Sports and FitnessEquipment

Sports prevention, or What are compression leggings for?

Do you plan to participate in a fashion event today - a charity run? Decided to seriously engage in sports? Or the need to maintain a form of simple jogging in the morning? Then you just need to learn more about what compression leg warmers are, and perhaps they will become an integral part of your healthy sports life.

Fashion or necessity?

In sports competitions in triathlon, jogging or even jumping, you can increasingly meet athletes, who are wearing compression gaiters. And this is not only an element of a beautiful sports form. More and more professional and novice athletes appreciate the advantages of wearing compression knitwear. In the case of gaiters, they help reduce foot fatigue, prevent the occurrence of severe muscle pain after exercise, and even contribute to improving athletic performance.

Everyone who does sports knows that besides regular health training, regular training can lead to various problems. Most often, it affects the legs, because regardless of the type of sports activities, the greatest burden falls on them. In addition to the usual physical strength, athletes often have microtraumas of muscle fibers and significant problems with the veins on their legs, which are only aggravated.

It is here that compression gaiters for sports will come to the rescue, which will not only improve your well-being during training, but will also speed up the process of restoring muscle tissue.

How do they work: the mechanism of action

Compression leggings are called exactly that, because the principle of their action is based on the creation of additional pressure, or compression, in different parts of the legs.

During physical exertion on the legs, blood circulation worsens, namely, outflow of blood from the lower extremities becomes more difficult. This leads to a more complicated withdrawal of toxins and decay products from muscle tissue. The consequence of worsening blood flow is increased fatigue, muscle pain and swelling.

Sports compression knitwear can create additional pressure in different parts of the foot: the strongest pressure, or full compression, is placed on the foot. As you climb the leg, the pressure decreases - the least compression is noted at the highest point of the gaiters.

The pressure created by the compression gaits helps to improve blood flow, as if squeezing blood through the veins in those areas where the vessels are hardest to cope with it.

Athletes often wear special sportswear, socks and leggings. Compression elements of sports jersey perform a dual function: prevention of pain and swelling, as well as the addition of a stylish sport image.

Theory and practice: do the leggings help?

The role of compression knitwear in sports activities is a considerable number of theories and beliefs.

Various studies by scientists around the world suggest that compression leggings for running really contribute to the outflow of venous blood. This not only reduces foot fatigue, but also speeds up the process of washing out toxins from muscle fibers, which contributes to their early recovery.

Moreover, a number of researchers argue that by wearing compression leggings to competitions, you can improve the athletic performance. This is achieved due to the fact that the pressure exerted on the limbs by the gaiters, reduces the manifestation of muscle vibration and allows you to experience less resistance. As a result, speed and strength are greater.

Experienced athletes do not confirm that wearing compression knitwear can significantly affect the result. However, almost all athletes, especially long distance runners and triathletes, agree with the fact that after training or competition in compression gaiters, the recovery process is much faster and the pain syndrome is less pronounced.

Only for athletes?

The positive effect that compression gaiters have on the bloodstream in the lower limbs is important not only for athletes.

Paradoxically, but to worsen the outflow of blood from the legs are capable not only of excessive loads, but also their complete absence. That is why problems with veins, increased puffiness and fatigue are observed in people whose work is associated with sitting or standing in one place during the working day. And there are a lot of such professions: practically all office employees, salesmen, cashiers in supermarkets and many others.

If by the nature of your activity you have to sit or stand a lot, and problems with puffy tired by the evening feet are familiar to you not by hearsay - it's time to choose a compression jersey.

But it is worth remembering: compression leggings perform only a preventive function. They can alleviate unpleasant symptoms, but they will not cure serious problems requiring specialist advice.

How to choose the right leggings?

If you decide to buy compression knitwear, then much attention should be paid to the correct selection of the product. In case the size is chosen incorrectly, such leggings not only will not be of use, but can even do much harm.

Compression leggings are selected according to several parameters. And in order to properly pick them, you need to measure the volume of the shank in the widest place. Do this in the morning, when the probability of puffiness is the smallest. In a calm state with a soft centimeter tape, the leg needs to be measured at the widest point of the gastrocnemius muscle. This will determine the volume of completeness of the gaiters.

Also the size of the gaiters depends on the size of the foot. Typically, leggings are stretched, and one size fits several foot sizes.

In addition, the compression leggings are divided into male and female. In principle, they differ only in height and a dimensional ruler of the foot.

Experts recommend that men of moderate height or with a small foot size choose female models. This will avoid excessive gaiters that go to the knee area.

Cheap or expensive: is there a difference?

The issue of price is often very relevant for many athletes, especially beginners. The temptation to buy a cheap analogue is great - the kind of gaiters sold on the market's trays are no different from expensive branded ones.

But in matters of leg health, savings can play a cruel joke. The effect of cheap compression products can be zero, and wear - lightning fast. The producers do not pursue a reputation and are not afraid of losing their customers.

Therefore, the conclusion is obvious: only well-known manufacturers of sportswear and accessories, only branded stores for avoiding fakes.

It is worth paying attention to the well-known companies that produce compression leggings: CEP, Nike, Asics, 2XU.

Sports activities help to maintain an excellent physical shape and excellent mood. To minimize sports injuries and pain after training, you need to deliberately load the body, as well as use modern design of sports brands. Compression gaiters - this is a real opportunity to get rid of fatigue and swelling of the legs, while not compromising themselves in the quality and quantity of training.

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