
Styling 'Wet effect'

The so-called "wet effect" as a style of hair styling came into fashion about thirty years ago. For all this time, the effect of wet hair has managed to acquire so many fans and fans that the hairstyle has become appropriate in almost any situation and is suitable for any occasion.

Today in fashion hairstyles, which are only partially processed in this technique. This is a hint, and not an obvious effect, so when stacking, you need to be extremely careful, so that everything turned out as recommended by stylists.

You can create such a styling on your hair even without visiting the salon. Having mastered only a few rules, you can even make a very original hairstyle at home.

"Wet styling" of hair will require the acquisition of special means. For this purpose, suitable varnish, foam for styling or texturizer. The last resort is most preferable. This is a special gel, with the help of which a professional "wet effect" is created. It is very convenient for them to process individual strands, giving them the necessary shine. When using this tool, there is no need to fix the hair with the help of auxiliary devices, simple manipulations of hands. Texturizer has, perhaps, only one drawback: it is quite expensive.

To create this hairstyle on long and obedient hair, the simplest means for styling, for example, varnish, is enough. Short and naughty hair will require a lot of effort, plus you will need at least another hair gel.

The means that give the hair a "wet effect" are divided by the degree of fixation. They are easy, medium and strong fixation. The first are suitable for curly hair, the second and third - for straight. Similar means for styling can be made and from the notorious sugar or gelatin, diluted in water. However, please note that these methods have drawbacks. After using self-made products, hair quickly becomes dirty, and it is much more difficult to wash off them than factory ones.

Hairstyle "Wet effect" will require you not only to have a fixative, but also to own the technique of its creation.

To make a hairdress on curly hair it is possible so: first put on hair gel, comb with a comb with rare teeth, while giving them the shape that you like.

If you have a short haircut, the gel needs to be applied. In the area of the temples, the hair should be smoothed, and then form individual strands of feathers throughout the head, separately model the bangs and walk through all the hair with their hands, slightly lifting them at the roots and ruffling. For the final fixation of the hairstyle, gather the hair into a fist, squeeze them for a few seconds, then release. You can improve the laying with a diffuser.

"Wet effect" for long and straight (naughty) hair will require you to maximum patience and skill. It is best to look at the hair if the curls resemble slightly curly. To achieve this, you need to use elastic bands. Apply gel on hands, twist small strands into bundles and fix them with rubber bands. Approximately in an hour they can be removed and slightly disheveled strands. To achieve a deliberate "chaotic" disorder in this case, it is also desirable (even almost necessary) to apply a diffuser. Note that when working with long hair, the "wet effect" does not need to be created on the entire head. It is enough to process only the upper individual strands.

In the process of creating a hairstyle, monitor how much styling you are applying. In no case can not go too far. After all, the hair should look just a little wet, and not wet in the literal sense. In addition, surplus funds heavier hairstyle, which is completely unacceptable, especially when it comes to long hair.

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