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Treatment of barley on the eye at home. Rapid relief from barley at home

The eyes are the mirror of our soul. This was the opinion of great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, who had no idea about the psychology of man, but they understood perfectly well in people. Eyes are the very first source of information for all people, who, naturally, can see. Even in ancient times, attention was paid to diseases and eye treatment. This is due to the advanced work of an ordinary person - hunting and farming. Those who did not engage in these activities were considered flawed, incapable of supporting the family or working for its benefit.

Treatment of eye diseases developed before our era. During wars, when almost the most common execution was the ejection of the eyes, healers and first doctors actively fought with various accretions in the eyes, opacity in them, inflammatory processes in the very eye and on it.

What is barley on the eye?

This disease annoys anyone who has ever suffered it. It is not enough when a cone closes an eye and does not let you communicate peacefully or find out something. What is barley? This is an ophthalmic disease, which consists in the inflammation of the sebaceous gland in the eyelids, the hair follicles of the eyelashes, or the lobules of the meibomian gland. This process is accompanied by painful sensations.

How does this disease occur?

Most often it occurs unexpectedly. Sometimes late at night, when there is no possibility to run to the pharmacy, to stop the inflammation with medications. Sometimes it can manifest itself at some responsible event. Near the eyelashes such a bump is maturing, which contains pus in itself. Negative emotions in its appearance are due to the fact that, in addition to unpleasant sensations, this disease gives a lot of trouble for caring for its appearance. After all, no cosmetic remedy, however good it may be, can completely mask the ball on the century. Therefore, it becomes acute the question of what should be the treatment of barley on the eye at home, what is needed for the disease to go away quickly and permanently. To find out the answers to these questions, you need to understand the causes of the disease.

Internal causes of barley

There is a certain state of the body, which can cause the appearance of barley and other diseases.

  1. The body loses its defenses. This can happen during the transition time: in spring and in autumn. Also, with the transferred disease, lack of vitamins, reduced immunity, constant stress.
  2. The presence of diseases of the endocrine system and the gastrointestinal tract. If you get sick for this reason, then fast treatment for barley on the eye will not succeed. Imbalance of hormones can permanently give a relapse in the disease, and a weak metabolism or the gastrointestinal tract itself gives the body the ability to accumulate toxins, which then exude through all sorts of skin or other diseases.
  3. Avitaminosis and furunculosis. Here we are talking about the composition and functions of the blood. Here one reason follows from the other. With a shortage of vitamins, the body loses its protective properties, and various infections are clinging to it.

External causes of the disease

To external causes of the disease include:

  1. Non-compliance with hygiene. If you constantly touch your eyes with dirty hands or work in a dusty place and you can not often wash your "soul mirrors", wait for the appearance of barley. Inflammatory process in this scenario will not take long.
  2. Frequent use of cosmetics of poor quality. Usually no one tests this cosmetics, or they test, but no one knows its composition and effect on the skin. Shadows and mascara can cause barley treatment on the eye at home.
  3. Strong hypothermia is the reason that can be attributed to internal, as when cooling the organism, its resistance is lost. Here the external influence of wind or frost on the eye also plays a role.

Symptoms of the disease

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is important not to delay with treatment, so that later you do not have to treat the old barley on the eye. To distinguish it from other formations is not difficult - it manifests itself in an acute form. In the upper eyelid or lower region, you can see a swelling. At first it does not even feel human. Then there are painful sensations, such as nausea or intoxication of the body, there may be cases of fever, a severe headache may occur, as well as general weakness. Some patients complain that nearby lymph nodes are inflamed nearby. Usually 2-3 days a white patch appears on the knob, a little more time will pass, and he will open himself, and the pus will come out. Maybe an option and self-care "disease" when the bump itself dissolves. To make effective treatment of barley on the eye, in no case can it be pierced or in every way contribute to the premature removal of pus. Such an action can lead to the spread of infection.

Removal of barley medicinal products

Like any disease, this disease, first of all, must be treated with medical preparations. Treatment of barley on the eye with drugs immediately gives an effective dynamics in recovery. Let's describe some ways of such influence on the disease:

  • Cauterization of the affected area with a mixture consisting of iodine, medical alcohol or brilliant greens. In such a solution, dab a cotton swab and apply to the inflamed place for 20-30 minutes. This action must be repeated at least 5 times a day. It is better if you do this up to 10 times. It is important not to overdo it with cauterization, so that the solution does not get into the eyes.
  • The use of ointments is not so common among those who suffer from this disease, since it is inconvenient to use them. Despite this, they are very effective in treatment. Most often used hydrocortisone, tetracycline and erythromycin ointment. They are thick in consistency, so they are superimposed on a sore spot only in the evening before going to bed, since during waking they can affect vision.
  • Widely used drops. Barley treatment on the eye is almost impossible without them. They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The most commonly used drops are "Sulfacil sodium 20%", "Ciprolet", "Tobrex". They should be buried only by the doctor's order at least 4-6 times a day.
  • UHF therapy is very effective, but it is performed only in the absence of elevated body temperature.
  • Radical treatment is surgical intervention. It is prescribed extremely rarely with certain indications, for example, if the size of the ulcer is too large, inefficient treatment for a long time. Then the doctor pierces the knob and cleans the entire infection.

The effectiveness of antibiotics in the treatment of disease

In addition to all the above methods, there is one more that effectively treats barley on the eye. Antibiotics are not prescribed by the doctor in all cases, but since it is an inflammatory disease, they are used frequently. Without them, do not do with increased body temperature and general intoxication of the body. Then treatment with antibiotics is inevitable. In all other cases it is better to get rid of the disease by other means, including home remedies. Do not abuse antibiotics, because they, in addition to pathogenic bacteria, kill more and the flora we need. Therefore, such medications should be used last.

Treatment of barley on the eye at home

Since ancient times, recipes for the treatment of this disease have been known by folk remedies. They are now widely used if there is no possibility to use medicines. Let's consider some of them.

  1. A very popular recipe is from brewed tea. We need to take tea with tea, put it in a thin cloth and apply it to the inflamed place. So you need to keep it until the bag gets warm from the eye.
  2. Dry hot water from salt. Salt should be heated in a frying pan, covered in a bag and put this bag to barley, keep until the salt cools. A very convenient method, because the salt cools down for a long time, which means that the treatment will be more effective. After this heating pad make a lotion from chamomile.
  3. Camomile can also be used separately. Brew a spoonful of dried flowers in half a glass of boiling water, moisten in infusion of cotton wool and put on the eye. Compresses can be changed and applied to barley, until you get tired.
  4. The same infusion is made from dill seeds. Only to insist it needs half a day, then only do the lotions.
  5. Treatment of barley on the eye with an egg. Boil it hard, wrap it in a rag so that it does not scorch, and attach it to the patient's eye. As the eggs cool down, you need to reduce the layer of cloth. Keep until the product has cooled down completely.
  6. Brew pieces of 10 bay leaves. Get them out of boiling water and apply to barley, supporting a cotton swab. As soon as the sheet cools down, it is necessary to take the following.

Do not use greasy ointments and cosmetics during the treatment of barley, because you can get another focus of purulent education.

Manifestation of barley in children

Symptoms of this disease in children are the same as in adults. If the immune system is weak, then it can develop faster. Just like an adult, a child can feel weakness, aches and dizziness, possibly a fever. Once you have seen the characteristic symptoms, you need to ensure that your baby does not rub his eyes, as he can spread the infection throughout the century. Then pus will not be in any specific place, but around the whole eye. This can lead to abscess and meningitis. And, of course, in no case can it be opened.

Helping children with this disease

First of all, you should be aware that you do not have medical education, and the medical treatment of barley on the eye can be prescribed only by a doctor. Also, you should not treat folk remedies without consulting your pediatrician, since babies may have a disease called chalazion (blockage of the sebaceous gland on the eyelid). This disease looks very similar to barley, only a doctor can distinguish it. Applying folk remedies, you can do much harm if you mix up the diseases. In general, there are practically no differences in medicines and folk remedies for children.

Rapid treatment of barley on the eye: emergency help

If you feel itching and pain in a certain area of the eye, then you need not let the infection develop further. They say it's better to prevent the disease than to treat it. This is exactly the case. Emergency treatment of barley on the eye at home should be based on the use of alcohol preparations. You can use camphor alcohol for moxibustion, greenery, iodine. You can also apply the essential oil of tea tree or fir. In any case, do not forget about the precautions for cauterization, so that solutions do not fall into the eye.

Prevention of the onset of the disease

In order not to get sick of this, and, in principle, other diseases, you need to monitor your diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, boosting immunity. There must be a wealth of vitamins in your diet, and you also need to follow the rules of personal hygiene. It is important not to use someone else's cosmetics, and also not to use cosmetics of poor quality. You must remember that dirty hands can also cause disease, so they can not be brought to the eyes.

To clean the eyelid area, you can use a non-alcoholic lotion every evening, dipping a cotton swab into it. This action is performed to remove skin scales that prevent breathing of the pores. Watching the state of your eyes, you will avoid such trouble as barley.

Non-medical products from barley

There is another way to get rid of the disease - treating barley with conspiracy on the eye. It does not apply to medical ones, so judge for yourself about its effectiveness. This method consists in reading throughout the day certain poems-conspiracies. But, as practice shows, they do not have a therapeutic effect on the disease. If you get involved in such methods, you can start the disease and get very serious complications.

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