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The icon of desperate one hope: in what does it help?

The icon of "Desperate One Hope" is one of the most widespread images in Orthodoxy. This icon is worshiped by many believers, who believe that it can help solve their problems and improve their lives.

Why pray this icon?

The icon of "Desperate One Hope" is considered a great intercessor of all Orthodox. It is designed to give them hope in the most difficult situations, which many may seem hopeless.

It is believed that this icon gives the person strength, helps to go on in life a true and sinless road, and also believe in the power of the Lord. Since even priests in temples claim that it is not enough to only pray. We still need to believe that help will come. Only such a faith will save from all the evil and bad that can only appear on the earth.

Meaning of the icon

The icon of the Virgin "Desperate One Hope" is of great importance in the Orthodox world. After all, every person in his life regularly faces difficulties and difficulties. Their causes can be a variety of circumstances. Often such misfortunes are accompanied by mental suffering. So strong that it is not everyone who can cope with them independently, no matter how hard he tries and whatever efforts he exerts. In order to heal the soul, often outside help is needed.

In the most difficult moments of life a person needs real and tangible support. Then the icon of the Virgin "Desperate One Hope" comes to his aid. After all, an ordinary person can not always help, often spiritual support from above is required. Even when human assistance is powerless, the icon of the "Desperate One Hope" comes to the rescue.

олько она может спасти человека в самых безнадежных жизненных ситуациях. The meaning of the icon of "Desperate One Hope" is that only it can save a person in the most hopeless life situations. If you really believe in its power, then the problem will be resolved so easily that it will not be easy to believe in it at once. At least, so say those who in reality encountered the miraculous properties of this icon.

Faces of the Virgin

On the icon of the "Desperate United Hope" the face of the Virgin is beautiful, Orthodox believers assert. At the same time, without detracting from the attractiveness of her face on other icons, it is nevertheless noted that on this he looks particularly beautiful and refined.

On her the Son of God to himself gently presses the young mother. And he at that moment tremblingly embraces her. Pure and true love is the main motive of the image of "Desperate One Hope". The icon of the Mother of God is considered one of the most revered in the Christian church.

At the same time, it is not known for certain where, by whom and when this work of church art was written. The history of Orthodoxy is silent about this. One can find only brief information about the fact that this image was first found on the territory of modern Ukraine at the beginning of the last century. The icon so struck Orthodox believers that they still consider it to be one of the most significant. Even though her canonicity has not been proven. There is no common opinion whether it belongs to the canon of the church.

What can help this icon?

Many turn with prayers to the icon of "Desperate One Hope". What does it help them? Most importantly, before the icon is accepted to pray for all life's sufferings, their own and their loved ones. Most often, they come to her in a state of deep sadness.

Then the icon is asked to overcome laziness, increase faith in Christ and Christian benefactors, love of others. They are asked to rid themselves of the most serious sins, for example, love of money and idle talk, eradicate fornication and vicious passions not only from life, but even from thoughts. They ask you to soften your own heart, to permanently rid it of bad thoughts, to forget forever about such an unpleasant feeling as envy. They are asked to protect themselves from adversity, both external and internal, which are buried deep in the soul of each person. They ask to be taught to endure in the most difficult and unpleasant sufferings.

They also apply with very specific requests. For example, heal from tobacco, alcohol or drug addiction. The main thing that this icon can help is to see your own sins. Only in this case a person will be able to realize how wrong he was in this life, how to correct him. Then he can atone for his guilt.

Feast of the Theotokos

To see the face of the Virgin, including this icon, can be in various countries throughout the country and the world. In Russia, in almost every Orthodox church there is at least one icon dedicated to the mother of Christ.

For the Mother of God, even a special day is set. This is November 18th. Every year on this day, Orthodox believers come to the temple to turn to the mother of Christ with their most cherished requests, share the most intimate desires. After all, they understand whoever mother may feel the most pain and suffering.

Prayer to the Theotokos

There is even a special prayer icon of the "Desperate One Hope". In it, the believer should turn to the face of the Virgin. Asking not to depart from ordinary people, who often fall into despondency, are lamented for nothing. Forgive these ordinary people their disbelief, doubts, countless sins.

The main thing in prayer is asked to get rid of sinful habits, from passions that are capable of capturing a weak-willed person. To forgive all those cases when a person, because of his weakness, violated the biblical commandments, went against his conscience and his convictions.

Akathist to the Theotokos

This is a very important prayer. After all, the icon with the Virgin on it symbolizes the essence of all living things in this world. It is in this image, the mother with the baby in her arms, the heavenly beginning that gives life to all life in the world, brightens the future with hope, which is unshakable under any circumstances. Especially if you really believe.

Everyone who comes back to the image day after day understands one important truth. The truth that the Most High proclaimed. It is that the main thing that exists on earth is true and sincere love. The kind that a mother has for her child. The one that is imprinted on this symbolic icon. Indeed, it is in the name of this love that all the most beneficial acts are performed on earth. With such thoughts, believers approach the icon of "Desperate One Hope". Akathist, who utters at this time, helps them to praise the Theotokos.

Where to meet the icon?

Despite its relevance, this icon can not be found in all Orthodox churches. In many respects, because the debate over whether it is canonical does not abate so far.

True, the icon of the "Desperate United Hope" in the churches of Moscow can always be bought in a church shop. But to see it on the iconostasis is a rarity. One of the most famous Orthodox churches in which it is represented among other shrines is the Ascension Church in Krasnoperekopsk in the Crimea. It refers to the Moscow Patriarchate.

It is also possible to meet the icon of Seraphim of Sarov, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Monk Matrona of Moscow, the Holy Mother of God "Skoroposlushnitsa". This temple appeared relatively recently. It was built only in 2010. It was then installed a dome, weighing 8 tons, completed the basic installation and construction work. The official opening took place in 2011. As we see, despite its youth, the temple has already managed to acquire a large number of valuable and important icons for the Orthodox world.

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