Arts & EntertainmentLiterature

The denouement in the literature is one of the most important elements of the composition

Exposition, string, culmination, denouement, finale - in the literature this is considered to be the compositional components of the work. It is known that the composition in the literary text is the arrangement of parts of the work in a certain sequence. This is a kind of system, thanks to which the author manages to express his idea.

The main "bricks" of the composition

The outset of the narrative refers to that point in any literary form, where the storyline and conflict on which the plot is based are born. The culmination is the part in which the conflict reaches its climax. Immediately after it follows the denouement. In the literature, this is the block of compositional construction in which the conflict is resolved, and the storyline ends.

The Significance of the Decoupling

If we represented the development of the plot in the form of a graph, then from the starting point - the string would move upwards, to the peak of the work - the climax, and then go to a recession where the denouement awaits. In literature this schematic image, resembling a frame, turns into a full-blooded, saturated and interesting action designed to awaken the reader certain thoughts and feelings, to induce him to some moral decision.

In this connection, the denouement can be perceived not simply as the final "chords" of the plot harmony, but as an author's artistic tool, by means of which he accentuates his position in relation to the heroes and the conflict.

What is the difference from the finale

The denouement in literature is not the final of the work. It is also wrong to call the ending the end, the last lines and words. The author in the book submits his plan in the form of intricate nodules. The intrigue grows, gradually the action moves to the final, where the culmination and denouement will occur. Conditionally these two composite elements constitute the final for the sake of which the narrative was conducted.

Sometimes there is no final outcome, and then literary scholars talk about an open final. Such an artistic device is characteristic of works in which the author induces the reader to think. An open ending we see in Ken Kesey's play "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", in Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", in the story of M. Saltykov-Shchedrin "History of a City".

It also happens that the denouement in the literature is simultaneously a culmination. In Gogol's comedy The Inspector General, the famous silent scene is the highest point of the growing conflict between Khlestakov's lie that he is an important official from St. Petersburg and the true state of things.

At the same time, this is the denouement, in which the lines of the intercepted letter from Khlestakov are read out, the provincial authorities learn the truth, and against this background there are words that the inspector has arrived from the capital and requires the governor "this hour" to himself.

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