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Oregano is an oregano

Oregano - this name came to us from the Latin language. Origanum vulgare - this is the full name of this herbaceous plant. In Russia, from time immemorial used others - oregano, motherboard, incense, zenovka.

Oregano is a fragrant herbaceous plant. Its application directly depends on the high content of essential oils in it and its odor. First of all in the perfume and cosmetics industry and in cooking. Oregano is an indispensable natural fragrance for soap, cologne, toothpaste or lipstick.

In cooking, oregano is used to prepare various spicy mixtures. For example, it is a part of pates and sausages, it is added to stewed, baked and roasted meat, to various gravies. Oregano dried is well combined with a variety of foods: mushrooms and cucumbers, cottage cheese and eggs, meat dishes and pies, as well as with other spices.

Oregano also found wide application in medicine. The first information about the use of plants for healing comes from the teacher of Alexander the Great - Aristotle. Three centuries later Virgil in the "Aeneid" leads a romantic story about how the goddess Venus with the help of oregano cured the Trojan hero Aeneas. They say that even Zeus was nourished by the milk of the divine goat Amolphea, who ate exclusively this plant and the honey of wild bees.

Oregano has a whole bouquet of positive qualities and is used for a wide variety of diseases, it has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, soothes the nervous system, normalizes intestinal peristalsis and the work of respiratory organs, has a general strengthening effect on the body. Doctors say that the oil of this plant has a much wider application than dried leaves and stems. Oregano oil is a substance with unique bactericidal and antiviral properties. In addition, it is used to treat or prevent certain infections. For example, to remove intestinal parasites and skin fungus. Oregano oil softens the itching from the bites of blood-sucking insects, used to prevent stomatitis and sinusitis. It decomposes in the light, so it must be stored in a bowl of dark glass inaccessible to light.

The use of the plant has its contraindications. For women, this is a categorical ban on oregano and products from it during the entire gestation period. For men: regular and abundant use of the plant for food can negatively affect potency. In addition, there is also individual intolerance.

And the rest is a very useful plant - oregano. Spices, which he includes, have long and firmly taken a place in our diet. Tea from oregano-oregano is very fragrant (excuse me for tautology), and broths, tinctures and oil of this plant are an excellent tool for treating a variety of diseases. Moreover, it is an excellent honey plant, and its dry grass is used by beekeepers to fight the wax moth. Oregano is almost a natural illustration to the saying "And the swine, and the reaper, and the dude is a gambler ..."

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