
Reproduction of plants

Indoor plants not only decorate the interior of a residential or office space, but also struggle with air pollution in it. To know how to increase the number of "green doctors", we suggest to consider various ways of their reproduction.

The following basic methods of reproduction of indoor flowers are distinguished: by seeds, by division during transplantation, by parts of a particular plant. Seed reproduction of houseplants has not received wide distribution. Not all species with this method are able to transmit their characteristics to the offspring. Seeds can be propagated, for example, asparagus, cyclamen, palm trees, begonias, geraniums, pink wines, cacti. When sowing seeds, special care and accuracy should be exercised. If they are large or medium-sized, then they should be sown initially only in the sand, and subsequently - to transplant the seedlings into nutrient soil. Small seeds of plants such as begonia and cactus, do not fall asleep on top of the earth, but only gently squeeze. Pots with seeds are covered with glass and set aside in a warm and dark place. When they germinate, they are transplanted into a larger container, and then planted in separate pots of small size.

Reproduction of plants for a house is most often carried out vegetatively: cuttings, rhizomes or bulbs. Cuttings distinguish stem and leaf. The first species is a cut off part of the stem with leaves. As a rule, the cuttings are cut off from the side shoots under the knot, in the place of which the roots of the new plant will develop. In some plant species, shoots can be broken from the leaf axil without cutting.

Stem cuttings take root in a container of water or a small pot of sand. For better rooting, the container is covered with a glass jar or a plastic bag. But every day shelter should be removed to ventilate the plants. Reproduction of plants in this way is used for breeding of ficuses, pelargonium, fuchsia, oleanders, indoor roses, balsam, cyperus and many others. When the first roots appear, it is necessary to transplant the rooted cuttings into the pot with the ground.

Reproduction of plants is carried out and leaf cuttings. So begonia, saintpolia, Kalanchoe, peperomy are bred. All of them easily reproduce thanks to only one sheet. If the begonia is propagated, then its leaf should be incised through the main veins and put on the ground. After a short period of time, young plants begin to appear on the incisions, which require transplantation into individual pots. If they breed Senpolia, peperomy, then their leaves should be broken off from the mother plant and planted in the ground by a cut. The leaves of the Kalanchoe must be spread out on the sand. The newly formed plants begin to develop from brood buds. Sansevera can be propagated by a piece of leaf. In order to root leaf cuttings, it is necessary to observe the same rules as for stems.

The offspring reproduce such plant species as chlorophytum, saxifrage. Offsprings are already formed plants. They are cut from the adult flower and rooted.

Reproduction of plants by rhizomes, which are underground stems with kidneys and leaves, is effective in aspidistra, cyperus, ferns. When transplanting, the rhizome is shaken off the ground and cut into several parts, each of which is planted in a separate pot. Sections should be sprinkled with charcoal.

Bulbs that are formed from the kidneys located in the cavity of the scales of an adult bulb, the following plants multiply: hippeastrums, vallotes, zephyrantheses, eucharis, gemanthusy. Young bulbs are separated from the mother bulb only at the moment when they grow their own roots. Most often, this is done when transplanting plants.

Having studied the types of reproduction and having learned which of them is the most suitable for a particular plant, you can improve the process of breeding indoor plants.

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