HealthDiseases and Conditions

Treatment of sand in the kidneys can not be delayed

Sand in the kidneys appears when the metabolism is disturbed. Such an effect can be acquired, but often also has an innate character. It is worth noting that the sand in the kidneys is the first signal for the development of kidney stone disease, because in view of some reasons, small stones may form from the sand first, and stones of decent size that interfere with the functioning of the kidneys and which cause many inconveniences to a person can form from the sand.

Why does sand in the kidneys form? The reasons can be very diverse, but, as a rule, they are all tied up on one: metabolic disorders. The latter can fail with the use of fatty, salty, acidic, spicy and smoked food, due to certain living conditions, with the presence of urinary tract infections, vascular disorders and much more.

Most often, the sand in the kidneys is revealed when it makes itself felt. The main sign is the kidney colic that occurs when the urinary tract is clogged with sand or stuck in the stone. Colic - this is a very strong pain in the region of the waist, which is transferred by a person with great difficulty. Also, signs of the presence of sand in the kidneys are the stinging during urination, a sediment in the urine, often in the form of blood, an increase in temperature and blood pressure.

If a person feels severe pain in the lower back and feels some discomfort when urinating, he should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner the treatment of sand in the kidneys begins, the better. If sand came out of the kidneys once, then problems with this can be constantly, while it is possible that from the grains will start to grow stones.

What should be the treatment of kidney sand? For the beginning it is necessary to confirm or deny the diagnosis, and only the doctor can do it. They will be assigned blood and urine tests, as well as ultrasound of the kidneys and, if necessary, some other additional studies.

After that, the doctor will proceed to the appointments, and the first thing he will do is appoint a diet. It implies the exclusion of most of those products that inhibit metabolism and promote the formation of sand. A mandatory condition - every day to drink a large amount of liquid (more than 3 liters). This is necessary for the sand to wash out and not accumulate in the urinary tract.

Treatment of sand in the kidneys involves the taking of certain medicines. First of all, these will be those drugs that kill pathogens and relieve inflammation. Those are canephron and palyn. Not bad with the dissolution of stones cystenal cope. But the need to take these medicines can only be said if the doctor prescribed them.

Thus, the treatment of sand in the kidneys consists of adherence to diet, water regimen, drug intake and a flexible lifestyle. Sedentary work and other inactivity leads to stagnation and difficult removal of sand from the kidneys.

If a person is sure that he has sand or stones in the kidneys, then with the appearance of renal colic, he can give himself first aid. To remove the sharp pain, a warm water bottle should be placed on the kidney area. Heat contributes to the expansion of the urinary tract, which means that sand or stones will quickly come out. To remove pain and spasms, any antispasmodic, for example no-shpa, can. If, after all these activities, the pain does not go away, you should immediately call a doctor to prevent unwanted complications.

It should be noted that only those who are certain of the presence of sand in the kidneys can resort to such first aid. The rest, as yet unexplored patients, should not take medicines and use a warm water bottle, since the likelihood that the pain is due to a tumor is high, and the heat will only increase it.

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