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Private - this is what?

Private - this is what? You can hear about the many things and processes that are used with this word. What does it mean?

general information

Private - this means that something belongs to one person or to a relatively small group of people. And they are united on a voluntary basis, and not in an orderly manner (for example, in the latter case, utilities can be brought). And this, in turn, means a certain specificity. Also, when they say about the particular, it can mean a separate, very rare or even an isolated case of something. In addition, the so-called mathematical operator is called.

As you can see, the word "private" is a very widely used tool of our language. To better understand its use, let's consider its application in practice. For completeness of the review, attention will be paid both to the general example and to the particular one. So, let's get started.

General example

Now we will consider private property. As it was already said, everything that belongs to an individual or a small group of people who are united on a voluntary basis is called that. As an illustration, we can cite such a notion as a dacha. What is it? This is the name of the land and buildings that belong to a certain person or group (family). This private property, which outsiders enter without permission of the owners is prohibited. In case of violation, force methods for detention can be applied to them with subsequent transfer to law enforcement agencies.

Private property is one of the foundations of capitalism, therefore it is guarded with all severity. Violation of this principle undermines the foundations of modern capitalism and leads to various, as a rule, negative consequences. Although we have protected any type of property, acquired legally, it so happened that it is the private that is of greatest interest to the vast majority of people.

A particular example

And now let's consider the use of this word from a slightly different point of view. Only now, for us, interest will be represented not by individuals, but by legal entities. We will consider a private enterprise. This means that it belongs to a certain person or group and was created on a volunteer basis. But it does not pretend to certain material values. So, there are objects of communal property, for example - parks. They are in charge of the municipal services of the cities where they are located.

Private enterprises can claim a certain amount of land necessary to conduct business, but this implies the use of only certain types of territory. And it should be noted the status, which has a legal entity. If we take, for example, a hypothetical village, and there will be both a private and a communal enterprise at the same time. In both can consist of all residents. But nevertheless, they will have different powers and opportunities, on which the activities and final goals will depend.

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