Computers, Equipment
KVM switch for 2 computers (USB, HDMI, DVI, PS / 2, VGA connectors): operation principle, characteristics and reviews
The KVM switch is a device that commutes a large set of devices between two personal computers. Initially, models could only transmit signals from the monitor and keyboard with the mouse. Then there appeared switches with the possibility of sound processing. Modern models are produced with the support of CEC protocols. All this makes it possible to avoid many mistakes. They are due to the fact that the switch is not able to respond to system requests to disconnect devices.
The main parameters of the models include the bandwidth and the frequency of synchronization. Also the manufacturer must specify the number of ports on the panel. The minimum permissible temperature of the switches fluctuates around -15 degrees. In order to understand the devices more, one should consider the working principle of models.
The device and the principle of functioning
Each KVM switch on two USB computers consists of two parts. First and foremost, it is important to note the microprocessor unit. The specified element interacts with the keyboard, as well as with the mouse. This is due to the transmission of signals from the capacitors. Also, the microprocessor unit is responsible for emulation. A fuse is installed to protect the system.
The second element is the video switch. It consists of a thyristor block, and a set of resistors. With the help of short pulses, data exchange takes place. All this allows you to change the direction of video signals. As a result, the picture from several system blocks is displayed on one user's monitor.
Aten model specifications
KVM switch to 2 computers USB Aten is made with three ports. In this case, the minimum throughput does not exceed 4.5 Gbit per second. The maximum resolution is 1080p. The frequency of synchronization of the presented switch does not exceed 120 MHz. Level differences in the model are very rare. The minimum permissible temperature of the switch is no more than -15 degrees. The speed of differential signaling in this case is very high.
If you believe the consumers, problems with connecting the keyboard are rare. If you consider the disadvantages, it is important to note the small bandwidth of the video sensor. The threshold sound frequency of the model is about 80 kHz. In total, the model can support no more than five channels at a time. It is worth this KVM switch to 2 computers USB on the market in the area of 1300 rubles.
D Link Reviews
KVM switch for 2 computers USB D Link allows you to connect no more than two monitors. In this case, the amplifier is used with a protection system. The minimum throughput of the device is 5 Gbps. Support for 24-bit color will be implemented at high speed. According to buyers, errors when connecting devices are rare.
The limiting frequency of synchronization is at the level of 130 MHz. In this case, the model is capable of processing no more than four channels at a time. If we talk about shortcomings, it is important to mention the low wave resistance. With the transfer of a dual video stream, the model does not do well. Buy this switch user can at a price of 2200 rubles.
Model description Planet IKVM-8000
The specified KVM switch to 2 computers USB-VGA customer reviews deserves to be mostly positive. First of all it is important to note that it is produced on three ports. Protocols SES in this case are supported. The minimum throughput of the device is equal to 5.5 Gbit per second. According to buyers, problems with the transfer of high-definition video are rare. The reverse channel technology is provided in this case. The threshold synchronization frequency of the device does not exceed 210 MHz.
Level differences are observed infrequently. The minimum permissible switch temperature is -20 degrees. With the dynamic synchronization of video files, the model handles well. The "Side" system deserves special attention. First of all, it increases the processing speed of audio tracks. Also, "Side" helps when playing multi-channel tracks. This switch is sold at a price of 1700 rubles.
Device parameters Planet IKVM-8055
KVM switch for 2 computers USB-DVI Planet IKVM-8055 is sold with four ports. The throughput of the device is 3 Mbit per second. First of all, it is important to note that the model is capable of processing high-resolution video streams. The threshold synchronization frequency is 240 MHz. Problems with decoding in the model are rare.
According to the owners, video files are reproduced without any questions. Problems with synchronization of the signal are rare. Protocols CEC system supports. The minimum permissible switch temperature is -15 degrees. The wave resistance index oscillates around 12 ohms. It is also important to note that the maximum audio frequency is at 120 kHz. You can buy this switch on the market for 1600 rubles.
Characteristics of the Planet IKVM-8090
Planet IKVM-8090 is a compact and inexpensive KVM switch for 2 USB computers. Autoscan devices, according to users, a lot of time does not take away. Often the model is purchased for large corporations. First of all, it is important to mention the high parameter of the threshold synchronization frequency. The index of the wave resistance in this case does not exceed 23 ohms.
At one time the system is capable of processing as many as six channels. The video switch in the model is provided with support for CEC protocols. Level differences are observed infrequently. However, there are still drawbacks in the device. First of all, customers note a low throughput. Also, the model has problems with the color rendering of the AP format. Said switch for the price of 1300 rubles.
Edimax EK-PAK2 Reviews
Many buyers respond well about this switch. The throughput of the device is quite high. It should also be noted that the model supports high-resolution video streams. The device synchronization threshold is 120 MHz. The reverse sound technology of the model, unfortunately, is not provided. However, problems with subsampling are rare.
The wave impedance does not exceed 12 ohms. The minimum permissible switch temperature is -15 degrees. Decoding speed is high. Also, you should add the ability to process multithreaded data. In total, the model has three ports. Sold the device at a price of 2300 rubles.
Model description Edimax EK-PAK3
The specified KVM switch on 2 computers USB-PS 2 definitely deserves the attention of users. A distinctive feature of this model is the high threshold synchronization frequency. It is also important to note that the device has a standard set of commands for processing audio signals. The value of the wave resistance is no more than 13 ohms.
The limiting sound frequency of this model is 120 KHz. As the buyers say, problems with the recognition of the system unit are very rare. The speed of differential signaling in this case depends on the system load. You can buy this switch for 2100 rubles.
Edimax EK-PAK5 device parameters
These switches are produced with high quality video readers. If you believe the buyers, then the devices are recognized by the system very quickly. In this case, the user can connect up to three monitors. The threshold synchronization frequency of the device is equal to as much as 150 MHz. All major compression formats the system supports. If necessary, the processing speed of data can be reduced.
The throughput of this switch is 5 Mbit per second. The decoding speed in this case depends on the system load. All major compression formats the model supports. The minimum permissible temperature of the switch is equal to as much as -20 degrees. The maximum sound frequency of the device is at 110 kHz. If necessary, it is possible to connect switches. This model is for sale at a price of 2300 rubles.
Characteristics of the model Eusso UKS8102
This KVM switch for 2 USB computers is based on a powerful microprocessor unit. The throughput of the device is equal to 5.5 Mbit per second. In this case, one fuse is installed. The threshold synchronization rate is at the level of 130 MHz. All major compression formats the device supports. However, it should be noted that the switch sometimes has problems with the recognition of system blocks. In this case, the PP protocol does not support the device.
At one time the system is capable of processing no more than three incandescence. The maximum audio frequency of the switch is 80 kHz. As a rule, data decoding does not take much time. The minimum permissible temperature of the switch is -20 degrees. The wave resistance of the device is 12 ohms. Buy the specified switch can be priced from 1200 rubles.
Model description Eusso UKS8133
This KVM switch for 2 USB-HDMI computers is notable for its compactness. It is also important to note that the device has three ports. In this case, problems with color reproduction appear infrequently. Protocols CEC switch supports. The throughput of the device is equal to 5 Mbps. If necessary, you can connect the switch to the device. The threshold synchronization frequency is 240 MHz.
In total, the model can process up to five channels at a time. Problems with data compression are rare. According to buyers, the process of recognizing devices does not take much time. The maximum audio frequency of the modification is at 80 kHz. In the store, this KVM switch for 2 USB computers is sold at a price of 2400 rubles.
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