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The weight of children is 2 years. Normal weight of the child in 2 years

For every young mother, her child is an object for study and cognition. With the birth of the baby every day she spends in search of answers to a large number of questions. She is interested in everything: what diapers to choose, what to feed, how to care for a baby, what the child needs, how many kilograms it has collected, when will go and start talking.

Development in the first year is considered the most turbulent throughout the life of the baby. He learns to do a lot of activities, play, fall asleep and so on. The next year (second) is also important for the child. The kid improves his skills, acquired earlier, learns to express his desires with suggestions, he knows the world around him, he already reaches the innermost parts of the house without the help of adults. Age features of children of 2 years for parents make this period the most difficult, since any thing a child can "repair", apply for his game, make unsafe. A lot of attention and care is required from parents in order to protect their child from danger and promote his growth and development. Important in the development of the child is his weight. This is exactly what we will talk about.

Normal weight of children in 2 years

Often there are such situations: the child seems to be healthy and joyful, but my mother always has some kind of anxiety about his weight. Then she thinks that he is skinny and pale, then he is afraid to overfeed. To do this, experts have determined the range of weight at which the baby will feel great, and all internal organs will develop and work without failures. The weight of a child (2 years) is from 10.5 to 13 kg. Much depends on the genetic data, the mobility of the baby, his appetite. But first things first.

Why does the child fall behind in weight?

Nutrition in the life of the child performs one of the most important functions. Filled with nutrients, oxygen and water, the child's body grows, he has new skills and abilities, the kid pleases his parents. But some babies do not comply with generally accepted standards, is it worth worrying parents about this?

Almost all babies at an early age repeat the constitution and behavior of parents. If at the age of 2 years you were frail and skinny, do not be surprised at the sight of your lean child. And, conversely, if the parent was plump, the same is likely with a child.

The weight of children in 2 years may be below the norm for any disease, or if born before the due date. Parents should think about the health of the child if his low weight is accompanied by diarrhea or severe constipation, dermatitis, frequent diseases and their complications, excessive excitability or lethargy. In the case of similar conditions, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the weight in this case is only an indicator of trouble.

Another reason for the reduced weight of the baby may be a failure in his hormonal system. It is very rare, but still takes place in the lives of children. With hormonal insufficiency the child ceases to grow, although there were no psychotraumatic situations or strong physical diseases.

Obesity of a child in 2 years, reasons

Children (2 years), photos of which tries to make each parent's memory, reach no more than 90 cm and 13 kg in the norm. But there are babies that look too plump, which is not typical for their age. Causes of a large child:

  • Changes in the attitude towards nutrition. Mankind has recently given preference to fatty, sweet and processed food. Especially small people tend to be tempted by a sweet temptation, especially as advertising now and again calls for "eating" and "enjoying". By giving preference to such food, watching the parents, who intercept what will fall under the arm during breaks, children pay for modern trends with extra pounds and their health.
  • The weight of children in 2 years may exceed the upper limits of the norm due to computerization of the population and reduced mobility. Previously, children played in the streets, in houses until late in the evening in quick games. But with the development of new technologies in the technical sphere, a lot of talking toys, gadgets and other things have appeared, which attracts the child's attention and prevents him from developing physically, wasting energy accumulated with food.
  • Imitation. Each child is some kind of parent. If mom and dad are complete, then the child will also tend to accumulate extra pounds.

Parents guard kilograms

Caring about how the child develops (2 years), height, weight keeping it under control, parents should pay special attention to his nutrition. Mom and Dad - these are the people who should stand guard over food and not allow extra pounds. But you need to do this very carefully and unobtrusively. Noticing signs of obesity, in any case should not prohibit kids all sweet and slightly fat. The complete absence of such products in the diet will only produce the opposite result: all the child's thoughts will be directed to their extraction and begging from compassionate grandmothers. You should gradually reduce the dose of harmful food.

Psychological overtones of pathological weight

Separately, I would like to note the psychological aspect of heavy weight in children. Children (2 years old), whose photos are made by someone familiar, should look joyful, sweet, relaxed in the picture. A photograph is a good indicator of a child's inner state, if he has a bad mood, check that he will never agree to pose in front of the camera. Frequent bad moods, feelings of guilt, inferiority, loneliness, loss of someone close bring either obesity or pathological leanness. The desire to eat constantly (which directly affects the weight) - the need for safety. Before you put the baby on a diet, you need to make sure of his favorable psychological state.

Culture of food

As a rule of behavior, and the culture of nutrition, the baby learns, first of all, in the family. The parents are responsible for the formation of the food intake regime, development of the taste preferences of the child. It is important not to overfeed, but also saturate the growing body with useful products, then the weight of children in 2 years will not go beyond the norm. Remember, the child repeats not what the parent says, but what he does, so the baby will eat just like you.

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