
Kon - what is it? Meaning of the word

There are words that, although often used by people, but rarely who really understands their meaning. This includes the noun "con". Meanwhile, there is more than one meaning. There are several of them. Each of them has its own history. So, what is "con", where did this word come from and what does it mean?

The basic lexical meaning of the word "con"

According to one of the largest and most authoritative linguistic publications of the XIX century. - the dictionary of Dahl, from the very beginning the Slavs had this term, not one but several meanings.

  1. The border, the end, destruction . Hence the roots of one-root words - "skunk", "finish off", "end" - in the meaning of "lime," "disappear," "end."
  2. The queue, order . So there were phrases: "from time immemorial", "from time immemorial".

Also in the old days people actively used words derived from the "con" lexeme. This is to hog (root), conobot (to make noise, to ruffle), to horse (start something) . Unfortunately, most of these verbs have long been out of active use and are only history.

Most likely, the term "kon" in its original meaning was inherited by the Russian language from the Proto-Slavic. In favor of this hypothesis is the presence of single-root words with a similar meaning in Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish. So, in the modern Ukrainian language, one-root words are actively used: konati / skonati (torturing, dying), vikonavets (one who does something or plays on stage). In Polish, the word wykonawca ("performer") has been preserved. And in the Belarusian - "vykonvats" ("perform").

Other values

However, in due course the originally Slavic meaning of the word "kon" was ousted from the Russian language. Instead, the noun was adapted to a consonant English name game con. Thanks to this word began to be used in the meaning of "betting in gambling" or a synonym for "game game".

And although for a long time the aforementioned word was actively used by the people, it was increasingly used as the name of a special place in the game "in grandmas" or "in small towns", where you had to hit with a stick. Probably, this element of the game was named so because it was at the end.

By the way, players who put something in the game in the game, used to be called "konovschikami", but gradually this word was forgotten.

Proper name

If in Russian this noun refers to the names of common nouns, in other languages there are anthroponyms (names of people), place names (geographical names) and even theonyms (names of deities) Kon.

So, the French have one of the largest catholic (administrative-territorial unit, consisting of several communes, part of the district) is called Caulnes, which is pronounced and translated into Russian as "Kon". A similar name also belongs to one of the communes in France, located three hundred kilometers from Paris.

In the history of the world, many outstanding personalities bearing the Cohn surname are known. Among them, the Nobel laureate of 1998 - the theoretical physicist Walter Kohn, and the first in history female architect Lotte Kohn.

Despite the fact that this name is most often found among the Germanic peoples, several local Celebrity Kohns are also known. The most successful of them are the Soviet economist, scientist and teacher Alexander Kon; One of the founders of sociological school in the USSR - Igor Kon, and world-famous pianist of the late XIX - first half of XX centuries. - Paul Cohn.

Incidentally, the ancient Incas worshiped the deity of wind and rain, which they called Kohn.

Proverbs and sayings with the word "con"

This noun for several centuries is actively used in Russian and related Slavic languages. Proof of this are numerous Russian proverbs with him.

  • The cattle have gone to us, the case.
  • From the law, calm, spokon, from the very beginning.
  • Do not trust the first stake.
  • Head at stake.
  • He is not our stake (in the sense of not our circle).
  • Either at the end, or out .

What is the significance of the Latin element KOH

The inorganic compound of potassium hydroxide, called simply "potassium alkali" in the people, has the chemical formula KOH.

If his fellow NaOH is most often used to make lump soap, then using KOH create liquid soaps, shower gels, shampoos and dishwashing liquid.

However, this is not the only industry of application of potassium alkali, since the value of the Latin KOH element for industry is very high. It is used as an electrolyte in alkaline batteries, and also as a detergent for increased acidity. With the help of this chemical compound paper, artificial rubber, fertilizers, and also some medical preparations are made. Potassium alkali is even included in some products under the guise of food additive E525. Also, KOH is often used in industrial cooking for gentle cleaning of fruits and vegetables.

However, it is important not to forget that the alkali is KOH. What is this, every schoolboy who has studied chemistry knows. In the concentrated state, any alkali is very dangerous for human health. In particular, it is capable of destroying most organic compounds. So, hitting on the skin or mucous membranes, KOH is able to cause deep chemical burns, so when working with it, you must wear protective goggles, gloves and rubberized clothing.

Alien message KON

Those who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence and the fact that higher beings from other galaxies are watching the human race and are planning to make contact in the near future know another meaning of "KOH". What is this? Abbreviation for "Coalition Detachment of Observers".

Many people are familiar with the widespread theory that in 1929, on radio waves, mankind was given a multi-hour message, broadcast in 4 languages. It described the existence of the Galactic Coalition, which includes about 220,000 reasonable races. A detachment of observers of this Coalition has been watching the development of earthlings for many centuries, and now they are invited to join them. Firstly, because humanity has reached the necessary level, and also because in the near future the gravitational cyclone, capable of destroying the Earth along with its inhabitants, will approach the Solar system. At the same time, the Galactic Coalition has sufficient resources to help the race of people survive in the impending catastrophe.

Today, many ufologists are arguing about whether this message is true or whether it is a clever hoax.

The prefix "con-" and its meaning

In Russian, "con" can act not only as a separate word, but also as a prefix. The value of the prefix "Kon-" was borrowed from Latin together with the prefix con-. In Russian, it is correlated in meaning with the prefix "c / co" and means "convergence", "connection".

With the help of this prefix, such well-known nouns as the context (tex, clarifying the meaning of a word or utterance), a confederation (the union of states or organizations), and others have been formed.

A variety of prefix "kon-" in Russian

From Latin also came the prefix "com-". In terms of its lexical meaning, it is a kind of the above-mentioned "con" (what is this and what role does it perform, indicated in the previous paragraph).

With the help of "com-" there were such names: overalls, combine, kit, composition and commune . An attentive person will notice that most of these words came to Russian from other languages. This is a correct observation, since many of the examples cited are of Latin origin and came to Russian already with prefixes "kon-" and "kom-".

Having dealt with the word "con" (what is it, what role it plays and where it came from), it is worth noting that in this case the old Russian name merged with the consonant borrowed nouns from other languages. There is a sad tendency, when the original meaning of this word was ousted by a foreign one. Such cases gradually deprive any language of its individuality and uniqueness. It remains to be hoped that in the future Russians will appreciate and cherish their native language and will not allow the destiny of the noun "kon" to be overcome by other primordially Russian words.

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