
List of homeopathic medicines and their use

To date, we can talk about a steady increase in demand for various homeopathic medicines. The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the overdose taking place, as well as poisoning with traditional medicines. As an alternative to chemical products, consumers began to pay attention to natural, natural medicines.

The modern market offers homeopathic remedies for all existing diseases. The quality and effectiveness of these natural preparations are confirmed by the international certificates and diplomas attached to them.

The emergence of homeopathy

In the history of medicine, there is information about the possibility of treating similar ones. Still Hippocrates considered this principle one of the main components of medical practice. However, it was only after a few centuries that these approaches began to be applied in medicine.

For the first time the term "homeopathy" was introduced in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. This German doctor in his written work outlined a new approach to research practice, as well as the designation, application and manufacture of such medicines that were not part of the traditional pharmacy business.

The essence of homeopathy

What is this doctrine and what is its main task? Homeopathy is one of the directions of alternative medicine. Doctors who follow its principles use highly diluted drugs to treat the patient. What is their purpose? Homeopathic drug is able to cause in a healthy person the manifestation of symptoms similar to the symptoms of a disease. At the same time, the main principle of this direction starts to work, stating that such can be cured only by similar ones. Prescribing this or that natural remedy, the doctor seeks to put on the feet of his patient in the shortest possible time.

The difference between homeopathic drugs and pharmacological

What are natural remedies different from the usual drugs that are offered to us in pharmacies? The action of medicines used by traditional medicine is directed not at treatment, but at eliminating the main symptoms of the disease. The homeopathic preparation taken by man acts quite differently. What does it mean? This medicine will not remove the symptom, which is not a disease at all, but only its manifestation. Homeopathic preparation only supports the body, which itself knows how to eliminate pathology, in the struggle it will give new strengths for the appearance of a full-fledged reaction to the disease. This will speed up the entire treatment process.

In other words, the homeopathic remedy plays the role of a particular signal. It modifies or triggers human health without showing a direct bactericidal, virosostatic or other action.

What is included in the composition of homeopathic preparations

You can buy natural remedies for alternative medicine in pharmacies. At the same time, the list of homeopathic preparations is quite extensive, and the price for them is quite moderate. However, for the effective use of these tools, one must have an idea of their uniqueness and the differences that they possess in comparison with traditional medicines.

Many believe that the composition of homeopathic medicines includes only plants. However, it is not. Many other biological materials are also used for the production of these products. Among them - organs and tissues of mollusks, insects and animals, as well as metals and mineral elements.

Manufacture of homeopathic preparations

The preparation of these natural remedies has a complex and very complicated technology, consisting of alternations, shaking, weighing and dilution. All drugs on the list of homeopathic preparations are obtained by repeated dilution of the basic substance. This process is carried out in water or alcohol, which play the role of solvents. Then, the resulting substance is ground naturally.

A different kind of breeding can be applied in the process when a homeopathic preparation is prepared. What does it mean? The breeding is 10 times symbolized by the symbol "D", and in 100 - "C". Each of these species indicates the content of the active substance in the solution.

Breeding is carried out repeatedly. For example, each following "D" solution will contain the active substance ten times less than the previous one, and "C", respectively, in one hundred.

A standard list of homeopathic remedies includes means in medium and small dilutions. However, sometimes you can find drugs in which there is very little active substance. When they are created, a high (C30) dilution rate is applied.

Form of issue and use

The standard list of homeopathic remedies includes means for internal use, made in the form of granules and extracts. The latter form is considered the most effective in its effects on the body.

Before taking homeopathic medicines, the list and description of these natural remedies must be studied. This will help to choose the right direction of treatment and quickly get rid of the disease.

Homeopathic remedies are universal. They can be used not only for oral administration, but also for making compresses, rinses and lotions. Specialists-homeopathists talk about the complete safety of the drugs they recommend. The effect of these natural medicines will not cause side effects and allergic reactions. Impossible with their use and overdose. In this regard, homeopathic preparations are prescribed for patients of any age, including newborn children. They will not harm pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as people of advanced age.


Homeopathic remedies of domestic production are divided into two large groups:

- monocomponent;

- multicomponent, or complex.

The first kind of homeopathic remedy is prescribed only by a doctor of the appropriate direction. The specialist will write out the prescription, based on the individual characteristics of the patient's personality.

Complex preparations are often appointed by traditional medicine doctors as fortifying natural supplements. You do not need a prescription to buy these medicines.

Treatment of colds

To get rid of a cold or flu with the help of homeopathic remedies is not at all difficult. Correctly selected drug will strengthen health for several days after the onset of the disease.

When appointing the right remedy, the homeopathic physician draws attention to the specific symptoms of the patient. In addition, the specialist focuses on the individual characteristics of the patient. All these factors together lead to the fact that for different patients suffering from cold or flu, the doctor can prescribe various homeopathic medicines. Let us dwell on some of them.

So, during the onset of the disease, when there are pains in the throat region, muscle weakness and extreme fatigue, accompanied by fever, are often prescribed such a homeopathic remedy as Gelsemium. It should be taken every two hours. Recovery may occur on the same day.

With a heavier form of the disease, when a thick yellow mucus is formed in the ears and in the paranasal sinuses, it is recommended to take a remedy like Kalibich at the same time as Gelsemium. These homeopathic remedies for colds should be taken with a difference of ten minutes.

With the development of dry and strong cough, which is aggravated during the night, it is recommended to take a homeopathic remedy such as Bryonla. This eliminates the need for antibiotics.

However, the doctor, based on the patient's specific symptoms, may be assigned other homeopathic medicines that will produce the maximum effect in each particular situation. Correctly selected medicine will get rid of colds on the first day of their manifestation.

Hormonal preparations

What are the main causes of the development of the thyroid cyst, mastopathy, uterine fibroids, infertility, nodular goiter? The appearance of these pathologies occurs in connection with the imbalance of the hormonal background of the organism.

The balance of hormones in women is knocked down by pregnancy and menstrual cycles, as well as by breastfeeding. Stress and malnutrition can cause the pathology. Some hormone-dependent diseases are also found in men. Only they arise much less often.

Ordinary doctors are engaged in the treatment of a particular organ. The cause of the pathology itself is not eliminated. A large number of hormonal pharmacological agents are prescribed, which create even more violations in the body.

How to regulate the work of all glands and organs? For this, it is recommended to take homeopathic hormones. They will effectively and quickly get rid of pathology and will not cause any side effects. In the list of such funds are: Sepia and Lanchesis, Actea racemosa, Glonoin and many others. But it is worth remembering that a particular drug for the patient should be appointed by the doctor. This will allow to eliminate the existing problem as effectively as possible.

Natural remedies for allergies

Today a lot of people suffer from this pathology. Some of them feel the symptoms of ailment only in a certain period of the year, while in others the disease has already passed into a chronic stage.

Homeopathic remedies for allergies are treated based on the general principle of this direction. It says that like cures like that. The use of traditional medicines is ineffective. They only relieve the main symptoms, not bringing a full recovery. Unlike them, homeopathic preparations:

- Do not become addictive;

- allow the body to develop resistance to allergens;

- do not require a dose increase.

In the fight against allergies, the following homeopathic remedies can be recommended by a specialist:

- Allium of the chain;

- ragwort ragweed;

- Apis mellifika;

- arum trifillum, etc.

Independent selection of a remedy is possible only in the case of a slight manifestation of allergic reactions. In this case, the lack of a positive result will indicate that the choice of the drug is not done correctly.

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