
The concept of "life": a synonym, meaning and interpretation

The concept of "life" is multifaceted, it is difficult to find a synonym for it, since there are many forms in existence. But we never were frightened by difficult tasks, incidentally we will offer an answer to the question: does life have a meaning?


It is impossible to say about the words-replacements without talking about the very content of the term. Life gives rich food for thought. The dictionary offers 6 basic interpretations:

  1. Form of existence of matter. Life of the plant world or animal.
  2. The physiological existence of man and animal and in general all living things. Decorate someone's life, give someone life.
  3. Duration of existence. Boring the life of Alexander Bashlachev (Russian rock musician).
  4. The form of human activity and society and their manifestations. Family life. Saturated with your personal life.
  5. Reality. His plan was realized not without the help of other people.
  6. Revitalization, a high assessment of human activity, its vigor. In Petr Semenovich a lot of life!

As you can see from the list, there are a lot of meanings, and in order to find a synonym for the concept of "life", it will take a lot of space and patience for the reader, but let him not worry, because we will not overload him. Let's go only on the most important thing.


Of course, our research object can be successfully replaced contextually. But such analogies lead useless. There are as many as the meanings, so we will focus on the core, and then the reader will understand what he needs. Synonyms:

  • being;
  • Existence;
  • Century;
  • reality;
  • reality;
  • What is happening;
  • developments;
  • Job;
  • Personal or social activities;
  • biography;
  • Life process;
  • Life path.

When it comes to life, it is difficult to find a synonym for the concept, and even our list looks strange. On the one hand, life is the alpha and omega of existence, but on the other hand, it is really unclear what is at stake. Exceptions are cases where the proposals are extremely specific, and in general it is almost impossible to talk about life, as it is impossible to discuss the air that we breathe. What is there to argue about? There is no object.

Meaning of life

It is presumptuous to think that one can briefly answer the question that philosophy is struggling with throughout its history. Of course, we do not deceive ourselves. But it is quite possible here to formulate the basic strategies regarding the meaning of life. Synonyms first give way, and then we'll talk about the content of the phrase:

  • (primary goal;
  • content;
  • A matter of all life;
  • Essence;
  • Concept;
  • Purpose;
  • vocation.

Thinking about the meaning of life, do not forget that this is a construct that a person, as a rule, builds up when there is already some result. But there is a suspicion rather strong that, as Victor Pelevin wrote: "Existence, my sir, this is not a shot from a cannon," and it's not necessary for him to have a goal. The question of meaning arises because it is painful for a person to live on freedom without any rational explanation of his being.

Summing up the conversation, let's say: you can choose many synonyms for the word "life", but the main thing is that it continues!

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