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Kashpo for orchids, conditions of the maintenance of plants

Orchid Phalaenopsis has become almost the most popular indoor plant in our country. It can be seen on the windowsill in almost every house. And no wonder, because the orchid flowers can charm even the most indifferent to plants people. Having bought or received as a gift a phalaenopsis orchid, it is very difficult to resist buying another couple. Therefore, many of our compatriots gathered whole collections. To get five or six orchids of different colors, almost every admirer considers it his duty.

A bit of history

Did you know that scientists consider orchids to be one of the most ancient plants on Earth? In their opinion, the ancestors of magnificent flowers appeared on the planet about 130 million years ago.

For the first time domesticated orchids in the countries of the east: China and Japan. The healing effects of the flower mentioned even the great Confucius. And in European countries, orchids are cultivated only 200 years. But during this time the mysterious image of the flower managed to build up legends and legends. For example, one of them says that the flower appeared from the remains of the rainbow. Sounds great, does not it?

Difficult care

It is very easy to keep a plant at home, but in order to prevent Phalaenopsis from hurting and regularly blossoming, you need to learn a lot of special information. What is the process of choosing pots for orchids. And with the process of watering will have to tinker. However, orchids will delight owners of stunning beauty with flowers that can last a few months on the branch.

Contents Phalaenopsis

Orchids are best placed on windows that face the West. In other cases, it is necessary to create shading, since direct sunlight can burn leaves.

To prolong the flowering Phalaenopsis, you need to keep the plant at a temperature of 18-25 degrees. Orchids are very thermophilic, and higher temperatures do not harm them.

The ideal humidity is 30-40%. Too dry air will lead to the discharge of flowering and the drying of the leaves, and very wet to rotting the roots.

Water the plant as it dries. Due to the fact that the flowerpots for the orchids are transparent, it is quite simple to define: the roots become light, with a light silvery tinge. It is best to water the way of immersion: leave the pots for orchids in a container of water for several hours, and then pull out and drain the remaining liquid.

Many questions usually cause care for the roots of these amazing plants. They are thick, curly and so and tend to leave the flowerpots for orchids. Do not push them back. The owner only needs to keep Phalaenopsis clean and, as the stems and roots die off, the dried parts are cut off.

Transplantation, choice of capacity

Orchids do not require the same regular transplantation as all other flowers. If the plant looks healthy, blooms regularly, it does not need a transplant. Sometimes the substrate cracks, there is a sour unpleasant smell. Naturally, in this case, the content of the pot should be replaced.

The process of transplantation should be done very carefully: most importantly, do not damage the roots and do not cover the point of plant growth with the substrate. Taking out the orchid from an old pot, you need to thoroughly wash the roots, remove rotten or dried parts. Put in a new one - extremely carefully.

There are situations when insects are planted in the substrate. To remove them, you should completely lower the flowerpots for orchids in the water for about half an hour. In this case, the top of the pot must be wrapped around the net so that the wood pieces do not fade.

The capacity for Phalaenopsis, like the flower itself, is not at all simple. It must necessarily be transparent, since for the proper development of the plant there must always be access to sunlight to the roots. Glass orchid pots were widely used. Often you can find beautiful plastic options. But still the pots for orchids are transparent - the best choice.

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