
The front lower tooth is loosening: what to do and how to strengthen

Wobbling of the front teeth is a warning signal and a serious reason to make an appointment for a consultation with the dentist. Without the provision of quality and timely treatment, such discomfort often leads to their loss.


This problem is most often due to inflammation of the periodontal disease. When soft tissues are affected by diseases such as gingivitis, periodontal disease and periodontitis, the release of the root begins. The ailment is easy to notice, because at this time the lower front teeth are actively reeling. The causes of the appearance of such diseases are different:

  • malocclusion;
  • Irregular oral hygiene;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Violation of mineral metabolism and beriberi;
  • Worsening thyroid gland function;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Some chronic diseases (arthrosis and diabetes mellitus);
  • bad habits;
  • Mechanically damaged.

At risk are women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as the elderly. The condition of the gums is poorly reflected by a violation of the hormonal background - they become friable.

First actions

It happens that without any visible reason the front lower tooth is unsteady. What to do? It should be understood that inaction can be fraught with its loss. First you need to try to identify the cause of the disease to take the necessary measures. But not every person will be able to independently diagnose correctly, so you need to make an appointment with a doctor.

Very often such loosening is due to the abuse of bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol. Sometimes it happens that the disease is transmitted by inheritance, that is, it is programmed by genetics. There is not much that can be done here, the only true solution will be the use of folk remedies, only after consulting the dentist.

People with the wrong bite very often suffer, since their lower front teeth are unsteady. Treatment here should be conducted only by a qualified orthodontist.

Stages of

There are certain stages of the problem that everyone can face.

1. The initial. Begins to disturb bleeding during the cleaning of teeth, there is itching and swelling of the gums, the appearance of bad breath.
2. In the next stage, discomfort is added after chewing food, shaking of the front teeth is observed even with the slightest touch.
3. If the treatment is not carried out, then completely cutaneous tissue is destroyed and part of the root is bare.

Adolescent problems

If the lower front teeth are unsteady in children, and they are permanent, this is the first sign that indicates that there are serious disorders in the body.

The main reasons for this phenomenon can be:

  • caries;
  • Periodontitis;
  • Systemic diseases;
  • Metabolic disorders.

After the child has let know, that at it or him there is a problem, it is necessary to address to the stomatologist. Very often in the appearance of pathology, heredity plays an important role, because of which the root is poorly fixed in the jaw tissues.

Since children are very mobile, they are sometimes injured and dropped. And also to such consequences comes the habit of biting hard objects and grinding their teeth. As a result, the oral cavity becomes fragile, as a result of which the lower front teeth of the child are unsteady. What to do when there are signs of wobbling of the teeth, each of the parents should know. A teenager is required to be shown to a doctor who will prescribe strengthening therapy.


During this period, hormone changes occur in the body of the woman, which significantly worsen blood supply to the mucous membranes. The child begins to draw calcium from the mother's reserves, which aggravates the condition of the female teeth. Also, the washing out of calcium occurs at the time of toxicosis along with vomiting. As a result, the gums begin to bleed and become inflamed, resulting in the formation of cavities, where food is clogged, then caries develop and the lower front teeth swing. How to strengthen and restore the mouth, so as not to harm their health, all future mothers should know. In this situation, a specialist can prescribe a set of preventive and curative measures that strengthen the staggering series.

To them it is possible to carry:

  • Professional dental cleaning and caries treatment;
  • Recommendations for proper nutrition, which include the use of foods that contain a large amount of calcium (vegetables, fruits, sour-milk products, meat and fish);
  • The appointment of mineral-vitamin complexes and, if necessary, drugs;
  • Training gum massage with fingers and the use of a conditioner;
  • Familiarization with specialized flosses, pastes and elixirs, specially developed for pregnant women.


It often happens that the front lower tooth is unsteady. What to do? How to eliminate this problem, dentists-orthodontists know.

Depending on the symptoms and causes of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the necessary drugs.

  1. Ointment "Solcoseryl". It is indispensable for severe degrees of periodontitis.
  2. Gel "Asepta". Propolis is an active ingredient in this product. The composition helps to prevent the development of inflammatory processes, provides a minimum pain threshold of the affected areas, reduces the risk of bacteria. Well strengthens the gum tissue. In the early stages, the result is visible after a few weeks of use.
  3. Gel "Troxevasin". Effective in the case when the front lower tooth is unsteady. What to do with this drug and how to use it correctly, the dentist will tell. The product improves circulation in the gums, has a visible anti-edematous effect and prevents the fragility of capillaries.
  4. "Elugel" and "Elgifluor." Excellent drugs that have chlorhexidine in their composition. Provide active absorption of useful components, and also help to be absorbed into the gums of other drugs. It is recommended for the treatment of periodontal pockets. An excellent substance that treats inflammatory processes complicated by periodontitis. It is based on such useful components as polyphepan, dioxidine, sodium chloride and cryostructured starch.

Self-treatment is often ineffective, as it is very difficult to independently choose the right remedy.

Folk remedies

To eliminate the disease, you can use not only medicamentous components, but also phytotherapy.

  • The gauze is soaked with fir oil, and then applied to the gums for 15 minutes. Treatment is required to be repeated for 20 days, and after six months to reproduce the course.
  • Garlic helps in solving the problem. Gums will need to rub them for 14 days.
  • Using a decoction of nettles is very popular, because it contains a huge amount of nutrients, with a lack of which the lower front teeth are loose. Medications help, of course, well, but the natural broth will be an excellent alternative to them. For cooking you need 1 tbsp. L. The composition pour a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Further, the prepared liquid is divided into parts in three containers. This is enough for the day, eat it is recommended an hour after eating.
  • Yarrow juice is an incredibly effective remedy, according to phytotherapeutists. For treatment, you need to take a small amount of liquid and wipe it with gums throughout the day.
  • 30 grams of root aira is poured into 0.5 l. Of vodka. For 2 weeks, the liquid is infused in a dark place, and then filtered. Next, a prepared solution three times a day should rinse the oral cavity.
  • Yarrow juice is also useful. It is necessary to use very little and during the day to wipe the inflamed places with it.

If the lower front teeth are loose, what should I do? Folk remedies are beautiful harmless components that perfectly complement the therapeutic effect.


In neglected cases, get rid of only gels, therapeutic pastes and rinses will not work. At such stages, the tooth's neck is bare so that it begins to swing even at the slightest pressure. In patients, the gap widens, and bone and gingival tissues are partially atrophied. Dentists propose to strengthen the series with the help of a rather effective technique - "splinting".

The essence of the method is that mobile units from several sides are fixed with a special strong strip. Then a thin aramid polyethylene thread holds adjacent teeth. For a more secure connection from the inside, grooves are installed. In them, a fastening fishing line is inserted and a special glue is fixed, which fixes the jaw firmly with the correcting structure. At the time of chewing, cleansing and sanitation, such a device does not discomfort even to those patients who have strong mobility of the front teeth.


The front lower tooth is loosened. What to do to patients in order to avoid complications, is described further.

  1. Every day, morning and evening, cleanse the mouth.
  2. If there is a possibility, you need to correct the wrong bite.
  3. Timely to treat periodontal diseases and ailments that weaken the body, thereby affecting the condition of the teeth.

An important factor in the health of teeth is proper nutrition. Carrots, sea kale, milk, fish, pumpkin, chicory, apples, onions - products containing in their composition useful substances for the gums and oral mucosa that can strengthen the teeth.

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