HealthAlternative Medicine

Irina Filippova: a life-long mushroom study

Alternative therapies are very common all over the world. Some refer to them skeptically, others prefer to engage in self-medication, using a universal recipe "still our grandmothers did so". However, there are people for whom non-traditional medicine has become a matter of all life, but the approach to it has been chosen quite scientifically.

Fungotherapy - what is it and where from?

One of the most interesting branches of non-traditional modern medicine, undoubtedly, is fungotherapy - the technique of treatment with mushrooms. This unusual direction came to us from the Far East more than 2 thousand years ago. Even then, the Chinese physician Wu Xing described more than 100 different types of medicinal mushrooms that grow in Japan and China.

By the way, the treatment of fungi in these countries belongs to the official medicine, and is used quite often and successfully. Mushroom ingredients are included not only in cosmetic and homeopathic remedies, they are actually included in complex therapy of oncological, cardiac and a number of other serious diseases.

Russian Fungotherapy

Where, how not in our country, mushrooms are found everywhere? In Russia, there are about 500 species of mushrooms, of which about 30 species we use for food. However, not only edible mushrooms are taken from people from the forest. Special experts sometimes take fly agarics and other inedible representatives. This indicates that the people have long known about the healing properties of mushrooms and often use them. Of course, this is not official knowledge, and it is passed from generation to generation behind the scenes, as it were, "from mouth to mouth", as folklore. Therefore, it is difficult even to say roughly when this trend began. However, today in Russia, fungotherapy is already widely studied, even officially, and from a medical point of view.

The largest Fungotherapy Center is located in St. Petersburg. It is headed by the physician-fungotherapist Irina Filippova. The biography of this woman at all stages of life is inseparably linked with the genus of her activity.

The way to fungotherapy

Irina Irina Filippova herself told facts from life: interest in fungotherapy arose not only because her grandfather was a great connoisseur of medicinal properties of mushrooms and instilled in her granddaughter an interest in this knowledge, but also from a predisposition to hypertension. The fact is that my grandmother and mother had serious heart problems. And Irina Filippova, after the birth of the first child - at 25 years old - felt the first warnings of heredity, namely increased blood pressure, dots before her eyes, dizziness. Treatment with traditional methods did little to help. Tincture from mushrooms on Cahors helped to cope with this problem.

Neighborhood with the famous witch doctor Nastia, who cooked a tincture of joke, snuff, mushroom umbrella and a number of other ingredients, brought Irina Filippova priceless knowledge about the medicinal properties of mushrooms.

Naturopath in conviction

Do not often see a doctor who has worked for many years in traditional medicine, through the hands of not one hundred seriously ill patients and who has revised his views, becoming a convinced naturopath. In this case it is Irina Filippova. Personal life unfolded her views of a very conservative physician almost 180 degrees. And this story, of course, is connected with children, because it is the illness of one's own child that is the strongest stimulus for revaluation of values.

The first child fell ill with otitis in one month, and, naturally, a course of antibiotics was prescribed. And then the allergy, the transition to bronchial asthma. And an endless vicious circle: medicines - allergy - medicines - reduced immunity - disease - medicines. And then a volitional decision was made, a radical change in the approach to treatment and, in general, the way of life in general. The treatment consisted mainly of hardening, treatment with natural remedies and raising of immunity in natural ways: sun therapy, air baths, massage, etc.

The result surpassed all expectations, the child grew absolutely healthy. Of course, this only strengthened the belief in the correctness of the choice. And then the research and the search for like-minded people have already started.

Mushroom greenhouse in St. Petersburg

Irina Filippova is a doctor-therapist. After graduating from a medical college and working for several years as a medical worker, she began to study the useful and medicinal properties of various fungi. Behind Irina Filippova, she has invaluable experience and knowledge in breeding mushrooms and obtaining from them the most valuable elements. Its fungocenter is engaged in the development and manufacture of various dietary supplements, which are basically based on mushroom components.

It is known that fungi absorb very strongly the compounds of heavy metals, that is why it is practically impossible to find a material for making additives in nature, especially for mass production. In the center of Irina Filippova there is a network of production hangars where mushrooms are grown. Under strict supervision of specialists, the specimens obtained are checked in the laboratories for ecological purity, quality and availability of a sufficient number of useful elements.

When heat treated, fungi lose their unique properties, the structure of phytoncides and polysaccharides breaks down. Therefore in special laboratories they use sparing technology and extract a certain extract - so to speak, a concentrate of useful substance.

Noteworthy is also the existence of its own newspaper "Mushroom Pharmacy", through which the population is informed of new products, developments and describes the full range of products.

The branches of the center are already open in several large cities: Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk.

Not a cure, but an alternative

Of course, serious diseases, especially such as oncology, heart diseases, nerve-paralytic, in no case should ignore the methods of traditional medicine. Undoubtedly, in these cases, going to the doctor is the only right decision. And even Irina Filippova tries to avoid the word "treatment" in relation to their dietary supplements. Mushroom supplements are not a panacea for all diseases, it is a method of maintaining the body and helping to activate immunity during illness and during rehabilitation. It is important to remember that neither the doctor, nor anyone else can give an absolute guarantee of recovery in this or that case. The use of bioadditives is a conscious choice of each person.

Above shows Irina Filippova, photo taken on the program "Malakhov plus."

However, the scientific works of Irina Filippova and the research of the fungocenter undoubtedly prove that the properties of fungi have a positive effect on the course of the disease, and this, of course, is another weighty argument in favor of fungotherapy.

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