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Series like "Desperate Housewives" - what to see?

Daily viewing of your favorite TV series is included in the mandatory program of every self-respecting housewife. This is a great way to combine pleasant leisure and relaxation. Numerous studies show that the problems of screen characters are distracting from their own. Or, on the contrary, give hints and tips for solving their own. TV characters are often so similar to us that their lives seem to be painfully familiar. Most television series, aimed at the audience of the fairer sex, perfectly describes the experiences of women. Of course, they relate to children and family, relationships and betrayal. That's why "Desperate Housewives", beloved in many countries, are the most popular screen embodiment of everything that every woman needs. Therefore, the desire seems quite reasonable: advise a series such as "Desperate Housewives", which, unfortunately, ended ...

The standard of female drama

"Desperate Housewives", started in 2004 in America (and later reached and our country), were created exclusively for the female audience. The basis is the story of the lives of four housewives living in the American suburb of Wisteria Lane. Neighbors often meet on sunny streets or visiting each other. Everyone suffers their failures in their personal lives and shares their sorrows with the rest. Shocked by the news of the suicide of the fifth friend, they are even closer and trying to figure out why such a terrible event occurred in the life of the cheerful Mary Alice. Central Street, which is no less than the main character, keeps all the secrets of each of the girlfriends.

The office of the company producing the series was filled with letters asking for the only request: "Advise a series like" Desperate Housewives! "But ABC did not have any concerns - the show was at the height of popularity, the ratings were off scale.The series collected awards for the" Golden Globe "and" Emmy ", Bringing a solid jackpot to the treasury of the company.The audience of the" Desperate Housewives "became the largest in the history of American television.Critics unanimously reiterated the phenomenon of the series.However, nothing like this before the audience did not see. There were a lot of shows about teenagers, magic and supernatural abilities, but the project about female friendship, combining the traces of tragedy and natural everyday life, was not enough, so with the general popularity of the show, slightly offensive to ABC seemed to be messages: "Tell a series like" Desperate Housewives " .

Finding a new solution

The last - the eighth - the season started in September 2011, and the next spring the audience saw the final episodes. Needless to say, how many spectator tears were shed in connection with the farewell to your favorite heroines - Susan, Gabrielle, Bree and Linnet. Leading actresses of the series with no less anguish said goodbye to the usual images, and the TV channels started the series in repetition. For many studios the decisive question was ripening: what to offer a new serial of type "Desperate housewives"?

"Pretty little Liars"

Going for seven seasons, the series has a detective focus, coupled with the subtext of the thriller and melodrama. Disappearance Allison connects four girlfriends. They receive anonymous messages in which many of their secrets are poured out. Who plays with them in a dangerous game? Only Alison could know the secrets of all four friends, but she's dead ...

"Real housewives"

Since the release of the original series, several American companies have teamed up to release a film such as "Desperate Housewives." It was created in the format of a reality show, describing the glamorous life of these rich American women from different states. The project received several separate spin-offs and was shot in many areas: Orange, Atlanta, New York, New Jersey, Miami, Beverly Hills. Each of them enjoyed great success, which led to the creation of analogues in different countries.

"Cougar Town"

Comedy project took over the star of the sitcom "Friends" Courtney Cox, acting as a director, producer and performer of the main female role. "The City of Predators" tells about the 40-year-old divorced Jules, who brings up an adult son and dreams of finding a man. But in a small town in Florida, where everyone knows each other, it's almost impossible ...


What series is similar to "Desperate Housewives"? Perhaps this one. Savi, April, Karen and Josslin are close friends, the life of each of them shimmers in black and white stripes. Successful women and single mothers, they all try to make personal happiness. But if this can be done, then only after going through a series of difficult tests ...

"Veronica Mars"

The youth drama, which lasted three seasons, was completed after the completion of a separate film. The plot is designed in the style of noir. High school student Veronica lives in the fictional town of Neptune. Her work is very atypical - the teenager helps the detective father collect various kinds of information, seek compromising evidence and evidence. Carried away by the occupation, the girl decides to "scan" and the school in which she studies.

"Playing in a lie"

He remotely resembles a series such as "Desperate Housewives." Alas, the detective drama lasted only two seasons. Emma grew up in a family where she was honored with decency and decency. One day she finds out about the twin, with whom she was separated in her childhood. In turn, her sister Sutton lives a better life. Sutton persuades his sister to change places for a while, but later unexpectedly disappears. Emma should decide, in the status of whom she should stay ...

"Insidious maids"

Launched in 2013, the series such as "Desperate Housewives" is one of the most recent projects. Four ambitious Hispanics serve as maid in the homes of wealthy Beverly Hills people. Their girlfriend was killed, because she knew many facts about the lives of spoiled rich people. Girlfriends, forced to put up with the vagaries of the owners, are trying to find the truth.


Students of a private school every time with impatience wait for the news published by an unknown girl under the name of Gossip Girl. This mysterious character, remaining so to the very end, keeps the whole town in awe. Not only students, but also adults can not find a council on it. And all because Gossip Girl knows a lot of secrets about everyone. Moreover, she is ready to open them with pleasure ... After six seasons, the American youth project is over. It can also be described as a series such as "Desperate Housewives."

The presented list of popular television shows will help each viewer to decide on what to watch in the evening. We hope, we answered the main question of interest: "Which series look like" Desperate Housewives? "

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