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We get rid of the cold. How do children wash their nose with saline solution?

Runny nose, sneezing and itching in the nose are surely not once in a lifetime experienced by every person. This state is very unpleasant and can be a great way to beat out anyone's usual rhythm. It is especially difficult to bear the ailment to babies. After all, many children up to three years old can not even cleanse themselves of sinuses from accumulated mucus. This article will tell you about how to rinse the nose of a baby with saline. Also, you will find out how to use this remedy in older children. From the information provided, you will learn how to quickly and correctly get rid of the common cold.

Origin of pathology

Before children wash their nose with saline solution, it is necessary to find out the cause of this symptom. It is worth noting that the course of the nose can be pathological or physiological. With the latter the most common are infants. In this case, you can wash your nose with saline. How to do it correctly - will be told below.

If the onset of a cold caused pathology, then it could be bacteria, a virus or an allergic reaction. All these cases have individual treatment. So, for example, means for fighting viruses will not help you cope with bacteria or eliminate allergies. That is why before you wash your nose with saline and give various medications, it is worthwhile to see a doctor and get a qualified consultation.

Purification of the nasal passages: for and against

So, you visited the doctor and found out what caused this sign. Before you begin taking corrective measures, you need to properly clean the nose. If the child can blow his own nose, then your task will be easier. When the baby is not yet able to blow out mucus from the sinuses, an aspirator is required. Can I wash my nose with saline solution to my baby? The answer to this question can take two forms.

If the crumb does not have otitis or inflammation of the Eustachian tube, then such manipulations are allowed. When diseases of the ears in different forms join the rhinitis, it is strictly forbidden to perform such actions. This information should always be reported by a pediatrician or otorhinolaryngologist when prescribing a medication. Remember: as soon as the baby began to complain of pain in the ear - all lavages should be canceled.

Using saline solution to cleanse the nose

Before washing the nose with saline solution, it is necessary to warm it up. Quite often the drug is stored in the refrigerator. The opened ampoule should be kept there. However, injecting the drug into the nose in a cold form is strictly prohibited. This can cause not only severe discomfort, but also provoke an increase in the inflammatory process. It is not necessary to dilute the preparation with water or other liquids. The product is ready for use.

How do I wash my nose with saline solution to my baby (2 years and younger)?

If you are the parent of an infant or young child, flushing the nasal passages can be a serious problem. Pay the process to the game form. Do so that the crumb would not be afraid of the upcoming manipulations.

Take the dropper and drop two drops of sodium chloride 9% into each nostril. Such dosage is prescribed for children up to one year. If your baby has crossed the 12-month boundary, then it can be poured into each nasal passage of five drops of saline. After that, wait a while (up to one minute) and thoroughly clean the nose with an aspirator. In this case, the tip of the device must be turned in different directions. In this way, you collect the mucus from all the walls.

For older children and adults: using a kettle for washing

How correctly to wash a nose to the child with saline solution? Currently, almost every pharmacy chain sells special teapots for the nose. They have a rather unusual bend in the hole for pouring. The use of such a device will lead to proper cleaning of the sinuses and removal of all accumulated mucus. Wash the dishes before use. After this, pour in it saline in the amount of 50-100 milliliters. This amount should be enough for you on both nasal passages. Tilt the baby's head over the sink and turn in one direction. Place the tip of the kettle in one nostril (which is higher) and start pouring the liquid. In a few seconds you will find that the saline solution with the existing mucus is poured out of the opposite opening of the nose.

Using a syringe

How correctly to wash a nose to the child with saline solution if at hand there is no device described above? In this case, you can use a regular syringe. Take the device, containing from 5 to 20 milliliters of liquid, and put into it the prepared medicine.

Sit next to the sink. Before starting the procedure, ask the child to open his mouth and stick out his tongue. This position helps to avoid getting the medicine into the respiratory tract and esophagus. The head of the baby should be slightly thrown back. With a sharp push on the plunger, inject a solution of sodium chloride into the nasal passage. Warn the child that this substance will fall into his throat. At this point, the baby should not get confused and spit out the contents of the pharynx. In the same way, treat the second nostril. Remember that children under 10-13 years old simply will not be able to react in the right way to such an intervention. This is why the use of a syringe is possible in older children.

Frequency of application

As children wash your nose with saline solution - you already know. However, this information is not enough. It is necessary to know that often such manipulations can not be carried out. The maximum number of cleansings per day should not exceed three. It does not matter the intensity and character of the common cold. With more frequent use of sodium chloride , dry mucous membrane can develop. In this case, the body will try to produce even more mucus to moisten it.

Try to carry out the washing procedure immediately before using the medication. In this order of the use of drugs, the effect of treatment will come quickly.

Administration of medicinal formulations

When the nasal passages are completely cleared, you can start using medicines to help you get rid of the common cold.

  • If the pathology is caused by a viral infection, then antiviral and immunomodulating medications are prescribed. These include Interferon, Grippferon, Derinat, IRS-19, and many others.
  • Antimicrobial compounds are prescribed for bacterial infection - for example, Prothorgol, Isofra, Polidex.
  • If the common cold is allergic, doctors often recommend using Vibrocil, Avamis, Tafen and some other compounds.

Summing up the article

You have found out whether it is possible to wash the nose with saline solution to the baby. If the runny nose is caused by a viral pathology, then this method of treatment can be enough. But do not get carried away by such manipulations. After recovery, it is not recommended to wash the sinuses. This often leads to dryness and nasal congestion. Follow the doctor's recommendations and stay healthy!

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