Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Kittens in a dream - what's this for?

A cat is a mysterious creature. Many legends, legends, and even scientific research speak about the extraordinary qualities of this pet. If you believe some of them, the cat is able to treat the most severe and even incurable ailments. She finds the source of the disease from her beloved master, lies down on a sore spot and pulls the disease on herself, sometimes dying after that. Similar to a fairy tale, history is confirmed by many examples from life.

The cat, thanks to its amazing, unusual intuition, can predict some important and, often, unpleasant event. For example, on restless behavior of a cat in earthquake zones predict an earthquake. To see a cat or kittens in a dream is doubly important. Double - because sleep is also seen by many as a sign sent from above. And so, when a dream and a cat cross in the mind of a person prone to mysticism, it takes a lot of work to understand and decipher this mysterious sign.

What can be nicer and prettier than the little kittens? In a dream, we see everything that once fell into the sphere of our attention, even if it happened unconsciously. They glanced at a face and it was permanently imprinted in our minds, in the cells of our brain. And you do not know when this person will "come up" from the depths of memory. Often this happens just in a dream. Therefore, should not surprise and the most incomprehensible dream: a cat with kittens dreamed or the launch of a space rocket. And yet, we associate more with the cat with more expectations and fears. Numerous dream books, published long ago or modern, interpret dreams, helping people who are concerned about the night vision, to find peace or, on the contrary, to try to prevent trouble. Kittens in a dream - it's not so nice, as in reality. As any dream book, kittens, a lot of them or a little, necessarily foreshadow troubles. But here there are some nuances. Kittens are different, and dreams with kittens are talking about different things.

If you dreamed of dead kittens in a dream, then, according to interpreters, you will create trouble yourself. After such a dream, you should analyze your behavior, relationships with others: are you doing everything right? Maybe something should be changed. Believe you are dreams or not, but to engage in such introspection is never harmful, and in addition it will not bring anything.

The color of the kitten seen in the dream also matters. So, a small white kitten, who appeared in a dream, warns about the deception that threatens you. Be careful and not too gullible. A black kitten is a trap for you. Take a closer look at friends and acquaintances: does this threat come from them.

And if you suddenly dream of a whole cat family - a cat with little kittens - is a sign that you are not completely clean before others: in your plans (maybe it's subconscious?) - to make someone unhappy. But remember: in return you will get even more trouble. The dream is interpreted in accordance with the old biblical truth: do unto others as you want them to do to you.

If you dream of dirty, thin, sick kittens - in a dream it is reported that the little things of life distract you from something important and significant. Look around, maybe you miss the main thing, immersed in everyday vanity.

As we see, the interpretation of dreams about cats and kittens is not so primitive and naive. Even if you are not superstitious, do not believe in black cats and dreams with kittens, useful tips from old dream books will certainly be useful to you, make you look at the habitual way of life in a new way, change something for yourself in the best. In any case, do not be alarmed if you saw a cat with cats in a dream, and read the interpretation of dreams based on age-old folk wisdom, and draw the right conclusions.

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