
Rhesus Blood Factor and Rh-Conflict

Each of us, for sure, heard about such a concept as the Rh factor of blood. But what is behind these words? Let's try to figure it out.

Rhesus factor of blood is a protein that is located on the surface of red blood cells. If the protein "floats up", the Rh is put positive and vice versa, if the protein on the surface is not found, the result is negative.

Statistics say that only one-seventh of the world's population has a negative Rh factor. The rest is positive. Studies are carried out, determining both the rhesus and the blood group simultaneously, although one does not depend on the other. The value of Rh-attribution is inherited. Can the Rh factor be changed? No, its meaning remains the same throughout his life.

While the baby is in the womb of the mother, it is impossible to establish its Rh-identity exactly. Only less than ten percent of pregnant women have different rhesus factors with the fetus. And only less than one percent in such a situation occurs Rhesus-conflict.

The phenomenon is quite rare, but it represents a significant threat to the life of the woman herself, as well as the life of the baby. With a positive rhesus, the mother did not have conflicts with the fetus. But with negative it is necessary to check the blood of the father. If you get two "minus", then you should not worry. But if the pope has positive blood, then there is a possibility of conflict.

The mother's organism can take a positive rhesus of the baby as an enemy, a foreign body and try to get rid of it. Blood begins to produce antibodies - "protectors" of the body. Their number is determined during the analysis. If there is a threat, special means are introduced into the mother's body, medicines that inhibit the production of these cells - "defenders". Penetrating through the placenta into the baby's blood, these antibodies glue red blood cells, destroying his body from the inside. Thus, there is a rhesus-conflict.

When the number of antibodies reaches a certain level, then "struggle" begins. This mark is called "critical mass". In most cases, the first pregnancy of a "negative" mother takes place without problems. But with the second bearing of the fetus, a conflict arises. If the child manages to survive and be born, then its red blood cells are partially damaged. The kid is diagnosed with hemolytic disease of the newborn. Then jaundice is manifested. Only a blood transfusion can save a baby . The donor, naturally, must have a negative Rh factor of blood.

Opposing rhesus is not an excuse to give up maternity. You and your partner should accurately establish Rh-belonging to be reasoned for doubts or fears. An experienced doctor will tell you what to do in this case.

"Negative" moms will have to give blood more often to analyze the number of antibodies. Until the last month of pregnancy, the analysis is done once a month, but at the last month - twice, and so every week until the very birth. It is the amount of antibodies that can tell the doctor what a rhesus is in a baby and whether there is a possibility of conflict. Anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin binds antibodies and removes them from the female body, preventing them from fighting the baby's blood cells. This vaccine helps to preserve the fetus. It can be administered either prophylactically or during pregnancy. The injection is invariably done and after giving birth for three days.

Thanks to highly developed technologies, doctors solve the Rh-conflict positively, saving the life of both the baby and his mother.

The Rh factor of blood is another human identifier that characterizes its owner as an individual. When blood is transfused, its value is taken into account along with the blood group.

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