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Stomatitis on tonsils: a description, possible causes, symptoms and features of treatment

Reduced immunity leads to the appearance of various diseases of the oral cavity. Most of them are of an infectious nature. Recently, doctors are increasingly diagnosing stomatitis in children and adults. The main zones of damage are the tongue and gums. In some cases, the ailment affects even the tonsils.

Features of the disease and its causes

Stomatitis on tonsils is an infectious disease of the oral cavity. Pathogenic flora, penetrating into the body, begins to multiply uncontrollably. The result of her vital activity are multiple inflammatory foci, which eventually transform into sores. They can appear on any parts of the oral cavity. However, almonds are recognized as a favorite place.

How can pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the oral cavity?

  1. As a result of a serious infectious disease.
  2. Carious processes. During some dental diseases in the cavity of the teeth infectious foci are formed, which serve as the main source of infection.
  3. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Some people with colds immediately begin to take antibacterial drugs, considering them a panacea. This unreasonable approach can completely suppress the microflora of the body and provoke stomatitis on the tonsils.
  4. Smoking and abuse of alcoholic beverages. These bad habits are often the cause of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  5. Irregular brushing of teeth.

If a person's immune system works well, then the disease can bypass it.

Clinical picture

In its symptoms, the pathological process resembles an ordinary sore throat, but the therapy is somewhat different. Therefore, do not self-medicate. It is better to immediately seek medical help. Many patients do not even know if there is stomatitis on tonsils, not to mention the peculiarities of his treatment.

The first symptom of this disease is a severe sore throat. Then increase in size and swell lymph nodes. Within a few days the clinical picture does not change. It joins a whitish coating on the tonsils, which is soon replaced by ulcers. Stomatitis usually manifests itself actively. Therefore, the number of erosions can only increase every day. A whitish coating covers not only the tonsils, but also nearby areas: tongue, sky, mouth mucous.

In most patients, the temperature rises sharply, headaches are not ruled out. When they touch their cheeks, they complain of severe discomfort. The pathological process is necessarily accompanied by a deterioration in overall well-being. Sore joints, weakness and weakness - such symptoms are familiar to every patient with a diagnosis of "stomatitis on the tonsils". Treatment performed at the initial stage, allows to avoid deterioration of the clinical picture.

Methods of diagnosis of the disease

Stomatitis is not a dangerous disease, but one can not ignore its symptoms. When there is a whitish coating on the tonsils, you should visit a therapist, who will give a referral to a narrower specialist - lor.

Diagnosis of the pathological process begins with a visual examination of the oral cavity and throat. Then the doctor should take a smear from the surface of the tonsils for further study in the laboratory.

After confirming the diagnosis, the patient is treated. It is always individual and selected by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the disease, the presence of accompanying health problems.

Features of treatment of stomatitis

To eliminate stomatitis on the tonsils, the doctor must first remove all the sores. This procedure is performed using general anesthesia. It is rather unpleasant, but effective. It is carried out exclusively in the medical office. The doctor rinses the mouth with a strong head of fluid. The special solution thoroughly cleanses all dead tissue, pathogenic flora and small sores.

The next stage of treatment involves the use of medications. They can be divided into several groups, each of which is designed to solve a specific problem:

  • Relief of unpleasant symptoms;
  • Pain relief;
  • Elimination of the infectious process;
  • Epithelial layer healing.

Consider which groups of medications are used most often.


With the rapid development of stomatitis on tonsils delivers a lot of discomfort. In the case of a neglected form of the disease, the pain syndrome extends beyond the oral cavity. For relief of unpleasant symptoms, you should ask your doctor to prescribe analgesics. Most often for this purpose, "Geksoral" in the form of tablets is used. They contain chlorhexidine. Therefore, the drug not only anesthetizes, but also actively fights infection.


During a medical examination, a scraping from the tonsils is mandatory. Such an analysis allows us to determine the type of causative agent of the disease. Based on his results, the doctor subsequently prescribes therapy. For example, antiseptic drugs contribute to the creation in the oral cavity of an environment that is unsuitable for the life of pathogenic flora. It is because of her and the development of stomatitis on the tonsils.

Treatment in adults using antiseptics, especially in the early stages, allows you to quickly cope with the disease. From the time of the onset of the first symptoms to complete recovery, usually takes no more than one week.

What drugs are most often prescribed by doctors? Excellent have proven themselves "Geksoral" and "Ingalipt". These medications are available in the form of a spray, so the mouth is easy to handle. Also for therapeutic purposes, they use "Eucarom" or "Ingaphitol". These are the formulations intended for the preparation of rinse solutions. A universal antiseptic is Miramistin. He quickly destroys any infection.

Wound healing agents

After removal of purulent formations from the tonsils, bleeding ulcers remain in their place. Against the background of reduced immunity in the patient, they heal long enough. To speed up this process, special preparations help, namely: "Vinilin", "Kartalin" and "Solcoseryl".

Some patients prefer folk remedies. For example, to accelerate the regeneration of mucous membranes, they use rose hips or sea buckthorn oil.


According to some doctors, stomatitis can be allergic in nature. For example, his aphthous version. Characteristic signs of the pathological process are external manifestations - mucosal lesions and the formation of erosion. Aphthous stomatitis on tonsils can be a kind of reaction of the body to an allergen. Most often in its role are pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, taking antihistamines is justified in most cases.

Preparations to combat allergic reactions are selected individually. In this case, the doctor must necessarily take into account the overall clinical picture and the presence of similar ailments in the anamnesis.

Can there be stomatitis on children's tonsils?

It is this question that many parents ask, and the answer to it is always positive. After a pastime with any toys, the child may experience symptoms of stomatitis. On the objects with which the baby is in contact, microbes constantly accumulate. In addition, the pathogenic flora is present on his hands.

Stomatitis on the baby's tonsils is primarily manifested by a refusal to eat. Even once-favorite food can be disgusting. At the next attempt to feed the baby, he begins to hysterical and show aggression. The ranks that form on the mucous throat, give him a strong discomfort. For this reason, small patients often refuse to eat. Some people experience drowsiness and, at times, increased excitability. When stomatitis sometimes increases the temperature, which also suddenly decreases.

If the child's behavior changes, it is necessary to show it to the pediatrician. At home, parents can independently examine the throat, but only the children's doctor should prescribe therapy. The tactics of treatment are selected after finding out the cause of the indisposition. Usually, as in adults, wound healing and antiseptic drugs are used. Sometimes additionally prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs.

In order for the drug to reach the glands, it is recommended to use preparations in the form of sprays, as well as tablets for resorption with antiseptic effect. Pills can be given only if the child has grown up and knows how to swallow the medicine. As an auxiliary method of influencing the ailment, some patients are prescribed physiotherapy procedures. In no case should they not be neglected.

To prevent repeated stomatitis on tonsils in a child, treatment should be controlled by a doctor. After the final recovery you need to throw all the forces to strengthen the immunity of crumbs. If necessary, you can consult a pediatric doctor on this issue.

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