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Pekingese had an eye - what to do?

Pekingese can definitely be called a unique dog. The appearance of these representatives is attractive, and the character is wayward. There is a legend that says that a Pekingese is the fruit of the love of a lion and a monkey. The anatomical flattened structure of the dog's muzzle is both its dignity and disadvantage. Pekingese constantly experience a load on the respiratory system. They snort, they grunt. A special theme are the eyes of such dogs. About them, as well as their frequent problem, we'll talk further.

Dropping out

If Pekingese has an eye, then do not panic, because a similar phenomenon for this breed is frequent. Each owner of such a dog needs to know how to help a four-footed friend and solve the current situation, avoiding the consequences.

If a Pekingese has an eye, this is no laughing matter. There must be an immediate intervention. But trying to insert an eye yourself is not worth it, if you do not have special skills, because you can make it even worse.

First aid

If the eyeball is not completely out of Pekingese, and the time has passed no more than fifteen minutes, then you will be able to help yourself to the four-footed friend. But remember that you must be extremely careful. If it's been a long time, and while Pekingese has dropped an eye quite strongly, then first attach to the eye a moistened napkin in the saline solution. After fix it. Then go to the vet.

So, now we'll tell you how to proceed if Pekingese has an eye. Action plan:

  • First find the place where you fix your dog. It is important that it is not on any surface. It is advisable to keep a dog from helping someone from home.
  • Then wash your hand, treat them with antiseptic, then wipe.
  • Then, hand hold the animal by the lower jaw.
  • Next, take a cotton, clean handkerchief without threads and villi.
  • Dampen it in water or, better still, in saline solution (or in a solution of furacilin).

  • Then slide the two fingers up and down the eyelids. With the help of a napkin, press on the eye itself. Do everything very carefully. When you feel that the eye seems to have failed somewhere, it means that he went inside.
  • Then apply a cloth moistened in a solution of sodium chloride (or in an antiseptic) to it. After that, go for an inspection in the veterinary clinic. You can call a doctor if you can.

Often the owners miss a lot of time, as a result of which without a veterinarian can not do. Then the doctor puts the seams. This is done in order to quickly converge eyelids. Do not be afraid of such manipulation. This is done for the benefit of the animal.

Care and prevention

To prevent such a situation, the pet should be provided with proper care, which includes preventive measures. Let's consider them.

  • Daily it is necessary to examine the eyes of the animal, wash them with a decoction of chamomile or a special solution.
  • It is necessary to check whether there are any secretions from the eyes.
  • Mucous in Pekingese should always be pink. If you notice how they became white, then know that this is one of the signs of conjunctivitis. So show the pet to the veterinarian.
  • Try to keep track of who your dog is playing with. Do not allow fun with large dogs. The best friends of Pekingese are non-aggressive little dogs.

  • Carefully leave the pet with the children.
  • For periodic checkups, visit the veterinarian periodically.
  • When walking, make sure that the pet does not tumble in the trash and dust.
  • There is such a procedure as an operational prophylaxis of loss. It will be necessary if Pekingese eyes drop out. So you can solve a similar problem.
  • Another recommendation - do not shake your pet.

Cause of loss and complications

Why do Pekinges drop eyes? The reason for this phenomenon lies in the anatomical features of the structure of the orbit of such dogs. Pekingese have a large eyeball, with small eye sockets. What are the possible complications if a similar incident occurred with a pet? Falling eyes in Pekingese can lead to the fact that the dog will lose sight at all or get a strabismus. The animal can also lose the eye itself. This, of course, will lead to complete blindness.

A small conclusion

Now it is clear why it happens that Pekingese eyes drop out. A photo of such changes is unlikely to cause anyone to have good emotions. In this case, the only thought will be how to help the poor animal. In this article we gave useful recommendations.

In general, be attentive to the health of the pet, visit the veterinarian on time, protect the dog's eyes. Of course, not all representatives of the breed are affected by the loss of the eyes. It is possible that your pet will be able to avoid this. Therefore, when choosing the future pet, be sure to be interested in the pedigree of the puppy's parents, examples from their life, ask about past litters. It is advisable to buy a dog in the nursery. Since, when acquiring a puppy in the bazaar, one can not be exactly sure of his health and perspective.

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