EducationThe science

The science of fish - ichthyology

This section of the science of zoology studies fish: their origin, structure, habitat, features of nutrition and much more, associated with them. Describes and systematizes various species of these aquatic inhabitants, their movement and reproduction, helping their data in the management of fishing and artificial cultivation of certain species - all this is the science of fish. What is the name of this section?

Ancient history of the question

The first attempts at research were carried out in deep antiquity. We can say that in China, the science that studies fish, of course, in an embryonic sense, is born in the first millennium before Christ. And in India - in the 6th century BC. Manuscripts appeared, in which a description of some species, their life activity, peculiarities of habitat and nutrition was conducted.


The science that studies fish has been further developed (not yet as an independent discipline, but as its segment) in the famous work of the famous philosopher and researcher of Aristotle, The History of Animals (4th century BC). It should be noted that the data on marine life, which were described in the book, were so fundamental that they were almost basic knowledge about fish until the 15th century. And then the science of fish completely relied on them.

Independence and flourishing

From the 15th to 19th centuries, scientists from different countries accumulated knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. And already in the 19th, finally, the science of fish becomes an independent discipline - Ichthyology. It stood in the service of mankind, developing active fishing in those years. The science of fish is gaining a powerful flourish in the 20th century, when, as a result of the development of science and technology, it became possible to study more deeply the depths of the sea with the help of submarine submarines, bathyscaphes, aqualungs and sonars. Knowledge has advanced significantly with direct observation of marine life.

The science of fish: what is it called and what does it study?

So, ichthyology now represents one of the sections of zoology of beings having a spine-fish. She studies their structure, basic and additional functions of organs, habitat and way of life, distribution and reproduction, the evolutionary development of these marine animals, systematizing species and subspecies.

One of the main most productive areas is the study of the behavior of fish, depending on the changing environment, where they live. Her condition reduces or sharpens the instincts, influences nutrition and reproduction.

Another promising area is the study of the food base. Its presence or absence depending on various reasons (one of which, for example, is a person's economic activity) determines the behavior and even causes the existence of a certain type.

According to the proposed classification, there are several types of aquatic vertebrate inhabitants - cold-blooded. Benthophagi feed on organisms inhabiting the bottom and bottom of the reservoir. Detritophages - dead dead and bacteria. Predatory - like themselves, that is, fish. Phytophagous is a plant food in water.

Practical use

But the science of fish is not just a theory. Many knowledge is directly applicable to fisheries: catch and breeding. They are used in industry and industry, in carrying out ecological forecasts, studying the seas and oceans. After all, most of our planet is covered with water, and all terrestrial species of animals came out of the World Ocean - this also should not be forgotten! And among the most pressing problems solved by modern ichthyology is the organization of an expedient and rational, reproducing and intensive fish farm that can solve the problem of protein nutrition all over the world forever.

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