Spiritual developmentMystic

Village magic: the pros and cons

In the old days, the owners of village magic were called witches. They were respected and feared. After all, they had an unusual gift, with which you could remove the evil eye from the child, and help your daughter get married. In addition, earlier the house of such a leader was the only place where a physically sick person could come and receive at least the first medical aid.

The Origins of Ancient Magic

Village wizards differed wayward character and, if necessary, could seriously spoil the life of their fellow villagers. Therefore, local residents tried to give "grandma" gifts. They served as agricultural products, expensive cuts of fabrics, dishes and ornaments.

The more serious was the problem that the witch helped solve to the person turning, the more valuable the offering was. Village magic, like other her species, was inherited in the pedigree. On rare occasions, the witch handed her gift to a common man who later had to bear his cross.

Village magic and witchcraft helped the villagers to get a rich harvest or to teach them a lesson. The very name of this art suggests that its origins began in the village. The rituals used plants, simple household items. But this does not mean that this type of magic is inaccessible to urban residents.

After all, not all ceremonies are related to village things. There are types of conspiracies aimed at the elements (air, earth, fire, water). Such magical instruments as cards, runes, doll figures, came to Russian village magic from different pagan cultures at a later time.

Country Magic and Sorcery

Traditional Russian Witchcraft has such directions:

  • Spontaneous - directly related to the phenomena of nature;
  • Speech - based on the reading of conspiracies.

It is noticed that village magic is rarely associated with the calls of spirits, brownies, mermaids and other similar creatures. Most often, wednes and witches operate with conspiracies composed in prose and rhyme. There are quite large texts, which should be read several times.

Do you think that the most important thing was, is and will be for a rural resident in Russia? Of course, your backyard: pets, a bird, a garden. In the distant past, every villager took care of making his economy profitable.

After all, it was often the only source of income for all household members. So, simple plots of village magic were primarily related to the health of pets. With the help of them put protection from the evil eye on the farm yard, garden and garden. In order for the hens to carry a sufficient number of eggs and not peck them, the villagers talked about the roost and the fodder: "The chickens are white, the hens are black, the hens are pockmarked. Bearing you eggs full nests, but how not to peck you stars in the sky, so do not touch eggs. "

It can be said that in ancient times in the first place people had village magic. Spells were used in almost every situation.

Removal of spoilage from an animal

In those days, cattle was on a special account. Of particular value was the cow, who was revered for supplying the family with milk. To this day, only a few forgotten secrets of rural magic. For example, earlier, almost every second peasant could take damage from a domestic animal.

If you yourself could not solve this problem yourself, people went for help to the sorcerer. He conducted a ceremony, which consisted in milking milk, rolling into a jar as a conservation, and throwing it into a divorced fire with a special text. He was read until the vessel bursts. This served as a sign that the damage from the cow was removed.

Plots for pets

They were used so that cat and dog could take root in the house. After all, they also provided invaluable assistance to the owners. Especially hard, if the dog fought from home. In this case, the tenants lost sleep and peace for a long time. Therefore, domestic pets often talked about water and food: "I whisper to the edible dog (cat) of mine, so that someone else's road does not beckon it to save it from thinness, from snake bites, from the evil eye of a man." Only the stars in the sky , And my good is considered! Amen. "

Similarly, you can speak any domestic animals. It is best to do this on a full moon. The rituals associated with the profit from the harvest work well on the growing moon. Other rituals, such as attracting love, the girls performed on the day of Ivan Kupala.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps the most pleasant thing is that charlatans are rarely found among village guides. After all, in the remote village all the people are in full view and the word of mouth is working fine. Another plus is that rustic magic (plots and spells you can read in the article) are often more sparing, white in nature.

To black witchcraft, too, resorted. But rural sorcerers and witch doctors are more willing to remove negatives and treat than cause damage. In a few cases, black rural magic comes to their aid.

Finally, we note that the adherents of ancient magic usually do not overestimate the prices for their services. The main shortcomings are expressed in the fact that the "grandmother", who owns the practice, can relatively weakly know the theory. Often, she is not able to explain much and works only by proven methods. As you know, they can become obsolete.

The inhabitants consider it a disadvantage that some witches (vedins) adhere to specific principles. For example, they are convinced that village magic is not obliged to help someone on whom lies a great sin. Even if the applicant offers a large sum.

At the same time, the "grandmother" can practically impose their services to a person who is not going to apply for magical help. And in this case, the leader will say enough "thank you" after the completion of her work.

Books about magic

It is difficult to find someone who is not fond of esoteric literature. The modern world with delight reads the books "Kabbalah", "Practical Magic", written by the French occultist Papus. Village magic is also reflected in his works.

Experts believe that this is an excellent guide to magical practice. The publication carefully collected various prayers, conspiracies, rituals and recipes of potions. They conscientiously gathered occultists while communicating with witches and other inhabitants of remote regions.

"Village magic" - a book that is a terminological dictionary, which is full of ancient practices of different peoples. This literary guide will help you learn the recipes, spells that are used in white and black witchcraft. Modern people are sometimes skeptical of rural magic.

However, do not underestimate this kind of witchcraft. Usually, he means ordinary means and rituals. But this does not mean that such rituals work worse than others. In many cases, just simple rituals give a positive effect. After all, as is known, all ingenious is simple.

Lining and shifting

Black village magic is known for its rituals (spell, lining, pereklad). There is a huge number of conspiracies in order to bind a man magically. For example, in ancient times a lint was used for a love spell.

What it is? A certain thing was chosen for which the conspiracy was made. This object was imperceptibly brought to the victim's house and, like a time bomb, began its work.

Usually, inconspicuous innocuous things were used as an underlay: coil thread, teaspoon, handkerchief. This direction in village magic was used not only for love conspiracies. By the way, this method is still alive today.

In black magic, the lining can be used to create spoilage. You can speak the subject according to all the rules with the purpose of energy impact on a person. It will slowly undermine his health. The only way out is to remove the negative.

Another magical instrument in black magic is the shift. In fact, it's the same lining. Only a magical effect is not created, but transferred from another person. It can be any negative: from a runny nose to the last stage of cancer, from a shallow financial failure to a complete collapse.

A cunning move in practice is leading

Particularly common is the shift in the practice of unscrupulous magicians. For example, 3 people turn to their problems and pay a certain amount to the wizard. He commits a rite of the crossbars and declares that he has eliminated the negative program.

Two clients really feel the improvement, and the third one is still getting worse. The fact is that the magician just shifted the negative from two people to one. And the latter in this situation explains that the higher powers are not allowed to tackle his problem.

The victim again has to look for another lead, which can remove the destructive program. Village magicians actively practiced shifts. Usually the victims were domestic animals: a cat or a dog. They were transferred to all negative programs. By the way, it is believed that if the magician uses in his practice the pads and shifts, then this is a sign of his limited abilities.

Curse is the kind of village magic

Surely many have heard that this is a powerful energy message that can turn a person's life around. The reasons for this can be any: they did not give way to granny transport, they did not borrow money to a neighbor. The power of the curse directly depends on the energy potential of the person who imposes it.

There is a situation where a negative message is triggered spontaneously. In other cases, the curse is imposed by means of rituals. As a rule, they are connected with the cemetery and can bring the victim to the grave. There are many examples of generic curses, where whole generations can not be happy in love and successful at work.

And in such people, tragic events are often natural. It appears this way: a woman in a family dies a son. It turns out that her mother and grandmother also died boys at the same age. To remove this generic curse, it is necessary to find a specialist capable of interrupting this hateful chain.

Precautionary measures

How not to fall prey to village magic? Of course, do not think about it with maniacal insistence. But to adhere to certain rules is recommended:

  • Do not pick up coins and jewelry. Especially if they are at an intersection. If you can not indifferently walk past an abandoned bill, then you should not take it with your bare hands. It is best to do this with a plastic bag that will not let the negative penetrate your power system. You can try to clean the bill yourself. But if there is no experience, it's easier to go to the magician, who will take the necessary measures.
  • Do not accept gifts from strangers. It can be ordinary sweets and cookies, which can serve as a crossbeam. If you still left them on a table or bench, it is recommended to sweep them into a scoop and burn away from home or office.
  • Finally, listen to your intuition and analyze unpleasant events. If you have a private life popping at the seams, partners are uncomfortable with you and they prefer to leave, that is, there is an occasion to think about. Perhaps someone turned to rural magic to annoy you. Symptoms can also include frequent illnesses on an equal footing, unsuccessful financial transactions, service conflicts.


If nevertheless the ill-wisher resorted to village magic, then you need to remove the influence from the "grandmother", the leader or the healer. The second stage is the restoration and strengthening of its energy sector. Often people wear amulets and amulets, but it's best to build up your own personal strength.

For this, one must resort to various meditations and develop willpower. It is worthwhile to understand that all these village rites take their roots back to antiquity. Unusual knowledge is inherited until now. Only real witches and magicians treat this kind of magic with full seriousness and understand that the powerful energy of the universe is collected in it. It is capable of both improving human life and destroying it.

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