HealthAlternative Medicine

Marva Ohanyan: golden recipes of naturopathy

The dream is always to be healthy and never to be ill at least once in a lifetime arose for every person. After all, sooner or later, but the disease will find at whose door to knock. In addition, the constant stresses experienced by a person, poor ecology, nervous exhaustion, malnutrition and the frantic rhythm of life contribute to this.

Help yourself!

How to maintain health and help the body fight disease? Among many people trying to find an answer to this seemingly eternal question, it is worthwhile to listen to Margham Vaharshakovna Ohanyan - a man who devoted most of his years to studying the important side of life. Candidate of Biological Sciences, a therapeutist by training, a biochemist with many years of experience in laboratory and medical activities, from whose pen came the book "Handbook of the Practical Doctor", "Environmental Medicine", "Golden Rules of Natural Medicine". Marva Ohanyan (photo above) is a popularizer of natural methods of treatment and developed a unique effective technique, based on starvation. It is aimed not only at removing toxins, cleaning the internal organs of dirt, sand, salts, stones, but also to maximize the activation of the body in resisting bacteria and viruses. According to Marva Ohanyan, this process is quite long (from 6 months to one year), but effective. The main thing is the right attitude and the desire to help oneself.

Marwa Ohanyan: biography

Year of birth, personal life, success in the medical field - all these details are of interest to the devotees of the technique of Marva Ohanyan - a native of Yerevan, who since her childhood dreamed of becoming a doctor. The State Medical University, which she successfully graduated, only strengthened the girl in her thoughts about the inefficiency of traditional medicine. Therefore, Marva did not become a doctor, she worked at the resorts of Armenia as a physiotherapist and resortologist, and she dedicated her life to biochemistry. Since 1980, Marha Vagarshakovna has been giving lectures on proper nutrition in different cities of Russia and abroad. He lives in Krasnodar, where he receives patients.

Marva Ohanyan: cleansing the body with herbs

Feedback from patients who used the method of Marva Vagarshakovna, confirm its effectiveness. Even those diseases that were beyond the power of traditional medicine, were cured by using herbal infusions.

Purification of the body (Marghah Ohanyan's technique) requires the presence of four important components: magnesium sulfate (magnesia), herbal collection, honey and a lot of lemons. If stomach diseases occur, it is recommended to replace English salt with three tablespoons of castor oil or decoction of herbs (a tablespoon diluted in a glass of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes). So, where to start?

Herbal infusion as an important part of the Ohanyan method

At 19.00 hours you need to take a salt laxative - 50 grams of English salt (magnesium sulphate powder), diluted in ¾ cup of warm water, immediately drink it with herbal decoction with lemon juice and honey, then lie on your right side for about an hour, Liver warmer. During this period, there is an expansion of the bile ducts and the removal of toxins. Within two hours (from 19.00 to 21.00) it is required to continue to drink herbal decoction, the total amount of which should be at least 5-6 glasses. At 21.00 it is required to go to bed. Marva Ohanyan argues that the condition of strict restriction of going to sleep is associated with bringing in correspondence with natural biorhythms of the human body. That is, it is necessary to fulfill the natural rule: to stay awake at night and sleep in the dark, because one of the key causes of all human diseases is the failure of the daily rhythm of the organism. In an optimum measure, the saturation of the human aura with energy occurs from 21.00 to 24.00 hours.

Herbal infusion recipe

To prepare the broth, you will need to collect herbs such as mint, oregano, sage, lemon balm, coltsfoot, chamomile, plantain, thyme, yarrow, spores, linden flowers, horsetail, motherwort, calendula flowers and valerian root. Two tablespoons of mixed in equal proportions of herbs should be poured with one liter of boiling water, insist for about half an hour, then strain and drink a glass hourly, adding to each serving 2-3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1-2 teaspoons of honey. The daily dosage is 10-12 glasses of herbal remedy. This abstinence from food does not bring physical suffering, because the body with herbal cocktails, lemon and honey gets a full meal, without spending any effort on the process of digestion. And this, in turn, gives him additional energy used for purification.

Bowel flushing

The next step, recommended by Marva Ohanyan, will be the washing of the large intestine from 5.00 to 7.00 am. This is done with a cleansing enema, the composition for which will be diluted in 2-3 liters of warm boiled water (37-38 degrees), a teaspoon of baking soda and a tablespoon of salt. To perform this procedure, you should use the knee-elbow position. Rubber enema tube, pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil, is required to enter the rectum. Enema should be done in a row 2-3 times for 7-10 days. Important point in these procedures: after the first enema, you can not eat anything, but drink only herbal decoction with lemon juice, pomegranate, currant, guelder rose, cherry and honey.

Burial of the nose

An important procedure for the body is the instillation of the nose during the fasting period. It is required to be performed after a cleansing enema; As a means for instillation should be used diluted juice cyclamen tuber (drop by drop into each nostril). Cleansing the sinuses with the help of this drug is guaranteed to save the body from the occurrence of colds. After instillation it is recommended to lie on your back for a few minutes, then get up and drink a hot herbal decoction with honey and lemon juice (2-3 glasses). Then it should be for 1-2 minutes to bend down to the floor, go up, wash your nose and face with hot water. You can be ignored with mint, fir oil, eucalyptus leaves or balsam "star". Cyclamen digging is required during the day twice (or even better three times) for 7-14 days. To prepare the remedy, you need to clean the cyclamen tuber, wash it, grate it, squeeze the juice out of the resulting gruel, pour it into a clean container and dilute it in distilled water in a 1: 5 ratio. The shelf life of the nose wash is 10 days in the refrigerator. As a result of this procedure, a large amount of mucus and pus is released from the paranasal sinuses, which are an excellent nutrient medium for the development of the influenza virus.

Correctness of fasting process

Fasting by the method of Marva Ohanyan should be continued for 7-10 days, depending on the general condition of the patient and his desire to take food. In the process of abstinence from food, there is a risk of nausea and even vomiting, but you should not be afraid: you just have to rinse your stomach by drinking 3-4 cups of boiled warm water with a diluted teaspoon of baking soda for each glass. The next action will be pressing on the root of the tongue, causing the vomiting effect. In the case of a cough with phlegm and purulent discharge, fasting should still continue until the end of these excretions. On the eighth day of treatment should be added to the decoction of drinking freshly squeezed vegetables and fruits. Very useful apple juice, a mixture of pumpkin, carrot and beet juice. Such fasting can be continued for 21 days to completely purify the body. Bowel washing during fasting should be daily.

Gradual exit from starvation

Marva Ohanyan advises after starting fasting food intake with great caution. In the first 4 days you can eat only mashed fresh fruits and vegetables: apples, oranges, tangerines, melons, watermelons, tomatoes. In this case, you should continue to drink 2-3 cups a day of herbal tea and juice from vegetables and fruits. The intake of food is required strictly in time: at 11, 15 and 19 hours. After 4 days to the fruit, you can add fresh salads from mashed vegetables with lots of greenery: parsley, dill, mint, cilantro. You can simply prepare salad from onions and greens and fill with lemon or berry juice, do not use butter and sour cream for about 10 days. Then in the menu you can enter baked vegetables: beets, onions, pumpkin. Vegetable oil in salads can be added after three to four weeks from the beginning of their use. Porridge (buckwheat, wheat, barley, oat), cooked on water with the addition of vegetable or butter, can be introduced into the diet after 2 months. Borscht and soups - only vegetables, with the addition of onions and butter after cooking (without sour cream or with its small amount).

The cleansing program should be resumed after three months and repeated for 1 or 2 years, without taking any medications. This is the only way to complete recovery.

After treatment should be excluded from the diet:

  • Dairy, meat and fish products.
  • Fish and meat broth.
  • Bread and flour products, because the yeast contained in them destroys the microflora of the body.

Carrying out cleansings 2 times a year under the program of Marva Ohanyan, a person is able to help himself and protect himself from a large number of diseases. Effective will be the course, passed at least 2 times a year, ensuring a complete cleansing of the body. For the entire period of use of this technique, you should refrain from taking medications and alcohol. It is not advisable to treat people with gastric diseases and predisposition to gastritis.

Correct organization of food

According to the methods of Marva Ohanyan, aimed at cleansing the body with natural juices and herbal decoctions, more than 10 000 people were able to recover from a number of diseases: Bechterew, hypertension with diabetes mellitus, allergies with bronchial asthma, infertility, excess weight and mastopathy. A large number of patients were inspired and believed in the way of health preservation, which is promoted by Marva Ohanyan. "Golden recipes of naturopathy" - a book in which the author conveys the idea that a person and his environment are a single whole, treatment should not be narrowly focused, and the causes of diseases are dirt: external and internal. Therefore, each person should monitor the cleanliness and eat right, understanding the benefits and harms of food. In books, lectures, conferences, Marwa Ohanyan, whose biography arouses sincere interest of her patients, she sets out the simplest rules of behavior and nutrition that help to avoid illness, and very much worries about ignorance of elementary rules for organizing her own diet.

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