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Low testosterone levels in men: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Testosterone is a steroid, or "male" hormone, which refers to an anabolic androgenic group. From its level in the blood depends physical strength. The work of many organs is also related to the content of this hormone and its activity. Even the mental and emotional state is affected by testosterone. Its shortcomings have serious consequences. To eliminate the existing deficit, one man has to radically change his way of life. Others need to take prescribed medications.

What is testosterone?

It is a hormone that is produced in large quantities by Leydig cells in the testicles of men. In an insignificant amount this substance is produced by the adrenal cortex. Among its main functions, doctors note the following:

  • Regulation of spermatogenesis;
  • Increased sexual desire;
  • Influence on muscle growth;
  • Ensuring nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism in the body;
  • Formation of secondary sexual characteristics.

Testosterone is of two kinds: biologically active and free. His indicators throughout the life of a person are changing. However, there are certain parameters, according to which the full-fledged masculine health at any age is determined. The norm is considered to fluctuate within 12-22 nmol / l.

Free testosterone has a greater effect on the body. He is responsible only for secondary sexual characteristics and attraction to the opposite sex. His level also depends on age. In a healthy body in men under 50, the norm is 5-30 nmol / l. After 50 years - 5-19 nmol / l. A low level of free testosterone in men (less than 5 nmol / L) is the reason for contacting a doctor.

It is worth noting that these indicators may vary depending on external factors and conditions of the laboratory where the analysis was performed. For example, after intensive exercise and before sexual intercourse, the content of testosterone in the blood usually increases. Its reduction sometimes indicates serious health problems that can not be ignored. The reasons for the low level of testosterone in men will be told just below.

Prevalence of pathology

With age, testosterone levels in the body are gradually decreasing. This condition in medical practice is known as "andropause".

For most members of the stronger sex, the so-called physiological decline begins at 30-35 years at a rate of 1-3% per year. This process stops after 50 years. A similar hormonal failure can happen at any age. Today, doctors are particularly concerned about the fact that the decrease in androgens is already observed in young men. The process speed is up to 5% per year.

The development of andropause occurs gradually. Therefore, the first symptoms of low testosterone levels in men remain unnoticed. If at this stage to consult a doctor and tell about the existing disorder, the situation can still be corrected. It is corrected by regular physical activity, proper nutrition and intake of vitamin-mineral complexes.

Causes of lack

All causes of development of andropause can be divided into three conditional groups: age, hereditary and the influence of external factors.

The age-related decline of testosterone is considered a natural process. If the failure occurred before 30-40 years, you should look for other reasons. Most often they hide in violation of the basic functions of the endocrine system.

Pathologies of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, dysfunction of the testicles - these disorders affect the synthesis of testosterone. They are usually characterized by an innate etiology. For example, many boys are born with underdevelopment of the testicles. The organ may be completely absent or have pronounced deviations. Sometimes the testicles are located outside the scrotum, which also causes disruption of their work.

Low testosterone levels in men may be due to external factors. Among them, special attention deserves:

  1. Unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol abuse, smoking).
  2. Low physical activity. Moderate exercise and strength exercises contribute to the synthesis of sex hormones. Excessive activity affects the opposite way.
  3. Deficiency of proteins, vitamins and minerals in the diet.
  4. Sexual abstinence, lack of a permanent sexual partner.
  5. Frequent emotional shocks. Stress contributes to increased production of adrenaline, which inhibits the production of testosterone.
  6. Excess body weight. Excess weight not only inhibits the production of androgens, but also stimulates the production of female sex hormones.
  7. Reception of some drugs (analgesics, antidepressants, potentia stimulants).

Certain diseases can also contribute to the development of andropause. These include hypertension, renal pathology, increased bilirubin levels.

What does a man with low testosterone look like?

For a strong half of humanity, this hormone plays an important role in life. It affects the development of the sexual organs, the level of libido and sexual possibilities. Testosterone is able to turn a man into a real superhero, to whom everything is within reach. Social and physical activity, happy fatherhood, willpower and muscle power all depend on the content of the hormone in the blood.

Reducing its indicators always indicates health problems. This hormone exerts a strong external effect on the body, its deficiency always manifests itself very vividly.

The main signs of low testosterone levels in men are:

  1. Permanent or temporary absence of sexual attraction.
  2. Decreased quantity and quality of erections.
  3. Appearance of depression, worsening of mood for no apparent reason.
  4. The development of gynecomastia, accompanied by abnormal growth of the mammary glands.
  5. Lack of pleasure from sex.
  6. Increasing urination, but the process itself becomes less pronounced.
  7. Physical weakness.
  8. Violation of cognitive functions (absent-mindedness, memory impairment).
  9. Insomnia, constant fatigue.

In men, a low testosterone level negatively affects the quality of life. Therefore, do not hesitate with medical help. At the first symptoms of the disorder, you should consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Methods of diagnosis

If you suspect a hormonal imbalance, you will need to undergo a comprehensive examination. It begins by examining the complaints of a potential patient. Qualified endocrinologist-doctor in most cases understand the preliminary diagnosis after studying the clinical picture. However, only one symptom is not enough to prescribe competent treatment. Therefore, the patient is assigned blood and urine tests. Additionally, bone tissue testing may be required, since low testosterone levels in men are often accompanied by osteopathy.

Blood sampling takes place in the morning hours. At this time, the hormonal background is most consistent with the real picture of overall well-being. The day before the examination it is recommended to give up excessive physical activity and sex.

Home Treatment

In a timely manner, a low level of testosterone in men can be lifted naturally. If the changes are minor, it is enough to observe a certain time of the diet, to limit the consumption of alcohol and smoking.

It is recommended to diversify the diet with seafood (shrimps, mussels, squid, seaweed). It is better to refuse animal fats. They can be replaced by plant. In large quantities, they are contained in pistachios, hazelnuts and other types of nuts. In general, such a diet is based on the principles of proper nutrition, when all harmful food is banned. Daily in the diet must be present lean varieties of fish, vegetables and fruits, cereals.

You can increase testosterone by moderate sports activity. Some men like running, others prefer to spend their free time in the hall. As for the latter, it is better to do with the coach and try not to overload the body.

Drug administration

Drug treatment for low testosterone in men is prescribed by a doctor. The help of medications is usually resorted to when the form of the disorder is neglected. In their composition, the hormone testosterone itself is present. Among such medicines, the most effective are: Nebido, Androgel, Andriol, Omnadren. They go on sale both in the form of tablets and capsules, and as a solution for injections.

Vitricks, Tribulus, Evo-Test are also used in the treatment of andropause. However, they do not contain testosterone, but the action is aimed at activating the natural production of the hormone.

The duration of such therapy, as well as the dosage of drugs, is determined by the doctor. Usually, after 2-3 weeks of treatment, the patient is asked to re-take tests. Based on their results, one can judge the dynamics of recovery, and, if necessary, adjust the dosage of drugs. In some cases, the medicines presented are prescribed for life.

Consequence of hormonal disorders

The symptoms presented just above show how dangerous the consequences of low testosterone levels in men can be. Lack of adequate treatment always leads to a decrease in the quality of life of a person. Over time, he develops hypertension, osteoporosis is not excluded. Many representatives of the stronger sex have to hear the diagnosis of "infertility."

When the hormonal disorder begins its development even in the pre-natal period, there is an incorrect formation of the genital organs. In some children, the genitals are formed according to the female type.

Methods of prevention

To restore hormonal balance, doctors advise to reconsider the way of life. Dosed physical exercise, proper nutrition, the absence of harmful habits - all this makes it possible to normalize the body. Benefit will bring a full night's rest.

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