HealthSupplements and vitamins

Vitamin complex 'Complivit Ophthalmo'. Brief description and instructions for use

Companies engaged in the production of various vitamin complexes, always strive to create an ideal product. But each of us perfectly understands that any product will work much better if it is directed to a solution of more specific problems, rather than just an avitaminosis or a shortage of any useful trace elements in the body. This is exactly what the creators of the drug called "Complivit Ophthalmo" were guided by.

"Complivit Ophthalmo" is not just a vitamin complex, but a drug specially created for those who experience increased eye strain. This complex includes virtually all vitamins necessary for the body, a number of useful microelements and plant carotenoids. Initially, the drug "Complivit", whose kinds on the domestic market can be found very different, was positioned simply as a vitamin complex. But over time, manufacturers decided to release their product for each consumer segment and after a while it was "Complivit Ophthalmo" that was among the leaders in sales.

Thanks to a special production technology, this preparation is an almost ideal variant of compatibility of all its components, which in "Complivit" includes a lot.

The main ingredient of the drug is ascorbic acid (popularly called "ascorbic acid" or vitamin C), which is necessary to regulate the permeability of capillaries and plays a crucial role in their elasticity.

No less important role in the composition of the drug is played by B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid and cyanocobalamin. They participate in a huge number of processes of the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems and are included in a variety of metabolic processes occurring in the body.

Another key component of the vitamin complex "Complivit Ophthalmo" - rutozide (or simply vitamin P) - not only has antioxidant properties and well strengthens the walls of capillaries, but also plays an important role in oxidation-reduction processes.

As the main component of the drug that affects the state of the visual function, it is used vitamin A (retinol), capable of supporting the eye in proper condition, affecting the amount of visual pigment called rhodopsin. It is thanks to vitamin A and its combination with other components of CompliVit that experts recommend this drug to patients with various diseases of the retina and cornea, as well as in the case of hemorrhagia (in common people, "night blindness").

Also, this vitamin complex includes vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties and maintains the stability of red blood cells. In addition, vitamin E positively affects the work of nervous and muscle tissue, and also participates in a number of important processes (for example, in the process of tissue respiration).

In addition to the balanced vitamin complex, "Complivit Ophthalmo" includes a number of useful microelements, including copper, zinc, selenium, and also carotenoids like zeaxanthin and lutein. It is thanks to the latter that the retina of the eye and is able to function normally.

It should be noted that this drug is not recommended for pregnant women, women during lactation, children and adolescents under the age of eighteen years and people with hypersensitivity to one or more of the components of the drug.

To take the drug "Complivit Ophthalmo", reviews about which are mostly positive, you need one tablet, squeezed a lot of liquid. In case of an overdose, the drug should be consulted by a doctor.

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