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Urbanization. Is this good or bad?

In statistical demography, urbanization is the process of urban development. It is characterized by an increase in the territory and an increase in the number of people. For several centuries this concept has been used as a development strategy for countries with different socio-economic indicators and systems.

It should be noted that urbanization is a process that depends on various factors: political, ethnic, economic, psychological, religious, etc. Since the 19th century, there has been a sharp increase in the growth of cities and the population in them. If in 1800 the number of townspeople around the world was 5%, then by 1980 this figure increased eight-fold.

"Urbanization" - the definition of this term first appeared in Spain in 1867. What is the reason for this process? From the socio-philosophical point of view, urbanization is a transition from a traditional social system to a new industrial one. The increase in the number of urban population is due to the transformation of rural settlements into urban settlements, the formation of new megacities and migrations. In some large cities, there is an increase in population not only at the expense of residents from the periphery, but also because of foreign migrants, often illegal. Also for many megacities is characterized by a pendulum migration, when residents of the neighborhood go to work in the center.

Stages of urbanization

The first period dates back to the 18-20th centuries and covers the developing countries of North America and Western Europe. During this time, urbanization caused population growth from 5% to 13%, the number of urban residents increased by 180 million people. The reason for this was the colonial policy of Britain and other European countries.

The second period dates back to the time of the establishment of imperialism (1900-1950). It is characterized by the active industrial development of most countries in the world, the growth of large cities. For 50 years the number of townspeople has increased by another 100 thousand people.

The third stage is called "global". Beginning in the 20th century, this period is closely connected with the scientific and technological revolution. It brought industrial production to a new, better level, and many other industries.

Modern urbanization is one of the most significant factors of globalization of the whole world. It applies mainly to large cities, in which there are at least 500 thousand inhabitants.


Organizationally unifying - spreads the culture and lifestyle of the city from the center to the provinces.

Differentiating. In the process of mastering the achievements of spiritual and material urban culture by separate areas, very specific and even unique types of activity arise in their environment.

As a result of the interaction of different types of settlements (villages, cities and agglomerations), the adaptive potential of the social sphere is significantly increased, spiritual and material culture is developing .

However, urbanization also has negative features. This uneven development of central cities and periphery, environmental pollution, stress and mental disorders on the basis of the rapidly increasing density of space, designed for normal human life.

There is also the concept of "false urbanization" - this is one of the characteristics of the situation in developing countries. As a result of the agrarian overpopulation of rural areas, their inhabitants, leaving the suburbs, are forced to seek a new place of residence in the cities. In this case, the number of jobs becomes insufficient for employment of the entire population. Rural residents, when they come to the city, join the ranks of the unemployed, and the lack of housing for many of them causes the unsettledness of the outskirts and unsanitary conditions.

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