Food and drinkRecipes

Quick pickling of cucumbers in bags

Pickling cucumbers in packages of curiosities has turned into reality. And thanks to the fact that fresh cucumbers are now present on the shelves of supermarkets all year round, it is possible to cook light-salted cucumbers by this recipe for any holiday. So, quite simple and quick preparation of crispy, tasty salted cucumbers of dry salting, or pickling cucumbers in bags.

For the recipe you will need: 1 kg of small cucumbers, 1 tablespoon of salt (dining room), 4-5 dill umbrellas, 4 small cloves of garlic, cherry leaves, if any.

Washed cucumbers, with cut "popki" mixed with chopped dill, garlic and salt in a plastic bag. The contents are vigorously shaken and packaged in a second bag for reliability and tightness. The package is shaken periodically, but it does not open. In general, the time during which the pickling of cucumbers occurs in packets depends on the size of the cucumbers. Average cucumbers can be eaten after six hours Aces. They need to be put in the refrigerator. If cucumbers, for your taste, are not salty enough and sharp, put more salt in the next serving and add a little chili pepper. After eating cucumbers, pickle from lightly salted cucumbers. It is rich in magnesium and potassium salts, relieves leg cramps and hangover syndrome.

Dry pickling of cucumbers for the winter

Cucumbers can be salted without a pickle in a jar. The main thing is to create a greenhouse effect. All the same ingredients are stacked as in the package, the can is covered with a plastic lid and vigorously shaken. When the cucumbers are ready (and you do not want them to salivate further), rinse them under running water and put them in a jar. Picking cucumbers in a jar and pickling cucumbers in bags gives the same effect. If you leave the cucumbers in the naturally formed brine, they will salivate further, and eventually will be salted cucumbers, which are usually prepared for the winter season.

How tasty to pickle cucumbers for the winter

Ironically, while the store shelves are bursting with raznosolov, the Russian man continues to make blanks of cucumbers grown in their beds in the country or in the garden at the house. Probably, because chemicals are not added to their cucumbers, and they are grown with love. And they have a better taste.

Usually for the winter cucumbers salted in 3-liter jars, which are laid 1.5 kilograms of small cucumbers. In the washed jars, dill, root and horseradish leaves, cherry leaves, a clove of garlic are laid.

Preservation Recipe:

Cucumbers need to be thoroughly washed from the ground and placed in cold water for 4 hours. Water drained, and the cucumbers cut off the ponytails and put them in the cans prepared with spices. At this time, the water boils on the stove. With this water pour the cans with cucumbers for 15 minutes. Pour out water and pour new boiling water. Before the third pouring boiling water into each jar we add a tablespoon: salt -3, sugar-2, vinegar-3. Pour the last time with boiling water and cork. Turn over the jar and put it in the prepared place. When all the banks are corked, cover them with something warm, you can put a blanket, and leave until it cools down.

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