The InternetBlogging

Options "facebook." How to fix the record "VKontakte" and what it is

It is difficult to find a person who is not registered at least in one social network. For our country the most popular are Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. And if the former is popular with the older generation, then the second is used mainly by schoolchildren and students, as well as young people. It is about this social network, and we'll talk further.

Every year on different sites intended for communication, and in particular "VKontakte", there are more and more new features and functions. One such is the fixed entry "VKontakte". Let's talk about what it is and how to create such a record.

What is it and what does it "eat"

First, let's find out what a fixed record is, exactly how it looks and how it differs from a regular post. Then we'll talk about what it means to fix the "VKontakte" record, and how it can be done.

As you probably know, earlier when posting a post on the user's wall, the last added information was displayed at the very top of the page. Everything that you have ever added to your wall is displayed in chronological order.

Now a new function has appeared: "Lock the record". This means that if you like any post, then it can be fixed on your wall. It will be at the top of the page. In this case, the new posts that you will publish will be placed under it. The chronology of the records is slightly broken.

Next, we'll talk about how to fix the record "VKontakte." But first, we'll figure out why this function is needed.

The value of recording recording

You can ask why this function is needed. First of all, in order that you could share exactly with the information that you like most.

So, usually fix on the wall those posts that characterize a person's state, his attitude to anything at a given moment in time. Some fix the information, which tells about important events in the life of the user. That's why you should know how to fix the "VKontakte" record.

In any case, if you liked the entry, and you want people to visit your page, you see it first, then you should fix this post on your wall. Next we will tell you how it can be done.

How to fix

Let's now go directly to the topic of our article and figure it out after all with how to fix the record "VKontakte." It's quite easy to do this. To do this, you should first place it on your wall.

We press on the post itself, opening it. Then we go down to the very bottom, where there are several function buttons with which you can delete and edit records. Look for the "Lock" button among them and click on it. Close and update the page to see the changes on your page. Now this post will be at the top of the page, with the notation "Record fixed" appears.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated - everything is done fairly quickly and simply. Here it is worth noting that on the wall you can fix only one post.

How to unfasten

So, we have already figured out how to fix the "VKontakte" record. Let's now consider the situation when you need to unfasten it or change it to another one. In this case, there are two options.

Option one. In order to unfasten it, you need to open the post selected by you again. Go down to the bottom and select the "Undock" button. We close and update the page. Now this record will be placed between you that record, which was added before it, and the one that was added after it. That is, all your posts on the wall will again be arranged in chronological order.

The second option is used in the event that you need to replace one fixed record with another. Add the desired post. Then we perform all the same actions that we do in order to fix the "VKontakte" record. When finished, we update the page. The old fixed record is automatically replaced with a new one.

Now you know what it means to fix the "VKontakte" record, and how it can be done. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in fixing or detaching a record in this social network. The main thing is to find the post that you want to place on the most prominent place on your page.

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