
Treatment of scars

Who may need treatment for scars? People who underwent surgery, got into an accident, in contact with acids, alkalis, burned and injured. Few people manage to avoid the appearance of these unsightly marks on the body. Let's see, are they invincible, as it seems at first glance?

Modern cosmetology has advanced so much that the treatment of scars and scarring is only a matter of time and money, of course. Do not be tempted and choose the cheapest option, because the process can drag on for many months.

It should be borne in mind that there are no two identical scars. Each of them is individual, like a fingerprint. That is why a single treatment regimen used by a specialist does not exist. However, the technology used to treat scars is essentially one.

Below are a few tips that anyone who is going to get rid of an unpleasant mark should know.

First, do not resort to cryodestruction. On the territory of Russia this method has become widespread due to the relative cheapness and simplicity of the procedure. Its essence is as follows: the scar tissue is destroyed by exposure to it with liquid nitrogen. As a result, the scars, of course, are smoothed out, but become wider, and this considerably worsens the appearance of the affected area.

Secondly, leading experts advise to avoid beech-therapy, which is nothing more than X-ray irradiation of the scar. As a result - the thinning not only of the scar, but also of a fairly large surface surrounding it. The problem area is characterized by traumatic pigmentation.

In no case can the treatment of scars be postponed for later, despite the fact that many experts of the old school have done just that and advise. This is due to the fact that in the recent past, work was carried out with "ripe" scars (hirudotherapy, clay mud, mud, ozocerite, paraffin).

To date, laser treatment of scars (and injections) is the most effective.

The first stage of therapy is the introduction of a hormonal drug into the thickness of the keloid cicatrix . This contributes to the destruction of its structure, it becomes even and soft. Carrying out this procedure, it is very important to correctly determine the necessary concentration of medication, depth and technique of injection.

At the second stage, the laser is taken for the job. In the beginning - vascular, it ensures the elimination of blood vessels that feed scar tissue. Then - erbium, it evenes the damaged surface of the skin. Finishes the treatment of scars phytopigmatic laser, "painting" the scar under the color of healthy tissue.

If the scar is a cavity, a specially treated fatty tissue of the patient is inserted into the space between the scar itself and the upper layer of the skin. After that, the problem is solved according to the scheme described above. In some cases, adipose tissue is successfully replaced with drugs, based on collagen and hyaluronic acid.

How to make the formation of the scar be minimized?

If it is not possible to avoid injury, it should be remembered that it is impossible to rip off the arising crusts. Otherwise, scar formation is guaranteed.

It is not recommended to treat the abrasion or cut with ointments (or creams) on a greasy basis. If necessary, it is better to use baby powder, as the damaged surface must be dry.

Do not take a bath, visit the bath, and just wet the wound until it completely heals.

In case of burns, special ointments are used. They can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription, however, it is recommended to consult with a specialist before using them.

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