
MPV in the blood test what does it mean? MPV: decryption analysis

Human blood includes many different cells (shaped elements), and all of them perform certain functions. In the article we will talk about what MPV means in the analysis of blood and what are its normal indices.

Platelets in the blood

Platelets are the smallest elements of blood. They do not have a core, but they perform many vital functions. Their main tasks are to give blood a certain viscosity and restore the integrity of the vascular wall when it is damaged. In this case, the formation of certain substances (fibrinogens), under the influence of which the platelets pass into the active form. In this condition, they are able to flatten and glue together and with the wall of the damaged vessel, forming a thrombus (a kind of cork that covers the damaged area and helps stop the bleeding).

The formation of platelets occurs in the bone marrow, and due to the fact that their life is no more than 10 days, for normal operation of the body it is required to constantly develop new cells. If the balance between the destruction of platelets and the formation of new ones is disturbed, a person has either a tendency to bleeding (the number of platelets decreases), or - to excessive thrombosis (at high rates). The blood test determines the amount of these elements in a liter or microliter. The number of platelets normally ranges from 180x10 9 to 320x10 9 / L in adults.

Average platelet count

The indicators determined by the general analysis of blood today are somewhat different from those that were several years ago. Thus, many abbreviations appeared that are not understood by uninitiated people. One of such mysterious meanings is MPV in the blood test. In fact, everything is not so difficult. Under this abbreviation lies the indicator that determines the average volume of platelets.

In connection with the relatively short life of platelets and their constant synthesis in the blood of a person, all the time there are uniform elements that are at different stages of their life cycle. In this case, young and mature cells, as well as platelets, whose life cycle is already nearing completion, not only differ in size and saturation with biologically active substances, but also have a different functional load. MPV in the blood test allows you to determine how many platelets of different sizes are in the blood at a given time.

Normal performance MPV

To determine the average volume of platelets, blood is taken from the vein. After that, 5 ml is examined by the cytometric fluorescence method. The result is a histogram - a curve showing MPV in the blood test. The rate of this indicator varies in the range from 7.5 to 11 fL. The histogram allows you to estimate the number of platelets of different sizes. Normally, the content of mature cells should occupy 90% of the total platelet mass, the young - no more than 0.8%, degenerative - 0.2%, old - 5.6%. In this case, the predominance of immature elements shifts the histogram to the left, and the predominant content of the old cells is to the right. It should be borne in mind that certain changes in the MPV (blood test) values can be explained by decoding the results even with a normal number of absolute platelets.

Next, let's talk about what a lowered and elevated MPV means.

Blood test: MPV lowered

Such a picture can be observed if in the blood test against a background of a normal absolute number of platelets the average volume is below the norm. This is manifested by a significant predominance of old cells on the histogram. In this case, low MPV in the blood test will signal a dangerous condition such as thrombocytopenia (platelet count less than 100x10 9 / L), which can lead to extensive bleeding due to a decrease in blood clotting.

The causes of this condition can be hereditary factors, diseases of the blood and other organs, the use of certain medications. In the mechanism of development of thrombocytopenia, there are three main points:

  • Decrease or discontinuation of the synthesis of young cells - this can occur with various pathologies of the liver, thyroid, anemia, intoxication caused by alcohol and other toxic substances, as well as when taking certain medicinal substances;
  • If platelets break down faster than they are synthesized - it can result from some immune pathologies (thrombocytopenic purpura), DIC syndrome, blood transfusions;
  • Disruption of the platelet count distribution - in the normal state, almost half of the platelets are in a kind of depot, the role of which is played by the spleen, in some diseases (tuberculosis, hepatitis), the amount of deposited platelets can reach 90%.

Symptoms typical of low MPV

The symptomatology that accompanies the situation when MPV in a blood test is lowered is due to two factors: a disruption in the coagulation mechanisms of the blood and an increased permeability of the vascular walls. Outwardly this is manifested by the following signs:

  • Multiple subcutaneous hemorrhages, most often located on the front surface of the extremities, abdomen, chest;
  • Frequent nasal bleeding;
  • Women have long and profuse menstruation;
  • Hemorrhages in the retina of the eye.

MPV level increased

However, there are situations when, in determining the MPV, a blood test (decoding) shows an excess of normal platelet count. In some cases, their quantity can significantly exceed 400х10 9 / l. This condition is called thrombocytosis and can lead to quite serious pathologies associated with increased thrombosis. Distinguish between the relative thrombocytosis (the indications exceed the upper limit of the norm by 100-200 thousand units) and critical, when the excess of normal values doubles the total blood test. MPV can be so elevated for different reasons, so it is necessary to conduct a deeper examination, find out the cause of thrombocytosis and try to eliminate it.

Reasons for an increase in MPV

Modern medicine allows you to determine not only the increase in the blood total number of platelets, but also to find out what their species prevail in this case. Often this is important for diagnosing diseases. For example, the number of young platelets rises after surgery or signals internal bleeding or prolonged blood loss. High rates of old platelets indicate an oncological process. Degenerative forms increase with violations of the process of hematopoiesis. Thrombocytosis often accompanies the following conditions:

  • Exacerbation of chronic processes in the digestive tract, bone system;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Surgical interventions;
  • oncology;
  • As a side effect of certain drugs.

MPV in children

In general, the average platelet counts in children differ from those in adults only in the age of up to one year. After that, the content of these blood elements has similar characteristics, regardless of sex. As for newborns, the range from 100 to 400x10 9 / l is considered acceptable. When determining MPV in a blood test, the norm in children under one year is 150-350x10 9 / L.

MPV in Pregnancy

Pregnancy requires the woman to reorganize all functions, and these changes primarily affect the circulatory system. The need for the formation of an additional (placental) circle of circulation requires an increase in the total volume of circulating blood. On average, the normal values of platelets in a pregnant woman is an interval of 150-380x10 9 / l. However, abnormalities in this condition can lead to serious consequences. That is why during the entire period of pregnancy a woman should regularly undergo laboratory tests.

If pregnancy accompanies a strong toxicosis, then vomiting and other intestinal disorders can lead to dehydration, which, in turn, will affect the level of platelets - it will rise dramatically. In pregnancy, the indices should not exceed 400x10 9 / l, otherwise the pathological processes leading to gluing of platelets and formation of blood clots in the vascular bed can begin. In the early stages of such pathologies can lead to loss of the fetus, and at later times are fraught with the appearance of clots in the vessels of the legs, accompanied by the development of varicose veins. In order to avoid this, you can use orthopedic golf.

No less dangerous and a decrease in the level of platelets below 140x10 9 / l. In the early stages, this can provoke bleeding and even the risk of losing the fetus. Manifestations of thrombocytopenia during pregnancy can be the appearance of bruising on the body even after a slight touch, bleeding gums, nosebleeds. In later terms, thrombocytopenia can cause large blood loss during childbirth and bleeding in a child.

Thus, the average level of platelets is an important indicator of the state of the human body. It allows in the early stages to determine the possibility of a particular pathology and take measures to prevent it.

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