Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

Proper nutrition for muscle growth

Proper nutrition for muscle growth is, first of all, a regular meal, in which all nutrients, vitamins and trace elements are balanced. But the food component of the diet should be shifted towards the protein. At the same time, increased protein intake should not affect the content of fats and carbohydrates in your diet. Of course, to maintain balance, you will need to constantly use the look-up tables, which provide data on the nutritional value of the product. But this is only the beginning of your journey. Gradually, you will remember foods that are high in protein.

Nutrition for muscle growth has a digital definition of the amount of protein. Every day, you need to consume 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. But such amounts of protein are necessary only for intensive training. Otherwise, during the process of gluconeogenesis, excess polypeptides will be metabolized into carbohydrates and then deposited in adipose tissues or used in the citric acid cycle. Accordingly, nutrition for the muscles must contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. The norm of the carbohydrate content with respect to proteins in the daily ration is 2 g carbohydrates per 1 g protein.

Now we must separately focus on the biological value of proteins. There are several methods for analyzing protein digestibility, but in any method, animal polypeptides have a more balanced composition than vegetable polypeptides. Hence the conclusion that the most acceptable option would be the use of animal proteins. Just keep in mind that in addition to the usual food will receive a fairly large amount of fat. To reduce their number, you must take sports nutrition. For muscle growth, such a diet, where the body receives half the daily protein norm from sports supplements, should be considered the most optimal.

But a harmonious diet for muscle growth can not be imagined without vitamins and trace elements. The daily intake of vitamins for a person is known. But it is designed for a simple man in the street who does not engage in bodybuilding. For athletes, all the norms of vitamins should be doubled. These data are obtained empirically and are not the ultimate truth. Of course, that food and even sports supplements can not give the right amount of vitamins. And in this case it is impossible to do without multivitamin preparations. Do not stress foreign medicines. Domestic counterparts are not worse.

And the last thing about proper nutrition. For muscle growth, food intake should be strictly on schedule. A day must be eaten five times, and at the same time strictly by the hour. Each meal results in the release of an increased amount of hormones in the body. This breaks the normal hormonal background. And the endocrine component in the set of muscle mass plays a significant role. Do not eat at night. It is best to take a protein cocktail before going to bed .

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