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Is it possible for pregnant women to have nonalcoholic beer

Pregnancy is a very surprising and at times unpredictable period in a woman's life. During pregnancy, the expectant mother changes very much, and these changes relate not only to appearance and physiology: character and habits, and mood also change. A special theme is a change in taste preferences. The main stereotype associated with pregnancy is that from the first days the pregnant woman should allegedly pull on salted. Indeed, sometimes it happens, but not as often as it is customary to think. There are also more frequent flavoring aberrations, for example, an irresistible craving for beer. It is celebrated by many future mothers. As a rule, it is caused by a deficiency in the body of pregnant B vitamins, and therefore it is worth consulting with a doctor to resolve this issue. However, the passion for a foamy drink will not quickly pass, and still there will be a question: how to be? Of course, alcohol during pregnancy is highly undesirable, and the first thing that comes to mind is non-alcoholic beer. Is it possible for pregnant women to have nonalcoholic beer?

In fact, this question does not have an unambiguous answer in view of its apparent knowledge. Quite accurately, you can say that with swelling and kidney problems any beer should not be consumed, but this rule also applies to non-pregnant citizens, regardless of sex. Further, then, whether alcohol-free beer is harmful to pregnant women depends on how good it is: often in such beer, nothing is left of the beverage - these are continuous concentrates, flavors, preservatives and nothing natural. It is unlikely that there will be any benefit from this solution, however, usually pregnant women feel it and will not drink such a drink, because it will cause extremely unpleasant taste sensations, very far from expected. This is due to the fact that a pregnant woman exacerbates the perception of taste and smell - a special protective mechanism designed to prevent the consumption of poor quality foods.

Disputes over whether alcohol-free beer can be pregnant are also being carried out because pregnant women often have digestive problems, in particular heartburn, and from any beer it becomes very pronounced, and perhaps a couple of minutes of pleasure is not worth following Hours of torment. But with some digestive disorders, in particular, constipation, beer can be very useful.

Also, there is no unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink non-alcoholic beer, or better natural live, but in smaller quantities. Here doctors are not at all unanimous: someone believes that a glass of live beer once a week will not hurt, and someone believes that kefir should be used with extreme caution. By the way, a pregnant woman without pathological attachment to alcoholic beverages is unlikely to drink more than one hundred and two hundred grams of regular beer, and, perhaps, by satisfying her cravings, will no longer dream about it. But the effect of alcohol on the fetus may be unpredictable - sometimes even very small doses can create a teratogenic effect, so you should not take risks.

The question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to be non-alcoholic beer remains open: on the one hand, any retail product available, even the best quality drink contains preservatives - otherwise it would be stored for a long time, and on the other hand, perhaps timely satisfaction of this Desire will not allow him to develop into an obsession, spoiling the mood of a pregnant woman, and so unstable and unpredictable. Whether alcohol-free beer is worth it to pregnant women or not is up to them to decide, but it is only necessary to take into account the general state of the body, especially the kidneys, the load on which during this period is already great. Perhaps you just need to put in order the diet and enrich it with the required nutrients, the lack of which says this craving. In any case, the consultation of a competent specialist will not hurt.

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