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The composition on the theme "Mixed or Scared Molchalin" in the comedy Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

At the beginning of the XIX century, Griboyedov wrote a comedy that opened a new stage in the history of Russian literature. All the characters "Woe from Wit" have a historical, literary and universal significance. A special discovery of the Russian playwright was the creation of the image of Molchalin. This hero combines all the negative qualities of the socio-psychological type, which is still very common in Russia today. Is Mishallin ridiculous or terrible?

Slavish servility

This type of character has become quite common in Russian literature. But for the first time readers and theatrical spectators got acquainted with it precisely thanks to the comedy of Griboyedov. The writer was able to generalize all that he saw in society. From his easy hand, literary criticism included such concepts as "Fame", "Silence." They are not close in meaning, but in the comedy "Woe from Wit" are connected with each other.

MOLCHALIN is a small man. But unlike Pushkin's type, he does not reconcile himself to his social position and is ready to do anything in order to rise in society. The father instilled in him slavish servility as a means by which to achieve his goal. Is Mishallin ridiculous or terrible? The answer to this question, at first glance, seems obvious. The secretary of Famusov can only provoke contempt and irony. This is how the reader perceives it. Funny and pathetic, he appeared in the eyes and the main character of the comedy. But there is no unequivocal answer to the question: "Is ridiculous or terrible Molchalin?" The composition devoted to the characters of Griboyedov, requires a deeper reading of the work. Because only after reflection and some analysis comes to mind that this hero is not so harmless.


Is Mishallin ridiculous or terrible? Griboyedov's writing is not just a comedy, in which the author talentedly ridiculed the vices of Moscow society. In it, the writer also raised the question of what kind of feelings a person is striving for career take-off. Chatsky's mistake was a mistake about the secretary of Famusov. MOLCHALIN is a "wordless" person, but he is able to achieve "the degrees of the known". In his quest to make a career, there is nothing reprehensible, if not for complete indifference to everything that is happening around.

One of the critics noticed that Molchalin, having decided once to make a career, went on the road, from which he would never turn. Even if his mother dies, a beloved woman will call for help, and the whole world will not spit in his face, he will not back down. The question of whether ridiculous or terrible Molchalin, from this point of view, suggests an unambiguous answer. Cynical careerists should beware. Their manners are not a reason for irony. After all, if such a Molchalin manages to deceive others, sooner or later he will show his true face. And his face will be terrible.


Chatsky was opposed by the Famous world. It can not be said that Molchalin is a part of his mentor's society. He is still only trying to become one. But the confrontation between the main character and the secretary of Famusov is especially striking because these people belong to the same age category. But each of them chose his own way in this world. One became a rebel and a truth-seeker. The other person preferred to take time off and wait for a good moment, when he will still be able to get what he dreams of for so long. Is Mishallin ridiculous or terrible? Can a snake that hides and at any moment is ready to bite, cause laughter? The answer to these questions is obvious. They will help to open an essay on the theme "Mixed or terrible Molchanin".


MOLCHALIN does not realize how it is possible, as a petty official, to have his own point of view. His servility and desire to please sometimes take comic forms. But I am ready to praise the smooth fur of a dog of a noble lady, to play the role of a lover in front of Sophia, to condemn and criticize Chatsky. The composition on the theme "Funny or terrible Molchalin" is an analysis of the character, comparing it with other characters, as well as thinking about who such a person could become if his deception was not discovered in time.

The poorest creation

As already mentioned, Chatsky, at the first meeting with Molchalin, was extremely mistaken. In his eyes, this man was a nothing and a miserable creature. This attitude towards the silent was characteristic of Griboedov's time. The type of young, advanced nobleman who, with his lofty ideals and brilliant education, will someday become popular became a popular type of Russian society. Opposition to such a type served the old aristocratic world. The silences were in the shadows. And this was the danger that the author of the comedy "Woe from Wit" points out. Is Mishallin ridiculous or terrible? The answer to this question is clear, it's worth imagining a little. What would have happened if the secretary managed to get Sophia's hand to get into the circle of Famusov? For sure, the society that was so unpleasant to Chatsky would in the end turn out to be not as dangerous as this silent, exceptionally flattering young man.


The self-created image of the humble man touches Sophia. After reading French novels, she is ready to believe in his pure thoughts and high feelings between people belonging to different social worlds. But the mask instantly flies from Molchalin, just before it appears a person who is lower in status. The true face of this character can be seen in those actions where he communicates with Liza. About what the secretary of Famusov himself is, it becomes clear from his conversations with Chatsky. In the eyes of Molchalin, the main character is a loser, which means he is only worthy of contempt.

It is not necessary to believe that exposing Molchalin will lead to the fact that he will disappear from the public scene. Only "crazy" Chatsky can leave it. "Is ridiculous or terrible Molchanin?" - an essay-reasoning, which requires an understanding of the historical role of the heroes Griboyedov. At first glance, an unsuccessful careerist. In fact - an extremely invulnerable scoundrel. Sooner or later he will achieve his goal. And, perhaps, it is not so terrible Molchalin, as that time, in which flatterers and careerists feel comfortable, and in which they take the truth for insanity.

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