
The tunnel in the cheek: a strange whim or a way of self-expression?

Biomodifications people have been exposed since ancient times. Changes in the body then had a sacred meaning and were part of complex rituals designed to give a person unique properties or to emphasize his social status. The most common were all sorts of experiments with the face, for example, puncturing the nose and earlobes of the ears and establishing rings or tunnels in them.

Is it worth it to risk

Today tunnels in the cheeks and ears have become a part of body art and have gained wide popularity among a certain part of the youth. Now they are considered as part of the subculture and a sign of belonging to a narrow circle of the elect.

Before visiting the salon, you must answer yourself to the question: "What happens after I finally have a tunnel in my cheek?". First, the track from it is subsequently difficult to eliminate: it's unlikely that everything will be done as it was. Secondly, these experiments with their appearance can seriously change a person's life . People who think that others suddenly think of him as her "cool" guy or "creepyly stylish" girl, it is better to refuse a visit to a master. Tattoos, piercings and tunnels should be done consciously, and not exclusively for shocking.

Is it worth it to make tunnels in the cheeks? Photos of people who already can boast such a "decoration" will exhaustively answer this question. If you liked everything, you can choose a tunnel of suitable size and design.

How do tunnels

Do not listen to advice on how to independently make a tunnel in the cheek. Such "instructions" are extremely dangerous for the health of a person who has risked following. Therefore, to acquire such an "ornament" is recommended in a good piercing salon providing such services.

There are several ways to install tunnels in the cheeks and ears, among which:

  • Surgical. The cheek is cut with a scalpel and an ornament is inserted into it. It is fast enough and in case of anesthesia application it is practically painless.
  • Stretching: first a small puncture is made, then special expanders ("bagel", cone-shaped, "snail") are inserted into it. With their help, you can expand the tunnel by a few millimeters in one session.
  • Teflon tape. It is wound on a special ornament and inserted into the puncture. Gradually increasing the number of turns, you can expand the hole to the desired size.

During the expansion of the holes, it is important that they are properly healed. To prevent tissue from deteriorating, it is better to extend them gradually. In addition, punctures need to be treated several times a day with a special disinfectant solution.

A little about health

There are a number of medical contraindications for piercing the cheeks and ears. For example:

  • Local allergic reactions;
  • eczema;
  • Cystic acne;
  • Various blood diseases.

The allergy to the material from which the tunnels are made may not appear immediately, its intensity depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. If irritation and itching appear around the puncture site, you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

While the puncture site does not heal, it is necessary to strictly observe all the rules of personal hygiene, which it is useful to learn from the piercing salon in advance. If an infection gets into the wound, it may cause a festering or infection with some kind of disease. Self-medication in this case - a thing not only useless, but also dangerous. By the way, inaction is also not an option, the lack of medical care can lead to the fact that your wonderful tunnel in the cheek will have to be surgically eliminated.

What will have to face then

People who decide to make a tunnel in the cheek need to be prepared for the fact that the reaction of others to this "decoration" can be, to put it mildly, inadequate. This is understandable, since the level of tolerance of our society is still far from acceptable.

In the West, people are more tolerant of the appearance and behavior of others. For example, the tunnels in the cheeks of the "aquarium" are perceived by virtually everyone calmly enough, while in Russia this exotic can only afford the most courageous and advanced fans of biomodification.

Do yourself a tunnel or be satisfied with more traditional ways of expressing your uniqueness, everyone is free to decide on his own. In principle, unnecessary punctures and holes are quite possible to sew up any plastic surgeon.

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