HealthDiseases and Conditions

Treatment of an anal fissure with traditional medicine.

Anal fissure is the rupture of the mucous membrane of the rectum. More often in people who have an inactive lifestyle or suffer from constipation, this disease is observed. The occurrence of a crack is possible in the case of damage to the mucosa by some foreign object, including anal sex. To begin treatment of an anal fissure it is necessary at the earliest stage of its occurrence.

There are two main forms of the disease. The main sign of the appearance of the anal fissure is pain, which often does not stop for several hours after going to the toilet. Patients are less likely to go to the toilet, which leads to constipation and complications. The second sign is no less painful. This spasm of the sphincter. A vicious circle appears. When defecation there is pain, which in turn causes spasm of the sphincter and even more severe pain. All this becomes the main obstacle in healing. First of all, the treatment of anal fissure involves the elimination of pain.

In the absence of necessary and timely treatment, after twenty to thirty days, the disease becomes chronic. The edges of the crack coarsen and thicken. Pain occurs only after defecation, and eventually can disappear altogether. There are weak bleeding and spasm of the sphincter. Such a calm is dangerous, as excess tissue begins to develop at the edges of the anal fissure (anal tubercles). Itching and purulent discharge are possible . Always a longer and more difficult treatment for a chronic anal fissure. Usually it is conservative and only in those situations where it is impossible to achieve the desired effect, a specialist will prescribe excision.

When detecting a mother-in-law, you should contact a specialist who will definitely recommend a range of measures to facilitate the condition and quick healing. Treatment of an anal fissure begins with observance of simple rules on a delivery and hygiene. The diet should contain enough fiber (vegetables, fruits) and liquids (at least two liters per day). A complete rejection of sharp and fatty foods and alcohol is necessary. Doctors recommend every morning to eat one spoon of sunflower oil on an empty stomach. Treatment of an anal fissure and in body care is included. Take care that shampoos and gels do not cause irritation. And it's best to use a normal baby soap. Sitting baths made with the use of potassium permanganate and other herbs with antibacterial effect bring quick relief. After the bath, dry the area of the anus and apply talc. Now you can use any of the healing creams, even better if it also includes vitamin E.

It is recommended to treat the anal fissure with folk remedies, which in the fight against this disease operate as effectively as possible. In the sessile baths you can add a decoction from the bark of oak. For applications it is good to use infusions from wheat bran and calendula. In order to reduce the internal irritation of the intestine, healers are advised to use infusion of nettle leaves. Brew it like regular tea and drink it daily. The course of treatment is not less than fifteen days.

But the best treatment for anal fissure folk remedies is the use of aloe juice. Remove from a fresh cut sheet of crust and apply the resulting jelly to a sore spot. First cut one side and wipe the area of the anal hole, then cut the opposite side and do the same. It is best to perform this procedure after applying the healing baths. To treat the anal fissure located more deeply, it is possible with the help of aloe-made suppositories. Before use, they must be well frozen and then carefully inserted. Folk therapy is very effective and often contributes to complete recovery. In the event that the desired result is not achieved, it may be necessary to treat the chronic anal fissure surgically.

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