News and SocietyPhilosophy

The Essence and Structure of the Worldview

The term "world outlook" appeared and entered the scientific revolution in the late 18th century in connection with the scientific creativity of representatives of German classical philosophy. But this does not mean that it was then that all the conceptual provisions of this phenomenon were formed. First of all, it should be said that many representations, without which today no worldview can be imagined (no matter what type we are talking about, mass or individual), have come to the worldview conglomerate from completely different forms of social consciousness. Moreover, the worldview itself was expressed mainly through the content of such spiritual phenomena as philosophy, mythology, metaphysics, religion.

The world view, its essence and structure, as a rule, was expressed through those representations of individuals, which they formulated in the process of generalization of those knowledge that were acquired as a result of social practice. As a result of such generalizations, an understanding of the outlook has been formed as a specific form of the individual's consciousness, in which his views on the surrounding reality and his place in this reality are reflected.

In numerous sources, you can find the most diverse definitions of the world view, but for all their dissimilarity, it can be argued that they all practically equally interpret the structure of the worldview as a multisyllabic phenomenon.

The structure of philosophy in philosophy includes such important components as knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and ideals, through which a person expresses his attitude to the surrounding reality and forms his own position in this world.

The structure of the worldview as its most important elements, includes:

  • Information and knowledge system;
  • Views, attitudes and criteria for assessing the environment;
  • Attitudes and beliefs that predetermine human behavioral motivations;
  • The ideals of man - images that predetermine the development of man and his movement, as an active, transforming the world, the subject.

But on this the structure of the worldview is not exhausted, since all of the above elements can be classified into objective ones (they include knowledge) and subjective ones (these are basically views, beliefs and ideals).

All components of the worldview structure have a fully defined functional purpose.

Knowledge, which is a certain reworked system of scientific information, helps a person to comprehend the world around him and the phenomena occurring in it. Within the framework of this component there can be observed quite definite discrepancies, which are objective and sufficiently explainable. For example, people may have roughly comparable intellectual potentials, but at the same time completely differ in their worldviews.

The structure of the world view, which includes the views of people, suggests their consideration as judgments that, unlike knowledge, express the subjective conclusion of the individual about reality. For example, representatives of the scientific and religious worldviews completely differently consider the issue of the origin of man.

Knowledge, like views, does not always act as a motivating factor. More important, in terms of this issue, are beliefs. Forming on the basis of any idea, beliefs reflect the synthesis of objective knowledge and aspirations, which fixes the social position of a person in society and his activities.

The structure of the worldview as its organic element provides for the presence of ideals. In the simplest sense, the ideal is an image in which the anticipated, the perfect, is imprinted, something to which a man has a strong aspiration and a high (in terms of criteria) attitude. As a rule, they embody the best examples of human thinking and behavior.

Thus, the worldview is a systemic unity of its constituent components. The relationship between these components can change over time, and then one of them can become dominant not only at the level of individual consciousness, but social.

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