
The Rurik dynasty on the Russian throne

The dynasty of the Rurikites is the very first Grand Duke's dynasty in the Russian throne. It was established in 862 according to the text of the Tale of Bygone Years. This date has a symbolic name "calling the Varangians".

The Rurik dynasty lasted 8 centuries. During this time there were a lot of displacements, distrust, conspiracies against its representatives. The first representative of the dynasty, that is, its founder, Rurik. This prince was invited to rule in Novgorod people's veche of the city. Rurik laid the foundation of statehood in Russia, became the founder of the first Grand Duke's dynasty. But it is worth noting that a large part of the representatives of Rurikovich still came from Kievan Rus.

So, the dynasty of Rurik, whose list will be presented below with all the characteristics of its figures, has its ramified system. The second representative was Oleg. He was the commander of Rurik and ruled by his young son. He is known for unifying Novgorod and Kiev, and also signed the first treaty of Russia with Byzantium. When Igor Rurik's son grew up, power passed into his hands. Igor conquered and conquered new territories, overlaid them with tribute, because of which he was brutally killed by the Drevlyans. After Igor, power passed into the hands of his wife Princess Olga. This wise woman conducted the first economic reform on the Russian land, establishing lessons and graveyards. When the son of Olga and Igor Svyatoslav grew up, naturally, all power fell to him.

But this prince differed in his military thinking and stayed constantly in campaigns. After Svyatoslav, Vladimir 1 ascended to the throne, better known as Vladimir the Saint.

He baptized Rus at the end of the 10th century. After Vladimir ruled Svyatopolk, he was in an internecine war with his brothers, a victory which won Yaroslav the Wise. That's really whose rule was great: the first Russian code of laws was drawn up, the Pechenegs were defeated and great temples erected. After the reign of Yaroslav Rus for a long time will remain in a kind of distemper, because the struggle for the Grand Duchy is tougher and no one wants to lose it.

The dynasty of Rurik, whose tree was very difficult, received the next great ruler almost 100 years later. They became Vladimir Monomakh. He was the organizer of the Lyube Congress, he defeated the Polovtsians and preserved the relative unity of Rus. After the reign of the Rurik dynasty, it once again forked.

From this period, you can distinguish Yuri Dolgoruky and Andrei Bogolyubsky. Both princes were prominent figures of the era of the fragmentation of Russia. The remaining period of the existence of this dynasty will be remembered by several names: Vasily 1, Ivan Kalita, Ivan 3, Vasily 3 and Ivan the Terrible. It is with the names of these figures that the creation of a unified Russian state is connected, it is they who have begun the accession of all lands to Moscow and they have finished.

The dynasty of Rurikovich gave our country statehood, huge spacious territories, which were united by the last representatives of this dynasty, an extensive cultural heritage.

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