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Monochrome is ... The meaning of the word. Monochrome style in clothes and interior

Color is one of the most important factors in a person's life. He has a significant emotional impact. German poet and philosopher Johann Goethe wrote that colors affect the soul and are capable not only of causing certain associations and feelings, but also stimulating thought. The fact that color preferences can reliably describe a person's mental state, tell about the features of his character, habits and even state of health, said the doctor and psychologist Max Lyusher. By the way, this Swiss has developed a unique color personal test.

It is worth noting that the perception of color by a person depends on a number of factors. Among them, the purity of the hue, its saturation and brightness. A combination of different shades is also important. A rather unusual case is monochrome. What it is? Look for answers in the article!

Monochrome: etymology

To answer the question about what monochrome is, this section of linguistics, such as etymology, will help. In the dictionary of foreign words that were included in the Russian language, compiled by AN Chudinov in 1910, it is stated that the noun "monochrome" is a derivative of the Greek monochromos. The word, in turn, consists of the numeral monos - "one", and the noun chroma, meaning "color".

Monochrome: the meaning of the word in the explanatory dictionary

In the explanatory-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova, in the noun "monochrome" there are two main meanings:

  • Single-color color scale;
  • A picture that was painted with several shades of the same color.

Monochromia: values in various fields of activity

The concept of monochrome is often found in painting. The canvas, created in one color, but in various shades of it, is commonly called Kamai. And if for a picture shades of gray are chosen, then this kind of painting is called the word grisaille.

In photography, monochrome is an image that was shot or processed in different shades of the same color. Most often these are black-and-white photographs.

Monochromism is also found in computer science. Screens of monochrome monitors show images only in black and white, black-and-yellow, black-red or black-green colors.

And in optics, there is monochromatic radiation. This is the name of light emission in a narrow frequency (wave) range.

Monochrome in the interior

From snow-white to the color of melted milk, from the shade of tender lavender to a rich eggplant: monochrome in the interior is an amazing style that allows to strengthen the mood of the room. There are several basic rules that should be adhered to when designing rooms in a monochrome:

  • To the room does not seem boring, it is worth using different surfaces. For example, combine matte and glossy, smooth and embossed.
  • Although in the interior shades of the same color are used, there should be a noticeable contrast between them.
  • You can not give up bright color accents - they will set the mood and emphasize the monochrome.

Successful shades in a monochrome style

If you decide to create an interior in the style of monochrome - this is only half the case. Now you need to choose the shades in which the repair will be performed. The easiest way to create the perfect monochrome with the help of a brown color. An impressive number of its shades will greatly simplify the task. The basis is orange. It is perfectly complemented by a wooden floor. Combining different shades of green, you can also get a unique interior. The main thing is not to forget about the color temperature. It is best to choose a dominant range, for example warm, and add a few cold accents to it. Lilac-purple tones are another good combination. To ensure that the room does not seem flat, try using accessories or furniture in bright colors. If the style monochrome provides the presence of shades of gray, include fantasy: add different textures and details of a bright color, for example red or black.

Fashionable monochrome: harmonious images

Monochrome is not only an interior style. Fashion designers around the world have already appreciated all the advantages of this direction. Monophonic clothes noticeably slim. In addition, monochrome is the only way to put on colored pantyhose (in the tone of clothes, of course) and not look infantile. Another plus of monochrome onions is the wide choice of accessories.

By the way, in the monochrome style two variations are allowed:

  • Bow, made in one shade of the base color;
  • Image, which was based on various shades of a certain color.

How to wear monochrome and not look fresh?

Creating an outflow in one color is not an easy task. Here are some tips for beginning fashionistas:

  1. In the coming summer season, at the peak of popularity, yellow color. For a monochrome image, you will need things from similar materials in terms of density and texture. Add them to the best neutral accessories and shoes. Nyud can do the best.
  2. Do not forget that always in the trend - the ladies in black. Of course, it will be difficult to create a unique monochrome image in this color. The principle mix & match will come to the aid - "mix and combine". Mix the best texture!
  3. Ivory is one of the most versatile colors for an image in the style of monochrome. In addition, he rejuvenates and disposes to calmness. In this color, you will get both everyday and evening bows.
  4. Need bright monochrome? Photos are not impressive? Blue will come to the rescue! A dark blue skirt, a light blue shirt and blue leather shoes are the perfect bow for a business woman. Add the image of the dynamics will help the accessories of metal.

Common Errors

Monochrome is a style with which you need to be as cautious as possible! Using bright colors, you can not fall into shock. One of the most common mistakes is the combination of things of one form. Often you can find a "fashionista", in the image of which the fabrics of the same texture and density. Stylists advise to combine pleated, contiguous and dimensionless things, knitted, with geometric patterns!

We must not forget: monochrome - it's very stylish, if you approach the creation of an image in this style as carefully as possible!

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