, from which he has a temperature. Now we know what the child's menu should be in 6 months.

Introducing new products: advice to young mothers

Basically during this period we start to give vegetable purees. You can, of course, give fruit. But then the karapuz after the sweet will refuse to eat more nutritious dishes. To avoid allergic reactions and rashes in the baby, you must first give a teaspoon of mashed potatoes.

It is desirable to introduce lure in the morning. If a baby has a rash or something suspicious, you can immediately take action, at night it is difficult. Before giving a new food to a child, it is necessary to study what allergic reactions can give certain vegetables.

If everything is normal, then the dosage within a week should be increased by a couple of teaspoons. Do not enter into the diet of the baby just two or more new dishes. Let first one get used to it, after 2 weeks to the second and so on. The first lure should be very much chopped, then you can do with small pieces (but very gradually) so that the child does not choke with food.

Vegetable puree

Moms often ask the question: "What to feed the baby in 6 months?" The first vegetable puree, as a rule, consists of potatoes, zucchini, carrots or cauliflower. If the tolerability of these products in a child is normal, then the vegetables can be mixed. For example, carrots with potatoes or zucchini. With vegetables, you can prepare different soups, only before serving, grind it in a blender.

Lean meat

After getting used to vegetables, the child can be offered lean meat. It also needs to be grinded and added to soups or mashed potatoes. What can I give a child in 6 months of meat? Veal and turkey are perfect for new complementary foods. On a broth from such meat it is possible to weld a baby soup. Only first it must be filtered very well so that there is no fat. Veal or turkey will please every child. Prepare meat purees is not difficult. For example, veal should be cleaned of excess film, washed in large quantities of water, cut into pieces and stew until cooked.

Blender does not always grind meat well, so it is better to roll it 2-3 times through a meat grinder. It is obtained after such a procedure rather dry. That the child did not choke on them, you can pour a little broth - to the desired consistency. Then put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Butter should be added very little - for 1-2 gr. The child's menu at 6 months gradually becomes more diverse and balanced.


What can I give a child in 6 months, in addition to meat and mashed potatoes? Kashi. They are very useful for the body of any person, especially children. This is the beginning of the second complementary meal after mashed potatoes. Kids love porridge. However, there are pearl barley and wheat, which are harder to digest and chew, so these 2 species should not be given yet.

What can I give a child in 6 months? If the child has a small weight, frequent belching, then you should start with semolina porridge. Daily use it is not necessary, as there is not enough vitamins in it, but there is enough starch, because of what an allergy may appear.

If the child often has a loose stool, then it is better to start lure with rice porridge, which normalizes the intestines. With constipation, Herculean porridge is suitable, as, conversely, relax. The most useful porridge is buckwheat. It can be given to children suffering from diathesis.

How to feed porridge?

Mannish cereal is not necessary to grind. That's all the rest is well grind in a blender. Mannuyu cooked in milk (water is added necessarily). When the child is already accustomed to such feeding, it is possible to exclude the water completely.

Another porridge, which is very useful for a child, is oatmeal. It contains phosphorus, iron and other substances necessary for the body. The main thing is that it is not only useful, but also nutritious.

Fruit puree

Than to feed the child in 6 months sweet? After the main dishes, you can start pampering the baby with delicious, for example, fruit purees. Give first you need half or a quarter teaspoon, gradually bringing the gram to 50. After 2 weeks you can enter a new one. When the baby gets used to different mashed potatoes, then they can be combined. For example, an apple with a carrot or a pear.

The opinion of doctors about this

Since mothers go with children to the clinic for up to a year, the doctor at the reception should tell them what to feed the baby in 6 months. Parents, who have only the first child, do not know how and what to give the carapouse correctly, so as not to harm it. They are happy to follow the advice. Only for today opinions of doctors concerning what should be a food of the child in 6-7 months, diverge. Some argue that it's better to buy special cans for children in pharmacies, others believe that it is more expedient to cook by yourself. But mom must understand that, firstly, can not be tinned, as the prices for them are high, and secondly, she prepared herself and know exactly what she gives her baby.

Cottage cheese

What can I give the child in 6 months more, except for mashed potatoes, cereals and meat? Of course, cottage cheese. It is necessary for the growing up organism, since it contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, which is necessary for strong joints, teeth, hair, etc. The main thing is that the child does not have allergies to dairy products. Then the cottage cheese will be absorbed very easily.

It should be started with 5 grams, once a day, better at 16-18 hours. So bring up to 50 grams. The same amount should be given regularly for up to a year. When the baby's body gets used to cottage cheese, then it can be combined with the usual fruit purees. After a week, you can add cookies to the same dish. The snack will go just right.

Drinks for the kid

What can I give to drink a child in 6 months in addition to breast milk? Broth of dogrose is very useful for the baby, thirst quenches well. You need to drink water. Often children refuse it, but at least a few drops through a pipette should be given. Any juice, only home, not bought.

Give it you need to start with 2 drops per day, gradually increasing the dosage. Apple juice is the least likely to cause allergies, so it is desirable to start a new drink with it. When the child gets used to it, then you can give the juice with the pulp.

If the child suffers from constipation, then it is advisable to give plum juice, apple juice, an apple with a dog rose or a pumpkin. Also, thanks to these drinks, the baby will less suffer from viral infections.

After the juice can be introduced compotes of fresh berries and fruits. Kissel - berry or milk, too, will do, but not for quenching thirst, but for a change. You need to drink half an hour before meals or after. In no case should you drink while eating. This makes digestion difficult.

From 6 months to a year the child needs to drink at least 300 ml of liquid per day. To kefir baby to teach, too, you need. For the first time, enough and 3 teaspoons, after which you must supplement the mixture or breast milk. During the whole day it is necessary to observe the baby, how he reacted to the new product.

If the fluids to the child are not given enough, then dehydration may occur. Too much consumption of it makes it difficult for the kidneys to work. That's why every mother should control not only food, but also how much her baby drinks.

Approximate menu of the child in 6 months

At 6 o'clock in the morning, only breast milk or a mixture is given.

8.00 - porridge 100 gr. + Butter 2 gr. And juice 50 ml.

10.00 - mixture or breast milk.

12.00 - fruit puree 100-30 gr.

14.00 - vegetable puree 120 gr. + Meat 20-30 gr.

16.00 - breast milk or a mixture.

18.00 - fruit puree 100-130 gr. Or curd 50 gr.

20.00 - mixture or breast milk.

During the day, the child must offer juices, teas, compotes and so on.

This is not an exact menu, but only an approximate one. At this age the child becomes more active. And the mother's milk is very little for him. That's why every mother should think about what kind of nutrition her active child should have. It is possible for parents to have a diary, where to paint baby food for every day and adhere to this menu. Then they will not be confused, and the food will be balanced and varied. In addition, it should be remembered that it is inadmissible to enter several products in the menu at a time. In this case, there is no need to hurry, otherwise it is likely the emergence of various problems (rash, pain in the tummy, whims). After all, the baby can not immediately adapt to unusual food.


In order to know exactly what to feed the child in 6 months, the food should be painted on the days.

1 day. Apple juice, buckwheat porridge, squash, banana puree.

2 day. Compotes, rice porridge, apple or pear puree, broccoli or cauliflower puree , a bit of a curd.

3 day. Oatmeal with the addition of milk, preferably breast milk. Kissel, fruit puree - plum or pumpkin.

4 day. Buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes, kefir, fruit puree.

5 day. Rice porrige. A little boiled egg yolk (less than half), jelly, mashed potatoes, carrot juice.

The first and fourth feeding should consist only of breast milk or a mixture.


If you paint the menu of the child in this way, then it will be balanced and healthy. At six months old the child gets used to new food, closer to 7 he already gets all the basic food. In 6 months porridge to give more than once is not worth it. It is nutritious, so do not be surprised if the baby can refuse from the next feeding. It is not necessary to force him, so he had enough of the previous meal. If the child constantly refuses a certain food, then he just overeat this product (or he simply does not like it). We need to give the crumbs time to forget about it, and try again.

What does it take to feed a child in 6 months if he has teeth? An apple or a carrot must first be cleaned beforehand and allowed to gnaw, but only very carefully! Do not leave your baby unattended if he eats a vegetable or fruit. It is important: to start lure it is desirable with vegetables, gradually turning to porridge. Fruit purees and juices to enter need after them. Meat in the diet should be present in very small quantities. Dairy products need to enter after the others. Egg yolks, citrus fruits, strawberries can cause allergies, so it should be given very carefully. Chocolate up to 3 years is not recommended at all.


Now you know what kind of food the child needs 6 months . We hope that our advice will help you to make the right diet. Remember that the right and balanced diet will provide growth, activity and a healthy lifestyle.

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