Self improvementPsychology

Reflex - is ... Reflective person - this is what?

What distinguishes a person thinking from a plant, an individual from a stone, a person from dust? What allows you to rise above the routine of being and, looking back, analyze the situation, your own mistakes and overcome uncertainty? It is reflexivity - the ability of human thinking to critical self-analysis.

In translation from the Latin reflexio - an appeal back. The reflective personality is able not only to critically look at the world around him, but also to analyze his actions, thoughts and results of his life activity within his life experience. This is not a trivial memory, a stirring of "affairs of days gone by," nostalgia. This is a thought process that can change for the better the future of the individual, his life's attitudes, his self-determination.

In the psychological interpretation of reflex - it means consciously and soberly perceive the contents of their consciousness, their life experience.

A bit of history. Reflection and spirituality

Reflection was paid attention in ancient Greek philosophy: Socrates highlighted the process of self-knowledge of man, the subject of which was spiritual activity and its cognitive functions. A person who rejects knowledge and refuses to self-knowledge can not become a spiritually-moral person, is incapable of development. To reflect is to develop, to grow spiritually.

In Plato and Aristotle, reflection and thinking were attributes inherent in the demiurge, the divine reason. Only the supermind, in their understanding, was capable of unity of thought and thought. This concept passed into Neoplatonism, which claimed that reflection is nothing more than the peacekeeping activity of a deity. This theory is not devoid of meaning and is found in modern interpretations. The fact is that reflexion can be performed from two positions. The first position is when the comprehension occurs by the individual: I-reflexion. Who knows me better than myself and can analyze my thoughts and aspirations? Only I myself.

The second position is non-self-reflection. But who besides me can penetrate into my consciousness? Only God, possessing the properties of personality.

Thus, a believer does not just reflect and experience his actions, he scans his experiences, thinking about how God treats his deeds. Is his life right, is he guilty.

The result of this reflex is doubled, and the effect of such introspection is certainly stronger.

Reflective person

Within the framework of many philosophical concepts, reflection is regarded as one of the more essential properties of consciousness. According to this statement only those beings who are aware of the states of their psyche can be considered conscious and thinking. Simply put, a person who can not analyze his state of mind can not be called thinking. Emotional, creative, but not thinking.

Reflexion of the newborn is zero - he perceives the world around him as a reality, parents - as an unconditional component of this world. In the process of growing up and increasing autonomy from parental care, a growing individual begins to see and comprehend contradictions. This causes him to accept or reject the parental authority, a critical comprehension of the actions of close people. The mechanism of reflection is launched, and from now on the person is only able to improve and grow in spiritual and moral terms.

Reflection in individual people can not be the same. Its level varies depending on the age of the person. The greatest activity and amplitude of reflection is at the very beginning of the development of the human personality - at the stage of childhood and adolescence, adolescence. By the middle of the life path, reflection significantly reduces the rhythm, and by the end of life it completely freezes.

Can I develop my reflection?

As it became clear, to reflect for any person means to grow above oneself in the spiritual plan. Can we work on this process, stimulate our spiritual and moral development?

What does it mean to reflect? To speak simply, to reflect is to react to external stimuli. Conflict, problems, confrontations, dialogues, choices, doubts - it all happens to a person from day to day. The more a person has such experiences, the richer his reflective amplitude.

The reflective person is a kind of own psychoanalyst who knows how to put the problem and find a solution in his own experience, in his experiences.

The peculiarity of a living mind is that it only needs to see and hear a little, so that later it can reflect. You can try a method of thoughtful rethinking of a work of art with reference to any person. How many hours do you think about the book you just read, the movie you watched, the picture you saw? Hour, day, week? Do you project events from the book to yourself, are you trying to analyze your actions in the context of an artistic plot?

This is your reflexive training. An original training of reflection can recommend writing on the sheet the most significant and important issues that concern you throughout your life. By collecting them in one place, try to mark the questions with markers of different colors and find out what most of your questions are about. About the meaning of life? About your activities? About the relationship with others? On the material component? About future?

Analyzing your aspirations in this way, you can continue to reflect in the most problematic direction, becoming more perfect and continuing your own spiritual development.

Gender approach

There is a theory of the gender approach to the process of reflection. According to this stereotype, it is implied that women are more inclined to reflect than men, and this is due, allegedly, to a more subtle spiritual regulation of the weaker sex. This controversial statement has no scientific proof.

There are a number of observations of psychologists, in which there is a different manifestation of reflection in representatives of different sexes.

Thus, it is established that women with a low level of reflection, are more inclined to defend their own interests to the detriment of the interests of the other. Simply put, low intellectual, non-reflective female figures are more scandalous and have a more inclined character. While reflexive female representatives prefer to find a compromise and escape from the scandal than to be mixed in the conflict.

Reflexive man, on the contrary, in a conflict situation acts as a fighter, defending his interests. Men with a minimal index of reflection will demonstrate adaptive, adaptive behavior in a conflict situation.

So, summing up the aforesaid, it is possible to say with confidence that to reflect is to be a person thinking, feeling, analyzing. This property of human nature distinguishes us from other representatives of the living world, and this property is capable of bringing the human personality to a new, qualitatively different level of development.

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