
Hyphenic spelling of adverbs: rules, examples

Spelling of adverbs is a section in spelling. Difficulties in proper use on the letter of this part of the speech often arise. The hyphenic spelling of adverbs is the subject of this article.

Prefix "by"

One of the most common spelling mistakes is the spelling of adverbs formed from adjectives or pronouns and having endings to -th, -th, -y, -ki. If in words such as Russian, in another way, schoolchildren do not often make mistakes, in other cases, even adults experience difficulties.

The hyphenic spelling of adverbs is appropriate in the presence of a prefix "on". Examples:

  1. Do you think that everything you do should not be criticized?
  2. In an amicable way , this essay on the work of Alexander Kuprin must be completely rewritten.
  3. She embraced him in a friendly way that he did not at all like
  4. In French, even the maid spoke in this aristocratic house.
  5. The girl resembled a cat: she walked like a cat , her movements were distinguished by softness and incredible plasticity.
  6. He still returned home at dawn and preferred to not answer any questions of his wife.
  7. The girl went into the apartment of her future stepmother and looked at her masterfully .
  8. She visited the pool three times a week for a year, but she learned how to swim only in canine .

It is important not to confuse such cases with such words as little by little, for a long time, less, more.

Possessive pronouns

You should also mention examples that are found, as a rule, in art works. A hyphenated spelling of adverbs is used if parts of speech are formed from possessive pronouns. Examples:

  1. The poet immensely loved the work of the prose writer Dovlatov, and therefore the words "It sounds like a silver one " became the highest praise from his lips.
  2. She imitated her sister in everything. She even quarreled with her mother in a different way .

Sophisticated adjectives

A hyphenic spelling of adverbs also occurs when these parts of speech have a prefix "by" and are formed from two bases. But this does not mean that in these words one should put two spelling signs. The word Social Democrat is written through a hyphen. The adverb formed from this noun and the prefix "by" will have only one spelling character. Examples:

  1. They held meetings, as they thought, in a social democratically , and therefore - shouted socialist slogans and loudly argued about the issues of the labor movement.
  2. His father and grandfather were non-commissioned officers. He also had this rank. And that's why he always behaved like an entertainer and, that is, he played a lot in cards and started intrigues with the cabaret singers.

The prefix "in"

The hyphenic spelling of adverbs, the examples of which are given above, imply the use of the same sign. But there are adverbs consisting of several particles and two or more hyphens. For example: in the twenty-fifth, in the hundred-thirty-fourth.

Everybody knows the simpler constructions. The hyphenic spelling of adverbs (the spelling rule is included in the seventh class program) is always used when the prefix "c" is present. Examples:

  1. First , the student was late for the exam.
  2. Secondly , he did not attend a single seminar for a semester.
  3. Thirdly , he again failed the exam.

The affix "then"

The hyphenic spelling of adverbs (the table of rules and examples is presented below) is appropriate in such words as once, somehow, somewhere, from somewhere, for some reason. Examples:

  1. For some reason, he thought that if he left today, he would lose her forever.
  2. Somewhere far away, guns thundered and shells exploded.
  3. Once he returned home angry and told her everything that haunted her for many years.
  4. They tried with all their might to hide from the public all that was happening in the house, but from somewhere the information, despite all the efforts, still seeped.

The affix "either"

A hyphen is also written adverbs from somewhere, ever. Examples:

  1. Vasiliev - the most gifted student, from all that she ever had.
  2. Maybe someone would have played this role, but the director needed an actor of this type.

Other cases

Adverbs with affixes of "something", "something" are not combined adjectively or separately. Writing such parts of speech can only be hyphenated. Examples:

  1. Someday you'll remember those words.
  2. She wrote the composition somehow .

Through a hyphen, the words formed by repetition are also written. Examples:

  1. He remembered exactly that the night light in her room burned that evening barely .
  2. In his new book there was a bit of flattery, a bit of lies, and nemerenos pathos.
  3. The boy was spoiled, completely unfit for everyday life, and at the age of seven he could not tie the laces in crosswise .
  4. Mother tightly tied the girl over her coat with a thick woolen scarf and sent her to the street.
  5. Little by little he learned to write simple simple phrases in German.
  6. Unexpectedly arrived to visit his beloved aunt from a deep Saratov village.
  7. Hearing these rude and unfair words, his father advised him to get out of the way of health .
  8. From the bay-barrack such serious decisions are not accepted.
  9. In the lessons of mathematics, he has since been quietly syring and even sometimes answered questions from the teacher.
  10. Perhaps they were able to carry out this task threesome.

The article outlines the rules and explanations for the topic "Merge and hyphenic spelling of adverbs." The table below contains information in a more concise form.

Through a hyphen Foldable Apart
Adverbs with a prefix Adverbs that are derived from adjectives Adverbs formed from a noun and a preposition
Adverbs with prefix in- Complex Adverbs
Adverbs, which are formed by luring Place Adverbs
Adverbs with affixes are either,

Adverbs, which are formed from single-root words

On-mountain is a word from technical terminology. This dialect is always written through a hyphen.

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